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Lost Lore

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Everything posted by Lost Lore

  1. As for Ditto-ceus, there will never be a time when I am unamused by making it absolutely useless with Prankster Confide + Light Screen courtesy of my Meowstic, and then letting the rest of my team clean up~
  2. Reaper Cloth is at the Celestinine Cascade, across the water from Fiore Mansion. You'll need Surf and to do a bit of pillar hopping to get to it.
  3. It does have a point- on a sunny day, you can find Helioptile there. Honestly though, there's nothing unfair about it. As the next episode rolls around, some things are deemed too effective in the early game and thus get pushed back. The idea behind this is to get people to use things they might not have considered before, rather than getting super powerful Pokemon really early on. And really, that's the best way to find out that something unexpected works better than you thought it would~
  4. Why is there literally no love for Rampardos in here? Look at that massive Attack stat, look at that awesome Head Smash that wouldn't exist without its introduction! I know it's frail and slow but... well, most fossils aren't exactly fast, anyway, are they? ...I think you can tell who my favourite is based on that, yeah. Stats aside, I really like its design and its colour scheme. Especially the shiny one. But why didn't they give it Rock Head, seriously, what? Armaldo, Archeops, and Aurorus are all pretty rad, too. Especially the last one with both its pretty frills and that gorgeous cry. Shame about the typing, though. :c
  5. My account was made after Episode 11 was released~ But I'd been around lurking and played Reborn since Episode 10.
  6. I'm guessing I'm supposed to vouch for just my main file so... Keep in mind that most of these were when I was quite new to Reborn and didn't know what I was doing. Some that gave me difficulty back then wouldn't so much now. ~Episode 10~ Julia: Two tries. I actually ended up defeating her with the most ridiculously gimmicky Double Team strategy- it's kind of nice not to have to resort to that anymore. (Not that I could, since Ralts got pushed back a while ago.) Florinia: Two tries, I believe? The Cradily did not give me nearly as much grief because I'd started with Tepig and used Pignite's Defense Curl to counter Curse boosts. Corey: I'm... pretty sure this was two tries, that Crobat was tricky to deal with. I don't remember exactly how it went off the top of my head though. Shelly: One try, due to a lucky Power Gem crit on Yanmega. Heat Crash also smashed Volbeat and it was clean up from there. Shade: Three tries. I'd get to Chandelure and then it'd smash my face in. Finally defeated it with a lot of help from Azumarill and a finishing hit from Persian. Kiki: One try. Dusclops and Gardevoir were both very useful for this battle. Aya: I'm... not sure how many tries, being honest, definitely more than three though. I also don't recall how I finally managed to beat her, although I'm sure that Marowak I caught just for her was involved. Tl;dr yeah pre-E11 Aya was a nightmare OTL Serra: One try. Drought Ninetales. Need I say more? (I also got pretty lucky in that no one missed even with Brightpowder spam, so... there was that, too.) Noel: Three tries, I think? I do believe I used Cofagrigus to take Swellow's ability to hit so hard away from it, and Emboar did a good job smashing through Cinccino and Clefable (mind you that this was before Gen VI retyped it to Fairy). Radomus: One try. I got reasonably lucky with a Focus Blast miss, but other than that... and the AI being a bit wonky (yes pls Surf on my Roserade), not too bad. ~Episode 11~ (from here, should be the episode that Gym leader was introduced, by the way) Luna: One try, narrowly. Honchkrow nearly ended me, thankfully Skuntank was faster and took it down with Explosion. Samson: One try. Noivern did a lot of the work here, Boomburst being buffed by the field + Air Slash for Chesnaught. Gardevoir took down the Conkeldurr pretty easily. Charlotte: One try. Courtesy of my new favourite gimmicky Rain Dance + Skill Link Rock Blast strategy. (This was when she still lead with Drought, mind you, so Rain Dance turned the field to Rainbow.) Basically used nothing but Meowstic and Cinccino for that battle, yeah. Terra: One try. Although Swampert had his work cut out for him taking that Garchomp down... Draco Meteor hurts. ...I don't know if this means I've wisened up across episodes or that my team has gotten better. Actually, it's probably a bit of both. P.S. His name is not Randomus. Gdi how many times do I have to say this?
  7. Usually all of my Pokemon put it work, although I do always have that one that's one level above the others that I consider my ace. For the main file, that is Cantus, my Meowstic, who is perfectly capable of holding his own- he's not just relegated to setting up dual screens. Mind you that the latter of those is a great help in itself, and is not to be overlooked. For the item hunting run, as it usually is (main file is the sole exception), my ace is my starter, Blaziken. I would say this even without the deadly Speed Boost + Bulk Up combo. (Although I honestly... can't remember the last time I needed to use Bulk Up- he hits plenty hard enough without it.) Those aside, let's see... Swampert in the main file has quite a bit of bulk and is no slouch when it comes to hitting hard, and then there's Gardevoir... who has gotten me out of a fair share of tight spots. Item hunting run... Gourgeist is my boss slayer with his dreaded leech burns (Leech Seed + Will-o-Wisp), but Escavalier most certainly can't be overlooked. ...like I said, it's hard to pinpoint just one, everyone puts in work~
