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Everything posted by Chase
Experiencing frustration is normal around these parts. There are two responses. Rage quitting (and for some reason, coming back), or realizing that there isn't such thing as "constant hax" or "impossible" in Reborn. It's the latter response that proves you really -want- to be the best there ever was.
Negate Support Move - 0 Power, 90 Accuracy - Psychic The user performs telekinesis on the opponent, causing them to lose any type immunity. (Meaning a Pokemon's typing is no longer "immune" after this attack connects) Note: This does not negate immunity caused by Abilities, such as Levitate. Playful Jab Physical Move - 60 Power, 100 Accuracy - Normal The user playfully jabs the opponent, causing damage. This attack has a chance of infatuating Pokemon of the opposite gender. Deceive Support Move - 0 Power, 80 Accuracy - Dark The user tricks the opponent into only using support moves for up to 3 turns. Tough Love Physical Move - ? Power, 90 Accuracy - Normal Allows the user to attack an opponent it is infatuated to more often. The resulting damage is randomly generated. This move has 50 Power if not infatuated. Parry (only learned through Level-Up by Gallade, may be taught or bred onto Pokemon such as Garchomp) Support Move - 0 Power, 100 Accuracy - Fighting The user effectively blocks a physical attack using a blade, negating damage while lowering the opponent's speed. This move's chance of failing increases after each successive use.
*Hilda uses Return and knocks out the opposing Pokemon....with her EARS* Uh....switchback? Come back, Bibsy.
I've seen People. I've seen Bananas. I've seen People -with- Bananas.... But, sadly, I'm not that kind of person. Mikzal.
Howdy, pardner. 1. I dunno if it was the Gamers Tree's dedication and mispronunciation of various names in the game, shofu's showmanship and surprised acknowledgement at what Reborn actually brings to the table, Nickaboo92's attention to detail and recent absence, or some other poor prodigal let's player that pointed you to Reborn, but I would advise you that should you also take on the game not to expect having a completely similar experience as the Gamers Tree, shofu, Nickaboo, or whoever. The game is periodically updated and things that those LPs showcase won't always be totally up-to-date. 2. I would suggest reading Timber Dragon's "So you want to play Pokemon Reborn..." thread as well. It basically explains the kinds of obstacles you will face on a journey throughout the Reborn region, in brutally-but-most-appreciated manner. 3. If you brought your sanity with you, leave it one of the cubbie-holders to the right of the front door. You won't have a place for it here. 4. Hop on Pokemon Online (already been said) sometime, because Wynaut? Talking and pokemon battling is fun, and eventually you might even take on a similar Pokemon League challenge involving Reborn inspired characters. Yay, community. 5. Don't be afraid to ask questions, especially to someone with credibility like Tempest above or this guy named Vinny. 6. Enjoy your time here, and if a learning opportunity comes from playing Reborn, do learn from it, it -will- make you a better Pokemon Trainer.
It's heavily rumored that there will be a spot on the Nintendo floor for Pokken Fighters at E3. The game isn't generating too much hype, but it could be a dark horse game that really sticks out well on the Wii U. Those graphics in that image are quite good. Tekken's game engine, eh?. That's really not bad at all. There was a fan made Poke-fighter that was getting some good reputation on youtube for a while. It had characters such as Gengar, Snorlax, and Gardevoir in it. Those characters are all bi-pedal (and if we have to try and make sense of what sort of "playable" Pokemon we could find in Pokken Fighters, most of the characters would have to be to an extent bi-pedal.) and all had unique move-sets. My biggest questions are these, are we going to be able to unlock Namco's characters from Tekken (I'm not sure if this is a collaboration between the Pokemon company and Namco) such as Law, King, Nina, Gunjack, etc? ..and does "type" matter? This question in particular is pressing because I would probably hate 2-player splitscreen play if my opponent is going to wait for me to pick a character, only to pick a character that counters it type-wise. It -would- make sense to implement weaknesses and resistances to a Pokemon game though. I just hope it's not to a gamebreaking extent that essentially dooms one player before the fight even starts!
