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Lost Lore

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Everything posted by Lost Lore

  1. We might get the Mega Ring before post-game... but there will be Mega stones that are definitely only going to be post-game. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on the former. It'd depend on the run, but for now: Main: Swampert or Gardevoir, probably Gardevoir since I'm not running rain Item hunting/EoR: Blaziken (this is one of those that will be post-game, most certainly) Dark mono/TFL: Ehm... Houndoom or perhaps Tyranitar, when we get that? Psychic mono/TBL: Gallade or Metagross
  2. Leave my baby alone... Speaking as someone who spends too long searching for a Pokemon of a specific gender (eg. I want something male but find fifty million females of that species instead), I would very much like the option for a gender swap. ...So long as the Pokemon doesn't mind, that is. What confusion? There have always been male Gardevoir... regardless of what the internet would like to believe. #Gardevoir gender equality
  3. Shadow Ball. The name and the move's animation, from Gen III onwards, and especially the one in Stadium 2, cemented my love of this move. Although it was rather silly to have it lower Special Defense when it was still physical- I'm glad they fixed that. Other favourites include, in no particular order: Dark Pulse, Ominous Wind, Heat Wave, Thunder, Calm Mind, Heal Bell, Will-o-Wisp, Aurora Beam, Return, Cosmic Power, Wish. (Yes I'm well aware I have entirely too many favourites...)
  4. PMD is one of my favourite things ever, count me in for giving this a try!~ Not having to wait really late to evolve is nice, too.
  5. I've been a member here for one year as of today. Which isn't really even all that impressive, but... well, I'm happy about it~

    1. Flux


      Congrats! You survived~!

    2. Nova
    3. Vinny


      *Throws hat at Lost*

      Gratz lady!

