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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Chase

  1. Hey guys! - For those of you all that may have not seen me over the last few weeks and wondered about my whereabouts, I have been through staff training and the first week of summer camp. I work as a full-summer camp counselor. Here's a short list of the crazy things that I have gotten into so far. - renewal of CPR training license - won several games of Ultimate Frisbee - drove golf carts - saved someone from drowning (twice) - all kinds of bible study - probably have drank several cups of coffee. - got cold water poured on my face after being found in a game of Counselor Hunt by a bunch of 7 year olds. (due to the heat, it was glorious) - got put in a silly court jester outfit and topped it with a straw hat to become Jangle, the Country Court Jester. - ran up a hill with the male counselors and earned their traditional dogtags for doing so. - ate foil dinners. - witnessed an exorcism. - swam. ALOT (and will do so very often this summer) - taught some kids how to make cinnamon rolls using nothing but a stick and an open campfire. - and finally, missed you guys. can't hop on PO, so I'll send my shout outs here. Hilda.
  2. A Stereotype of what? Look at that Ludicolo...it's like....soooo....Ludicrous.... Krookadile, named Klepton.
  3. I think oddly enough, my favorite part of this announcement is Sand Attack becoming more potent in the desert field....
  4. Scyther, ladies and gentlemen, has arrived.
  5. Fine, I'll let you have it, Kyra. Let's go with Zephyr.
  6. Kecleon does indeed need a Mega-Evo. I agree Mael.
  7. ....Hate to tick you off, but I'm afraid I'm no pest. Tempest.
  8. What?....WHAT?......He doesn't even GO HERE... Gyarados, named Pilate.
  9. Based on the area of the game Magikarp is leaving behind, I would say the best immediate replacement would be Goldeen. It's water-typing has the ability to draw Julia into exploding (due to it getting a partial electric typing in the Electric field) and raising 'Deens spAtck rather than damaging it (assuming the Goldeen has the Lightningrod ability) Half of her team is prone to exploding, including her ace, Electrode. The next best overall Pokemon overall would be Azurill, as a Huge Power Azumarill would almost always come in handy.
  10. Penis? No thanks. Gun pointed straight at me? Sure. I'll comply. Sheep.
  11. Dunno if this is the right place in the forums to place errors, but again, I don't know where one would - HERE.... (A good idea would be to use the Contact Us button on the main site, and report your site issue there.) ...on the off chance someone sees this. Pikachu won't get out of the way in the Sprite Shop, and I can't update my TC sprite. I -can- however, spend my Reborn rupees and it does register that I buy certain sprite objects. I just can't preview or equip them!
  12. I see what you guys are talking about. Can't wait to jump in. *moves tissues to computer area*
  13. Ah, RC. Good Soda. So Good. Such Wow. I would have to say the best gamer fuel for me would be your typical pub food. 'Tater skins, buffalo wings,....queso......along with any soda. However, you really don't need to eat or drink to play games....or at least....I don't.
  14. I have yet to make the latter of the decisions, but I know what I would do. - I unfortunately did NOT save all of the Jasper Policemen before taking on Zero, Lumi, Eve, and Taka. I played this portion of the game at night while the weather in game was particularly stormy. - Garchomp was too much. - I would fight the Doctor over Sirius at the Yureyu building. - I would fight Sirius and allow the Doctor to proceed upstairs at Laura and Saphira's place. - I would side with Radomus, and thus be forced into a "must-win" situation against Ditto. My reasoning behind this stems on the grounds that Radomus was correct about the gake Gardevoir from the start, and a theory of mine that connects Radomus to the pendent he is now in possession of.
  15. Extraversion |||||||||||| 50% Stability |||||||||| 33% Orderliness || 5% Accommodation |||||||||||||||||| 77% Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 75% Interdependence 0% Mystical |||||||||||| 50% Materialism |||| 16% Narcissism || 8% Adventurousness |||||||||| 33% Work ethic |||||| 25% Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Need to dominate |||||| 25% Romantic |||||| 22% Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||||| 100% Anti-authority |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Wealth |||||||||||| 50% Dependency |||||||||||||||||| 77% Change averse |||||||||||||| 55% Cautiousness |||||||||||| 50% Individuality |||||||||||||||| 61% Sexuality 0% Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Histrionic |||||| 25% Vanity 0% Artistic |||||||||||||||| 66% Hedonism |||||||||||||||||| 72% Physical fitness |||||| 22% Religious |||||||||||||||||||||| 100% Paranoia |||||||||||| 41% Hypersensitivity |||||||||| 33% Indie |||||| 25%
  16. I didn't even know.. that the big chomping appendage thing...wasn't it's face....until Generation 5....Different strokes for different folks.
  17. Sky Shaymin is cute. Victini is the DEVIL. I hate V-Create so much.....and the 5th generation is one of my favorites. *looks at Ame's Trainer Card, sees Hydreigon and Mawile* ......she gets it. All the Pokemon a trainer uses should be adorable to that trainer.
  18. Nope. That's one of my favorite jams though. ...uh.....TEMPEST.
  19. Wigglytuff and Clefable are both pretty decent Pokemon, so it's a toss-up here as well. I prefer Clefable myself.
  20. I highly doubt Ame would use "cutesy" Pokemon. I mean, Budew's pretty friggin' cute. Probably won't ever see that on her team.
  21. Howdy. 1. ...eh, who am I kidding, you know about Reborn driving you nuts. 2. Love to see you on the Pokemon Online chat n' battle doohickey. Chats and JRPG-style turn based combat go good together. 3. Ask Vinny or Tempest if you have any questions. Apparently their the 'sheriff' around these parts. 4. If Shade or whoever gives you the blues and you think about leaving, read Timber Dragon's "So, you want to play Pokemon Reborn..." thread. Inspiring, gut-checking words of wisdom right there. 5. Welcome back, enjoy your stay, and take LOTS of notes. The Pokemon Universe hasn't seen a bronco like Reborn.
  22. Hey Vinny. I don't think we can get Goomy to LISTEN to us at that level either, so you have the extra hassle of switch training it... ...all for a Pokemon you still can't use until you have enough badges. Better stick with your Flygons and Noiverns folks.
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