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HolyKnight last won the day on June 4 2014

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About HolyKnight

  • Birthday 07/22/1988

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  • Alias
    Demon Lord
  • Gender
  • Location
    Packing up my clothes and gun for my next trip to denver
  • Interests
    Trucks, Dogs, cats, Pokemon, literature, psychology, Silent hill, Metal Gear, guns. Volkswagen Bora-Beetle-Jetta (Clasic) Bug. Honda Civic-City-Jazz- Chevrolet Malibu

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  1. Dreams come true you guys! My friend from the hospital transfer me to the psychiatric hospital of the Police Departament of Apodaca. So it means, im gonna mentally torture the psychotic bastards! And whit permission of the goverment. Oh im gonna have the time of my life tomorrow! Murderers, kidnappers,, the goal is mentally break them down, and the use of brute force is permitted. Yes, im excited as if Amethyst suddenly dissapeared from this world in her purple living pirarte ship...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Amethyst


      I'd rather keep company with one of them any day than someone who feels the need to so childishly exert their aggression onto others. If you're going to go, then stop trying to make a scene and go already. You won't be missed.

    3. VSharma


      Just think about it this way, if you knew someone personally who had a mental illness and had committed a crime, would you wish for them to be treated this way? In all honesty as a current health student I do not believe you are handling your postion in the proper manner and if the authorities were to see this im almost 100% sure action would be taken against you. Please re evaluate what human beings mean to you and change your mindset for the better.

  2. well, rest is over. Back to my regular days of tortu...I mean, controlling mentally ill people on the hospital. God I love my job.

    1. HolyKnight


      nermind, hospital closed

  3. like um....merry christmas or some shit.

    1. zimvader42


      Yeah, happy... holidays or whatevs dunno. ^^

  4. Poor Mr. Raspberry Jam.

  5. Maybe in 3 generations more, a new type will be added to scre whit the Fairy types, who will be weak to dragons.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zimvader42


      I don't think a new type is needed to screw fairies: simply meke poison be immune against them, and give poison types better attack stats.

    3. zimvader42


      And I honestly would just make ice resistant against dragon, ground, grass and flying and you have yet another dragon check

    4. Maelstrom


      Steel/Poison Rattlesnake pokemon pls? Don't Tread on Me!

  6. On a recent news: Pokemon Judecca is on half way done (my fan game) Thanks specially to the extremely and super awesome person, whose adivces told me on how to advance! The personal challenge, the clicks! Not only that, she´s beautiful, sexy and likes anime! And my thanks are to.......................

    1. HolyKnight


      Pack of Red Marlboro! Whose advices were wonderful! And to the sorry ass stone on my desk. Thank you, Pack of red marlboro, imma smoke your ass now in celebration.

  7. I fucking hate my ex and she will fucking die.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HolyKnight


      Shor answer: She got pregnant and want me to take care of the dumb ass child of her and lost my girlfriend because of that.

    3. Sutoratosu


      So she wants you to raise another man's child even though it was conceived after you two were Fin and you had no hand in it's creation? Well I can understand your anger, but it doesn't honestly justify killing the woman. It's unfortunate that her...demands resulted in you and your girlfriend breaking up, acting on violent impulses of vengeance tends to cause nothing but regret later on

    4. Sutoratosu


      You're probably gonna hate this advice, so I'm honestly sorry in advance, but the only thing I can tell you is to stay away from her and keep citing the fact that if the kid isn't yours, you have no obligation, either moral or legal, to care for it.

  8. Was walking on the streets of downtown, and a poor person screamed suddenly "I HATE MY LIFE FOR BEING GAY I WANNA KILL MYSELF!" And the neareast cop said "PFFT, LIKE IF THE WORLD CARE BITCH. DO THE WORLD A FAVOR AND DIE" I was like "fucking pig, do the world a favor and die" Moments later, the poor guy jumps to a truck. He lived, and people doesn´t give a shit. As for me, i buyed a new cat whit magic powers that will protect me against evil mex ame and her diabolic...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HolyKnight


      Ame, no is no plot. A person tried to kill himself because he was gay and the cops humilliate him. And a buy a cat that´s all. Evil Mex Ame is an ex girlfriend who kinda looks like you (both are ugly)No, I won´t joy the rp forums

    3. Arkhi


      Those two events in the status seem in no way to coincide. It's difficult to take the first part seriously for that reason.

    4. HolyKnight


      I arrive in downtown (Padre Mier) to Jungla del Timo to buy my cat, and I saw the guy screaming, the cops laughing and the guy jumps. And I buyed my cat.

  9. Peyote plant...wait, this isn´t GtaV page. Nevermind.

  10. Damn, my city looks like Silent hill. Full of mist and a soft breeze

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HolyKnight


      midgnight channel? Im waiting for a numb body or a faceless nurse to show up in the dark strets.

    3. Maelstrom


      If you explored the midnight channel, perhaps you can prevent a death...

    4. HolyKnight
  11. worst nightmare ever

    1. zimvader42


      Wake up and tell me what was it about.

    2. HolyKnight


      My baby being beheaded.

  12. Charlotte´s team would be Uber whit Desolate Land, just saying.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well yea, cause Groudon would be on the team.......

    2. HolyKnight


      or an amazing effect that makes the similar effects.

  13. Imma hack pokemon reborn game and replace the gym leader Music...whit the Old Umaga Theme.

    1. Maelstrom


      Is it really hacking if there's nothing to stop you from going into the game files and making the replacements?

    2. HolyKnight


      ah hah! You´re just made my work more easy!!!!! Twilight of the Thunder God seems a better option too.

  14. Food time and after that, back to the hospital and lock crazy people. Yay.

    1. zimvader42


      You work in that kind of place? My aunt does too, and she doesn't really like it for what she told me.

    2. HolyKnight


      if I must use brute force on the patients (and the youngest patient is 28) i´ll do it, and worst of it, I like it. Glad my turn was over and can go back to watchover my trucks and stuffs, and in here.

  15. Nothing is more relaxing after a hard day on work, as 4 hours of gtaV.

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