  8. I want to make individual replies but right now I feel like I'm about ready to drop the fuck out on the floor because of how sleepy I am so I'm just going to say THANK YOU ALL OF YOU OKAY THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 <3 <3 And I'm going to try to get some sleep soon I swear OTL no one tell me to
  9. Would this dancing Dragonite be... dancing for no reason? Stupidest roadblock ever, that. Even if we had Super Rod now... we still wouldn't have access to Dratini. Because there's one other detail that needs to be taken into account. One which I'm not going to say. And even if that detail weren't an issue... Ame could always just remove Dratini from that place. Tl;dr Super Rod =/= Dratini get. We'll get it whenever it shows up on the obtainable list, probably not for another couple episodes at least. Much to the pain of my poor, suffering heart.
  10. -Togekiss: Skuntank leads for me. Screech, Air Slash. Was anticipating Body Slam or Nasty Plot or... something besides that. Poison Jab, Togekiss is KO'd. -Archeops: Switched to Meowstic, set up a Reflect. She used Rock Slide. Rock Slide again (it was faster than him, figures), Psychic from me. Hyper Potion, Psychic. Rock Slide, Psychic, dead Archeops. -Noivern: Out comes Swampert. Dragon Pulse, Swampert gets a crit with Ice Beam, dead Noivern. Ice Beam usually helps out okay but not all that much because he's Adamant, but, hey, I'll take it. -Gliscor: Acrobatics, used Ice Beam again, it tanked the hit, of course. Hyper Potion, I used Waterfall, it tanks that too. I go for another Ice Beam, but... she switched: -Talonflame: She goes for Swords Dance, I used Waterfall. Rip Talonflame. -Gliscor round 2: She goes for Earthquake, crit, Swampert KO'd. I switch to Noivern. Can you guess what's coming? "Loud and clear!" Gliscor down from Boomburst. -Altaria: Left Noivern in to use another Boomburst, it leaves her in the yellow, and he gets OHKO'd by a (crit) Hyper Voice. Talk about overkill. Sent out Chandelure. Will-o-Wisp, she uses Hyper Voice... for some reason. Hyper Potion, Shadow Ball. Shadow Ball, Earthquake, Chandy is KO'd... but Altaria faints from the burn at the end of the turn. Tl;dr not too bad. I figured Altaria would give me more trouble than it did, but, apparently not. Maybe if the AI weren't being a bit silly and had used EQ in the first place.
  11. Honestly, the clutter is what's getting to me, and I'm going to offer an example: my item hunting run. Now, I can just sell off all the gems and things I don't intend to use that I stumble upon. But what about Plates and Fossils, which I made a mandatory rule about collecting? Reviving the latter is easy enough (sans the Helix Fossil because it's required to get two others- and I actually stored it while reviving the others to prevent myself from accidentally reviving it), but it's not exactly like it's easy to do away with the Plates I'm not using. Same with the evolutionary stones I'm hanging onto to decide when I want to use them, and on what. I understand there were reasons in getting rid of the item PC, but, honestly, it was more convenient to have than you might think. I'm not bothered if I have to go through the tedium of giving the Pokemon in my PC the things that I don't want to carry around, though... well, not much. It might be a mite difficult to find them again should I need them, though. (This post probably won't amount to anything but yeah, my two cents.)
  12. ...I swear I must be the only person alive who did NOT want the personality quiz back. It's a cute feature, to be sure, and I don't dislike the concept. But it's a royal pain in the ass if I want to play as a specific Pokemon and have to take the quiz fifty million times just to do so. Can't please everyone, though, I guess. ...if it really is for your partner this time, though, well... so much for choosing the partner that compliments my starter's type! :/ I also must be the only one who liked the transition to 3D from what little of GTI I've seen but whatever The only thing I can say about this thus far is that it's thankfully not going to have a lack of Pokemon, from the looks of it. Not really bothered by the starter choices any either, surely there is one out of every Gen's starters and Riolu that someone would want to play as.
  13. Quite frankly, I've used Lost Lore as an alias for a while now, to escape from the old silly usernames I used to use. There's not really much to it besides liking the ring to it, and... I do occasionally get a bit lost myself. In a number of ways. (I'll sometimes look into the lore of things I'm particularly interested in, so I can't say the other half is unfitting, either.) Shadow420 was about my oldest name (with a number of unfortunate #blaze it jokes on account of the number, which is part of the reason I strayed away from it), Shadow being the name of one of my characters, and 420 being a number she was associated with. And then when I was still a huge Bleach nerd I went by Espada426. Ah, the good old days. Except that wasn't really all that long ago. The number also really doesn't work with that reference because there are only ten Espada. But, oh well.
  14. I... am pretty sure this was my first avatar, idek

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sheep


      I'm pretty sure it is.

