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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShinxLuver

  1. I don't know, I think that Solrock looks pretty awesome, personally! <: )
  2. It is more green then yellow. I started with that color, there was no reason to start with pure yellow. It felt odd putting that shade near the end, so instead it got put at the beginning.
  3. - - - Hold the phone. Unown- acceptable as is? Hopefully this is only because Unown is a pain to edit. In which case- I got you all covered. ;D I'm currently in the process of making all their backgrounds transparent. Which is going to take *forever*, but once im finished I'll pack them up in a zip or a rar and post them here, so that nobody has to individually download
  4. That farfetch'd makes me happy. :3 The venonat's coloring looks weird, though, because of how you did the flame effect.
  5. No one would ever predict me! uvu hmmm.. PERSONWITHBANANA! yup, thats who i predict! ;u;
  6. The outlining of the redish color on Chansey looks weird. And the contrast between the two shades of red on Happiny is a little too weak- it doesn't give the correct shadow affect when the shades are so similar. Overall though, I actually do like the coloring, (Sorry Vinny!) That's a vote for and a vote against. But of course, Amethyst gets the final say. ^ ^ Her vote is like 10x times ours, obviously! :3
  7. It's a nice sprite and all, but I don't understand why everyone keeps coming up with zombie Pokemon..
  8. Hearing that it was your first time recoloring something, I got a bit worried as to what was behind that link. I'm happy to say that Rapidash pleasantly surprised me! Good job! ^^
  9. Sneasel! (Vinny i think i found your Sneasel!)
  10. Zapzapzap!!! Hope you guys like it!
  11. Hahaa, hello! My name is Ciara! I came across Pokemon Reborn in an uninteresting youtube video, but immediately recognized what a wonderful project this is. Like wow, this game is really cool! I'd love to be a part of the community here and help out in any way that I can. uvu I'm also a spriter! So there's that I wouldn't call myself a coder exactly, but I recently changed Pokemon Red's code so that I could play as my own character. She's WAY cuter then Red! Um, I should probably write more, huh? Well to be honest my mind is blank. But if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me literally ANYTHING I'd love to make some new friends here! <3
  12. Thank you for clarifying, Amethyst Personally, I think zombie coloring rather then actual zombie is a much better idea. I wouldn't be opposed to zombie coloring- it's only subtly off putting.
  13. ^ Honestly, flipping it upon it's head would be cool, too. Having the 'shiny Pokemon' be normal, healthy Pokemon, while the normal majority could be altered. Therefore creating the affect that most Pokemon in this world are affected by pollution, but you can rarely find an untouched Pokemon... Though, this would require a whole lot of spriting. Again, I'm not sure how worth it this would be, but it's a thought.
  14. Okay, but that's still too out there. Living in a polluted region wouldn't do that to a Pokemon. (I know it was for a different project, though. For what it's worth, your concept sounds fun I wouldn't like it in Reborn, but that's a Pokemon hack i'd play.) Here, I whipped up some sprites. See, the basic Pokemon are a little bit different; I altered small markings and added the affects of pollution to them. However, as they evolve you get to see how they have overcome this- the damage has been done, but this doesn't stop the Pokemon from moving on. Shiny Bibarel and Swoobat look stronger for the experiences they've went through. Is it worth doing? I don't know. But pollution and completely redesigning a Pokemon are two different things. Zombie Machops have no place in Pokemon- especially not a project such as this. Reborn aims to add a sense of realism to the Pokemon world, not craziness...
  15. No, everyone gets it. It's been repeated well enough times for the concept to sink in. The problem is not people not understanding; it's the ideas that need work. If you guys keep suggesting awkward ideas and then claiming 'well that's not how they would be like', well, then you need to supply actual examples! Also, Tauros with a fire mane and 'party animal' Boufflant are equally as bad ideas as zombie Machamps. Sorry... The idea of alternate sprites of certain Pokemon isn't bad itself- there's a lot of potential. But the only decent idea suggested in this topic was a Bidoof with messed up fur, and without a sprite to show it off the concept itself isn't enough to make the deal. But throwing in things like zombie Machamps and flaming Tauroses degrades the quality of this project; I am not a fan.
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