  6. Are you people coming up with new and inventive ways to butcher his name on purpose?! You are not the first to have this theory. I've considered it as well due to Radomus' knowledge of the Amethyst Pendant, and because Anna, for some reason, feels that she has met Gardevoir before. But I'm not about to call it one way or another.
  7. Episodes 6 and 8, since they were our first ventures outside of the city walls- Apophyll Beach and Chrysolia were a breath of fresh air. Serra and Bennett's nonchalance about a Pokemart teleporting on top of their house is funny, too. Episode 10 for... what I hope are obvious reasons. (Route 1 being my favourite location [although I'll admit clearing the webs/logs takes a while], the Citae Arc-d'Astrae, and Radomus. Mostly Radomus. But y'all knew that.) And Episode 14. Glitch world is one of the best things I have ever seen. Also Shelly nicknaming her Pokemon after her friends and Cal having a certain Medicham... too many feels, man.
  8. ...Wow. I just... I have no words... Pretty much every inappropriate comment Cain and Terra have ever made, but my favourite by far is obviously: Cain: That's Anna's Pendant! El took it before-- Radomus: Yes, you did say something to that effect. I then meant to ask you, Lost, exactly how did you come by this object? ...Of course, I should know better than to ask such a question to a player character with no dialogue. So perhaps your friend will tell me. Cain: ...Wait, what did you just say?
  9. The thing about blood, is... Reborn's shiny Aegislash, for example, has a bit of spatter- smaller droplets of blood dotting the area around where the blood comes across in a straight line. (It's... actually not so much a straight line as it is splotches with spatter around them but, still...) Making the blood just a bunch of solid splotches without spatter doesn't really make it look like blood at all. Tl;dr add some spatter on the beak to make it look more like blood, less like the tip of the beak is just red? Just a suggestion I totally don't know what I'm doing
  10. For the first option, I went with A. While grinding a new Pokemon up-to-par with the rest of your team is frustrating, if it's something someone really wants to use, then they will take the time to do so. I'd say it'd be a lot more awkward to have, as per your example, a level 50 Piplup running around- while it reduces the amount of grinding done, it'd be really strange to obtain it at that level, especially if it's being given to us by a person- why would they want to part with it after training it that high? It's also not a good idea to have them fully evolved, both for the same reason above, and for the hassle of having to breed that Pokemon if you want its previous form(s) registered in your Pokedex. Second option I went with D- if something I'd be interested in using has egg moves that I'll want, I don't mind finding a PC to box someone just to go get it. And if it doesn't, I can just let it be sent to the PC. Them having egg moves is also stopping one of my pet peeves- having to breed another of something just for egg moves and more than likely box the original whom I've already spent so much time battling with and training. /obligatory joke about being really attached to her pixels
  11. You don't actually have to defeat him if you side with him, you can lose and still progress the story. I will judge you hard, though
  12. Taken out of context, this makes it sound like Shade is into BDSM... I'd be okay with this, so long as he does it sensibly Bed: Hahahahaha no I'm not even sharing my pick for this (despite my above comment, it is not Shade) Wed: I've already said I have several weak points for Radomus, so... Behead: Hmm... let's go with Blake. Could've said Solaris or El instead, but, neither of them is that level of... I don't have a word suitable to describe it.
  13. Idek, not all of us are over 18, if someone wants Shelly or Charlotte to be their waifu... ...Was I supposed to weigh in? Oh. Waifu: I can't... choose anyone even jokingly for this???? Charlotte is the closest but she's underage for me and that doesn't sit right with me OTL Husbando: Everyone's going to be murdering each other for Cain ...I... I have a weak point for Radomus, okay? Or maybe a few weak points. Or maybe... I'm going to stop typing now.
  14. It's the Glitch field- it makes Psychic-types immune to Ghost attacks. Not a bug.
  15. Queen o' Booty looks fantastic there. And ready to smash someone with that giant mallet Although just a tiny thing, it should be your* not you're~ ...I'm... I want to say I'm regretting ever cracking that joke about Radomus having a princess dress in his wardrobe, but I'm really not. Princess of hats indeed. I would also very much like to contribute some Radomus fanart but I need to figure out what anatomy is first... and get over this crippling shyness with sharing my art.
  16. Dropping in while sickly and mostly incoherent to say: ZEL's sprite as-is is pretty ambiguous- a few people have actually mistaken him for a she! So having him with a bit of both genders seems about right to me. No I'm totally not saying that because that take on ZEL is absolutely gorgeous, what are you talking about ...Actually this entire thread is absolutely gorgeous, what am I talking about? I'm going back to bed before I say anything else silly.
  17. Gible has never been obtainable- if you're talking about the trainer cards, they were for the online league, which has since been retired.
  18. Its catch rate of 3, however, would still leave it mostly up to luck as to whether or not you would catch it. Never mind what you would do if it evaded all your attempts... and woke up, while still under Taunt. (You could just bring Damp to prevent Explosion as well, but there's not much I can do about that without giving it, say, Magic Bounce, as well. ...Actually, yes, let's do that.) Edit: Post #666. I feel delighted.
  19. Nah, don't give up so easily! All you have to do is make the Magikarp always male, and incompatible with Ditto. @Thread: Firstly, Dratini would be obtainable. To get it, however, you would have to fight a pair of level 100 Dragonite. Secondly, all of the protags would have fancy hats, and no one would ever question it. And I mean ever. And finally, I'd give Beldum the following moves, but only while you're battling it: Take Down, Perish Song, Memento, Explosion. They would default back to just Take Down if by some miracle you actually managed to catch it.
  20. Adrienn did mention seeing a girl climbing the wall before El and Gardevoir showed up there... I'd say it can be assumed that she was the source of that voice. Who she was, however, is still a mystery.
  21. Ah, no, you get Surf before Waterfall. We've only just gotten Waterfall in this latest episode. (...Unless you mean via Goldeen/Seaking in which case, I must concede. Not that you can pass that along with Gen VI breeding mechanics anyway.)
  22. I don't remember what I nicknamed him (if indeed I did at all, it was a long time ago and my memory is terrible), but I do remember that the first starter I picked in Gold was Cyndaquil, because I liked the look of it.
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