Lost Lore
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Challenge accepted. ...As soon as I get the item hunting run caught up to E14, that is. It's not like it matters because I don't have anyone on there who could use a Mega stone we're getting now besides maybe Steelix, but my inner completionist is stirring. And yes, I'm saying this because, Mega Ring or not, we're not getting Blazikenite until post-game.
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Brave Swampert is okay but not the best (would go Adamant, but it's up to you), Adamant Mamoswine is fine. Timid Dragalge... while the nature doesn't hinder it, it's pretty slow to begin with, so the extra Speed won't help it much. I'd go with another -Attack nature? (Modest preferred, although Bold/Calm help with its bulk a good deal, so...) I think we have enough suggestions for Metagross but I'm still trying to be helpful idek
Pretty sure that Sigmund diagnosed Anna with Schizophrenia (...did I spell that right?) and Noel with Aspergers. Whether or not you can buy into his diagnoses (and is that even a word?) is something for you to decide. Since you asked about the protagonists, however, I believe that's up to the individual player to interpret? I don't think they have set in stone personalities? As the protags in all Pokemon games are.
For Flying, there's Ice Fang Sharpedo, and for Water you have your choice of Cacturne and Shiftry. I'd go with the latter, although neither has many good options coverage-wise. (Well, Shiftry gets Extrasensory if you delay its evolution, at least...) You can also use Krookodile for Flying, since it has access to Thunder Fang (although it's via breeding, and I don't know if you'd want to bother). I wouldn't send it out against a Water-type for obvious reasons, though. Oh, Drapion gets Thunder Fang/Ice Fang, too. It's sadly without Swords Dance to make them really sting, but it's there.
I'd usually join Aqua, because access to early-ish Flame Body Ponyta for breeding things + you can get Murkrow before Shelly, rather than after. It doesn't really matter, though, you get equally as nice things from both sides. You also get Buizel from Magma, so, the choice is going to be a wee bit harder from now on for me...
On my main file, it was Gengar's Destiny Bond (with a Quick Claw, of course). Quick and simple. Now I've made a habit of coming up with more elaborate methods, though. Because I refuse to lose to that thing, fuck that. In the Dark mono, Prankster Liepard's Sand-Attack (he got off two, since the first Focus Blast missed), followed by the efforts of Malamar, Umbreon, and finally, Scrafty for the finish. Dragon Dance + Hi Jump Kick = no chance. Psychic mono-type was (also Prankster) Meowstic having fun setting up Light Screen, and making Ditto-ceus useless with Flash and Confide. Or he tried, anyway- it critted him. In came Espeon who flinched twice before finally getting a Fake Tears in, then switched to Gardevoir who proceeded to use Calm Mind and then Moonblast to finish up. Oh yes, and the item hunting run was Togekiss' Thunder Wave, Escavalier's Knock Off, and who else but Blaziken's Hi Jump Kick. It lived the first one, but was fully paralyzed on that turn. Needless to say it did not survive the second.
Somewhat. While I will always use Pokemon I like the look of, I do tend to breed and look at IVs/natures. Granted that there are some Pokemon that get most of their better moves from breeding, and breeding alone, rather than by level up. They're also never perfect IVs across the board, just decent ones, because I don't have the patience for that and I honestly am not looking for outright perfection. EVs... I've bothered on my main file, and I intend to bother on the item hunting run, but I won't bother with them every single time. That would get tedious. It's really not as because I know full well how to speed up the process but... yeah.
The one in Onyx Ward is a move relearner, not a move tutor. And it is her services you will want, since neither of the tutors (who are on 7th Street and in Agate Circus, respectively) teach Ancientpower. If you have badge number five and the House Key, all you'll need is to bring her a Heart Scale, and you'll have your Mamoswine. Edit: ...There is a move tutor for Ancientpower? Now see, this shows how little I use their services... I could only remember Drill Run and Bounce from the Agate Circus tutor...
OhGodEveandLumi OhGodLin Why can Terra make me laugh hysterically in any format she's in, more importantly? And Fern do the same for putting my fist through the screen, for that matter. Seeing things through Anna's eyes is pretty interesting, too. The little details like the yin-yang symbol on Victoria's outfit changing to fish, for instance. I don't know the first thing about Dangan Ronpa, but you have my interest piqued, that's for sure.
...Why am I not surprised? He's working with Team Meteor now, so give him PULSE Haxorus instead. Where the only thing you increase is its Speed by 50-60 points. Or maybe some extra Attack too, why not?
Dark, but of course. No other type has captured my affections as much as those that lurk in the night~ I'm also quite fond of Fire, Steel, Flying, and Psychic.
Breeding center, pikachu & Onix transformation into Steelix
Lost Lore replied to zelazko's topic in Team Showcase
Answering questions due to sleep deprivation let's go 1. Keep talking to the daycare couple. You'll figure it out from there, I think. 2. Pichu is on the rooftop in Onyx Ward, yes. Specifically, when the weather is clear and only during the day. Bringing Pokesnax as well is a wise idea. 3. Onix evolves into Steelix if you use a Link Stone on it, while holding a Metal Coat. You can buy your first Link Stone after your third badge, and the earliest place to get a Metal Coat is from wild Magnemite in the Abandoned Power Plant. (The recommended method to speed this up is to have a fainted Pokemon with Compoundeyes at the head of your party + something with Frisk in the second slot.) -
It's the only place you can find a Mystic Water, but that's about it. For now, that is.
