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Valyrym last won the day on April 29 2017

Valyrym had the most liked content!


13 Fledgling

1 Follower

About Valyrym

  • Birthday 12/10/1996

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    Sentora Continent
  • Interests
    Stuff :)

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  1. What coding language is that?
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, im pretty sure you will have a great day and hopefully im right 😉🍰

  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. Valyrym


      I'm checking my reborn profile for the first time in actual years and i see you wished me happy Bday now and a few years ago and i didn't acknowledge either. Thanks! even if I am getting it now a few months late.

    2. Valyrym


      I'm checking my reborn profile for the first time in actual years and i see you wished me happy Bday now and a few years ago and i didn't acknowledge either. Thanks! even if I am getting it now a few months late.


      Edit: or my reading comprehension sux and I 2018 is actually 2019. Either way the wish still appreciated.

    3. LykosHand


      Yeah it was in 2017 and 2018 😉

      And you're welcome hehe 🙂

  5. last time Alpha and Beta took like a week each, and E17 was pretty hefty, I doubt it's going to take that long this time, especially considering Supervised testing is almost already over after like 4 days where it took a week last time iirc, either way, I would say expect the episode in late July
  6. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

    1. Seal


      Happy Birthday pal!

  7. Heyo my dudes, so little ol' Valyrym cucked himself by testing something in a new save, then pressing the autosave key compulsively like I'm sure many of us do. I also learned that I had forgot to set how many backups I wanted in my folder, so that save file is lost to the ages. So I need to ask, does anyone have a spare save backup thats somewhere past Narcissa before Blacksteeple, if so please send it my way, it'd be much appreciated.
  8. eyy lmao, I guess it's time for the true ruler of the rejuvenation subforums to return from his odin sleep
  9. Mudkip in pokemon emerald, I was like 4, I wanted to name him Champ but I was bad at spelling so he became Camp the mudkip, first pokemon to reach lvl 100 as well... mostly due to the fact that I got stuck after the 4th gym for 2 years and played this game daily, so he was like level 80 something before I realized the 5th gym was Norman LOL. And in reborn, I always pick Mudkip, because it's my favourite starter mon.
  10. Different people are afraid of different things, I just have an odd phobia, I can't explain it well. I'm just kinda spooked that someone will find out my IRL identity and try to target me or something.
  11. I never input my real age or birthday on anything, I'm a super weenie and am scared of someone find me out irl.
  12. Recently I replayed Pokemon reborn from start to finish, it was hard was cast iron balls, but insanely worth it as when I finished I experienced an emotion I thought to be long gone, A feeling of childlike giddiness and excitement that I hadn't felt in years and an incredible feeling of nostalgia that brought me back to when I first discovered this games years ago when my life was much more simple than it is now. and for that, thank you.While I never really appreciated it the first time around, now that I'm 17, my life is moving so fast and stress is starting to take it's toll, the ability to go back to the days when I was 13, happily playing this game have been a dream come true, it made me feel like my old self, it made me feel new and it was fucking awesome. This game has been nothing if not one of the single best things to come of my early teen years, and I know that as long as I have access to this game, there will always be room for it on my PCs.This game has brought me nothing but joy and happiness and it's always such a joy to play such a well crafted, beautiful, awe inspiring game. While reborn may be dark and dreary it's brought me nothing but joy, and for that I thank you, I thank you Amethyst for starting such a game, I thank the Devs for allowing Reborn to come this far and I thank the community for being so goddamn nice, this is a part of my childhood which will stay with me for quite some time.
  13. I just have a few questions 1. How do i obtain ace membership in this new site? 2. How do I change my Username? 3. Have the Community Rules changed at all? Answers to any of these questions would be appreciated. Ciao.
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