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7 Fledgling

About K_H

  • Birthday 07/16/1999

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  • Alias
    Aurora K_H
  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in Cyberspace
  • Interests
    Pokemon, Sci-fi/future fantasy, Minecraft, Splatoon, Roleplaying, etc.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😉🍰

  2. K_H


    Banned for Necro’ing this thread.
  3. Based on points, I'd say that it has more than a chance of doing so. And I'm good with either winner in this case.
  4. Early vote because I sleep in a lot, but oh well, and no vote for me tomorrow. Espeon: 3 Glaceon : 5 Sylveon: 3
  5. Haleluijah, the worse of the two remaining grass-types is gone! Now, it's kinda regrettable that Cyndaquil went down as well, but there's only so much you can do.
  6. @Chim Espeon's the killer, so you know where to direct your anger.
  7. We can, and we will. @Amethyst You seeing this sh#t?
  8. A'ight, time to make Espeon pay for being the one that took out Vaporeon...
  9. Wrong one, @Thundermaze. This is why you can't trust a Bulbasaur fan. Here's the actual current standings. Bulbasaur: 4 Cyndaquil: 7 Totodile: 9 Piplup: 11 Chespin: 12
  10. Not if they ally to take out the non-cynda/bulba Starters...
  11. You take out Cyndaquil, and Bulbasaur goes with it! So leave Cyndaquil alone!
  12. Bulbasaur: 6 Cyndaquil: 7 Totodile: 9 Piplup: 12 Chespin : 16 Time to new Target Acquiry: 3 Bulbasaur Hurts
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