Well, the answer to this is pretty simple! It's because, when breeding anything with a Nidoran Female, there's a 50% chance the offspring will be a Nidoran Male. So you'd breed the Nidoran Female with the Smeargle that has the moves you want to inherit, until you get a male one with them.
Fern... with his enormous ego... crying? On what planet? If he is smashed into paste by a Gym Leader, he'll just try to play it off as a one-time thing and battle us as always. I mean, you saw how he was when he lost to Aya the first time around. It's going to take something pretty ground breaking for him to redeem himself- I'd be willing to forgive him if he tried, but he's such a douche, I don't know if I can see him bothering...
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Parson El and Agent Blake. Cal has two, but I think the one you probably want is Reborn Cal. (His one for the battle on Pyrous Mountain was Ex-Leader Cal.) Oh, and Lepidopterist Bennett. I'm going blind. Titles aside, these are really nifty.
Well, on the main file, it currently stands at: Usual team: Swampert, Gardevoir, Skuntank, Chandelure, Meowstic, Noivern Rotation: Ninetales, Gengar, Ampharos, Azumarill, Espeon, Metagross, Roserade, Emboar, Cinccino, Mienshao, Tyrantrum Item hunting file? Only my team of six (Vaporeon, Blaziken, Flygon, Togekiss, Escavalier and Gourgeist), although it took a while to get it that way. I don't intend on using other things besides those, but I suppose I can if it comes down to it. I haven't played the Dark or Psychic mono-types in a while, but suffice it to say I'll just use whatever I have so far as Dark/Psychic types go, to suit the situation.
Well because you asked so nicely Forum name: Lost Lore Showdown name: Lost Lore (because Lost was sadly taken and I thought RBRN Lost or the like would look weird) I don't suppose it matters, but rank-wise, I am voiced.
I think you mean Electro* Ball. You had me startled for a minute there- didn't think Emolga could learn that. I'm going to second this as well- I was surprised at how well my Hoonoki did with Nuzzle + Electro Ball. Acrobatics was very good earlier on, too (but I found it started to peter out a bit later). As for something that surprised me... well, the answer is Meowstic. I hadn't used one despite adoring the design ever since Gen VI came out, since I don't own a 3DS and thus, can't play X or Y. So I picked one up late-game in Reborn to see how it'd do. Needless to say, I was impressed. Prankster dual-screens and some HP investment turned little Cantus into something that could take hits, and give full on-team support, too. Psychic did not extremely high, but decent, damage as well. Earlier on in the game is when Espurr and Meowstic really shine, though- they get good early STAB in the form of Psyshock, and Light Screen quite early as well. Reborn is also what made me appreciate Trubbish, too. I've only actually managed to keep mine around past Shade once (also the only one I evolved), but Toxic Spikes is a godsend and Stockpile isn't too shabby at all. ...Well, really, Reborn makes you appreciate a lot of things. It's been said before, and I'm saying it again, anything you can get in the early-game can be useful. You just have to find the right niche for it.
Everyone also has forgotten Munna, in Byxbysion Wasteland's grass (in the morning, specifically). Which makes me sad because my Musharna actually did very well helping the team out. That thing was a near immovable wall... As the question was before Julia, however, the ones you can get are Fennekin, Woobat and Espurr. You won't be able to have a full team until Shelly, unless you take on repeats, though. Psychic is a good type, though- most Psychic-types are obtainable in Reborn. Well, not most, but I'm sure at least a quarter of them are legendaries anyway so who really cares about specifics. ...Where are my Water/Psychics A bit more on Solosis, while I'm here:
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Usually it's Prankster Purrloin's Charm, Reflect set up with Meowstic (more Prankster, yes), then use whoever to finish it off. Usually in a long and painful manner, sans Ice moves. ...Not that those even help much now because of the field. Oh well. The latest bout with it: Prankster Meowstic's Charm + Reflect I would have said, but the move relearner was moved back so I had to improvise with the above. After that it was the stall battle from hell with Gourgeist's Leech burns, since I lacked debuffs to help soften it up to deal proper damage. It still went down... eventually. I've fought that thing too many times... I still think Baby-Doll Eyes + Intimidate + Ice Fang Stoutland was the best way yet
Yes, you can. The area that requires Strength is a bit further in than where the Dawn Stone is hidden.
That must make leaving off in the middle of exploring a Meteor base really risky... or, can you imagine sleeping in Tanzan Mountain when earthquakes are still on? Maybe the pc is a werewolf and doesn't need to sleep because they don't get any resting bonuses from it... oh wait
...I have learned that y'all are more morbid than I actually thought you were. Honestly, I don't expect us to bring back her corpse or something- just find something of hers with her last name on it, so Simon can add that to her grave, as a sort of closure for him. I'd feel kind of uncomfortable carrying back someone's corpse anyway. ...Then again if we can run off with an entire TV set and have no one notice, I don't suppose anyone will look twice at toting around a dead body. So I can't say for sure.
Okay, now I can say it. Happy New Year, Reborn. Here's hoping that this year will be better than the last one.