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Everything posted by Meepcw

  1. Yeah, this is just for sheer amusement
  2. Yeah, schizophrenics are defined as 'insane' by many people but they tend to have a higher IQ than most people.
  3. Paranoid 37% 50% Schizoid 40% 40% Schizotypal | 50% 56% Antisocial 67% 46% Borderline 41% 45% Histrionic 16% 52% Narcissistic 23% 40% Avoidant 48% 48% Dependent 38% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive 11% 45% For accuatcy I did the test a 2nd time Paranoid 40% 50% Schizoid 59% 40% Schizotypal 68% 56% Antisocial 67% 46% Borderline 38% 45% Histrionic 12% 52% Narcissistic 20% 40% Avoidant 50% 48% Dependent 35% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive 10% 45%
  4. Well, keep in mind, if you actually care that you are a psychopath then you probably aren't, as a psychopath is a person with a personality disorder making them unable to feel sympathy or have a concience. I think I took the same test as you and got results within a similar range.
  5. I'm surprised no one mentioned ZEL too much. Is it just me who just loves the whole Dissasociative Identity Disorder (Mulpitple presonalitites). I think my top five would be... 1. ZEL 2.Anna 3.Cain 4.Taka 5.Titania/ Julia They're all really close though, and as previously mentioned, all the caracters are all incrediby unique. I love Anna because.... well.. whats not to love about her, she sees and hears things that aren't visible (or even existant) to the other characters but actually are 'true', it adds a bit of mystery. Cain is just really amusing, a pretty cool rival and unique as well. Taka, like others said before me, is a good guy at heart but forced to do stuff he wouldn't want to, and does so half heartedly, he even goes to the point of telling the player what else is happening so they could, of course, stop it. Titania.. well, I don't know much about her but at the Trainer School, if you read her diary(Hehhehe), it gives you a pretty good snapshot of her personality. I guess putting her name on the list is more of a place holder, but I have high hopes for her If she doesn't turn out to be as expected (Which I doubt), then I'd probably chose Julia... No explanation needed xD (Kaaa BOOOM)
  6. Ah, thank you, I guess I'll see
  7. Hey guys, I'm new here so I hope that I'm not posting in the wrong area (I'll move this if so) but, do you have any idea where I could get a strong firetype? I am preeeeetyyyyy early in the game currently (I love the 'darker' theme to it btw), I just got into the Obsidia Ward, I am about to have the first boss battle with ZEL (D.I.D for the win xD) and I realized that I REALLY need a fire type. I recall seeing a video where a person caught a Magby by the train tracks when it was raining, but when I came there I found a Pansear. I really dislike the monkey trio (they're average at best in my eyes), but I will work with it until I have the chance to 'upgrade'. So I'm looking for a really good fire type pokemon or even a pokemon that can learn a strong fire type move, if you can help point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it, THANKS . I started with Mudkip, if that is at least somewhat helpful.
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