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About personmanthing

  • Birthday 03/02/1999

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    Oregon, United States
  • Interests
    Video Games, Chess, Math, High School Wrestling,

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  1. As someone who tried to ill myself in the past, I can say that life is cruel. Don't give up. If you have had fun in the past, then you can have fun and enjoy life in the future. Know that your safe here and that everyone here at the forum will help you. I am normally a lurker; however, I'll be on most of the time from now on if you need someone to talk to.
  2. If you can get past Luna with a team of Pokemon in the early 50s, then you should be fine. Just go ahead in the story and your Pokemon should catch up in levels very quickly due to them being at such low levels.
  3. He's up the stairs of the entrance to Agate Circus.
  4. Breeding for perfect IV's and egg moves is now actually worth it. on a side note it may take longer than expected due to all of the glitches currently.
  5. I went and healed in Aya's house and then fainted on Tauros; however, when I got back to her house Tauros disapeared? Is there a new way to get Beldum or is this a glitch?
  6. Everyone keeps saying Happy New Years but I'm on the West Coast...

    1. Shamitako
    2. Damiano


      Greetings from the future

  7. That feeling when you come back to the Reborn site and your lost because the go to people aren't here anymore.
  8. Aipom and Ambipom can be found in the wild at Ametrine city during the morning, I'm not sure if the time of day I found them matters though.
  9. Luminion and Seaking can be found in the wild at Celestinine Cascade with the good rod, and Goldeen and Finneon can be found with the old rod.
  10. Vulpix, you need to show the salon lady a pokemon with max happiness to get it; there is an item called the sooth bell that raises happiness so in a way you are raising the bell.
  11. So I just finished the Berle Cemetery event where Simon resigns from Team Meteor, and later when you go to his house he mentions, "All of who [Tara] was is now left at the bottom of Tanzan Lake...". I believe in the future you could dive into Tanzan Lake. What are your thoughts?
  12. So have have made over 20 attempts at fishing at Ametrine Mountain yet I never get a bite. I was wondering if there haven't been pokemon programmed there yet.
  13. Final Post will be updating this from now on New items not included Items missed from previous posts Additional Information Earlier Way to get Items
  14. So I almost soloed Samson with my Diggersby and won with level 62 being my highest level Pokemon having the others in the 50s ( other than one being the the 40s), I was wondering,what have you guys done to clutch out victories wile being servery under leveled?
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