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      wait this is a thing

    4. Vinny


      "Lost looks a little lost~"

  15. You rang? I have totes not been secretly creeping this thread since it was created anyway, no siree... 1. Hot damn. And 2. I see what you mean by weirdly attracted now OTL not that that's anything new with me GG looks fantastic too- you did really well with what you had to work with~ This whole thread is fantastic I don't know what I expected
  16. I was still half asleep when I went on Tumblr and saw the screencap for this field effect. My initial reaction was: ...I'm sorry, what? So I went to make myself something to eat, and then stumbled over to the field effects page. Then it became... well, I'm going to spare y'all from what it became, but it involved screaming in terror. Everyone who wanted "Hax Queen" Serra back? I hope you're happy now. I mean, now that I've read over it again, I love this field, and I hate this field. I love it because all the little details that suit a literal mirror field perfectly (right down to Reflect/Light Screen having an effect, because yes), but I hate it because it's going to be hell to work around. I'm still going to try, but really, good God. Now if you'll excuse me, obtainable Pokemon page has been updated and I'll be over here nursing the pieces of my broken heart. Have fun with your Axew and Larvesta and w/e. ;A;
  17. "Forget not: four screens foretold four souls' fortune forsaken... ...For forsooth, from foreshadowed, only two will be taken." ...that being said, "foreshadowed"... Corey's death wasn't "foreshadowed" by the screens, it had already happened. So only the other three would count, or so I would imagine. ...or perhaps I'm completely wrong. Or reading too much into this. Who knows, really.
  18. ..."Responsibly". Yeah, okay. Let's go with that. Not going to argue with the lady wielding the Aegislash. Also blue water is nice to see, I was starting to wonder if it was a myth.
  19. Rock type attacks and these moves randomly gain Fire, Water, Grass, or Psychic typing, and increase base power x1.5 ~ Judgment, Strength, Rock Climb I love this so very much. Rock Polish additionally increases Attack and SpAtk one stage each. And this. This too. I think this is shaping up to become one of my favourite fields, now I just need a nice Rock-type with Rock Polish to play with it a bit...
  20. Because we're about at the point where leaders should have Megas, to ramp up the difficulty a bit. And, as she does have a Scizor, to my knowledge...
  21. ...I don't like Titania, but... I'm going to concede that this is pretty cool. Oh God, Aegislash, I'm going to have some hell of a time combating that thing... not that I didn't have a slight suspicion that she'd have one in the first place.
  22. Being honest, no, I would not. Because Radomus is quite strange and has not done much to make himself seem very trustworthy. I do still trust him thus far, but I can see why others would not. I also don't think we can take Titania speaking with a member of Team Meteor as her having some shady dealing with them- for all we know, she was just telling that guy to fuck off. She probably wouldn't like them sneaking around trying to thieve Amaria's bracelet, after all. As Terra being involved with Meteor came completely out of left field for me (I can see it, now that we know that she's a skilled hacker despite her demeanor, but... startled me anyway initially), I can't really vouch for anyone else I'd think would be allied with them.
  23. [01:03:36] +ZephyrEnyalios: ... I'm actually... perfectly okay with my breast size ._. it's just right, for me [01:03:38] +DJWongTong: Me as well xD [01:03:46] @finkeltinklewinkle: i dunno where mine went Tfw your boobs randomly disappear
  24. Typically, so far as mono-types go, so long as the final form is of your type, the initial one does not have to be. So Mudkip/Turtwig in a Ground mono are fine, as their final forms are both Ground-type. Before Julia, you can get your choice of Mudkip/Turtwig and technically Burmy, since Wormadam Sandy Cloak is a thing (don't ask me where you'd go to evolve it into that, though). Don't think there's anything else until after her.
  25. While this cutesy take on her is unexpected... I could interpret it as a sort of "don't judge a book by its cover" case. Basically, you do that and you'll be all the more surprised when she burns you. ...Or something along the lines of that, I'm not quite fully awake yet. This this this I'm also waiting for a certain Gym Leader's turn but you all know who that is
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