Dev-off. Cmon out Sheep.
The biggest problem with the Exp. Share in Gen VI is that it almost absolutely abolishes the need to grind period. Everyone above has mentioned difficulty being one intent, but I think another critical part of why the Exp. Share is incredibly hard to obtain is that after getting it, you don't really get the "experience" each new episode brings, because after Ame spends god-knows-how-much effort into producing an episode, someone with the Gen VI Exp. Share finishes it within the day of release, and is already sitting on their laurels waiting for the next episode. If one is then, grinding, in Reborn, here's what begins to happen as the episodes are released. New Pokemon are discovered. New areas are discovered. Speculation is brought to the forums. The game is put under a microscope, as opposed to being sped-run by most players. One of the biggest things that has happened with X and Y? Many people ended up making a lot of progress on the day that they bought the game. I know that game mechanics are important, but so is story, and the Exp. Share is one of the culprits when it comes to detracting from the Kalos experience during a first run. The next issue of course is the level cap. If you pay enough attention to the game and are truly trying to prepare for a gym challenge on a Game Freak title, you usually don't pay attention to "tactical-battling." One of the ways people used to play through Pokemon is that they would over level their starter poke, and catch three pokemon. A land-HM slave, a Flyer, and a boat-mon. Type advantages didn't matter because brute strength would prevail. When you are cornered into the same level tier with the Gym-Leader, you now have to think. The point of the game isn't just to be challenging, but to put different Pokemon into the spotlight and to put a trainer into some sticky situations they may not be familiar with. This makes the trainer better in the long run. Unfortunately, the Exp. Share causes those players that are used to grinding to run into the cap faster. Removing such a cap makes every Gym Leader, even with a team of six competitive Pokemon, susceptible to being bullied by an over-leveled Pokemon or two, Therefore, The Exp. Share, ESPECIALLY the one from X/Y, doesn't help the Reborn League challenger much at all, and the trade-off is nothing to be desired either. On to Move Tutors. I love Move Tutors. Especially those in 5th Gen with the shard currency idea, myself. However, the Move Relearner - or the one that requires Heart Scales are payment - is perfectly implemented in both the main series games and in Reborn. Heart Scales are found by mining and by catching Luvdisc in Reborn, and catching Luvdisc in the main games is incredibly easier, along with a much more gratuitous rate of having a Heart Scale. I don't see how you can improve on this, and I don't think that it's -that- much of a problem to level up said Pokemon. Nor do I have any reason to want a low leveled pokemon to relearn a move.
Baaaaa-ah...ah.......Sorry, I can't sheep tonight. Vinny.
Sorry Ark.....but HEY! It's good to back. I'm going to go with Tempest, because Wynaut?
Owwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~ 8/10.
What kind of horrible magic is this? The expression on your face clearly indicates you messed up your incantation. Oooh. "FLOWERS" Edit:Oooh, the Weavile's got that Shadow Sneak...or Bullet Punch...or Quick Attack...something. Ninja'd
SlowpokeTail It's what's for dinner.
Well.....after conducting several tests.... 1) The eh....eh.........er.......sinister looking...er.....Weavile.....thing....would be Vinny yes 2) I have been unable to find the source of Tempest's cryptic text.... Perhaps the Staraptor would like to explain for himself....?
Guys, I just found a shiny GRAVELER.... ....and then it used Self Destruct...:c
Shonin Kick Soccor.......TERRIBLE MOVIE. Funniest play in Cards against Humanity that you would be unashamed of posting on the Forums.
'Ay.....What're you laughing at? Right back at ya, Zephyr.
Underperforming Alakazam is Underperforming....
I'm gonna go with the ever popular "8/10 pokeballs" on this one. Way to encourage children to READ!
Yoooo.. I heard your Glaceon liked Hi Jump Kicks, so I asked my Scrafty to give your Glaceon a Hi Jump Kick free of charge! (oh, and it didn't miss, so the pain is yours too, as a bonus gift, thanks for calling!)
It really depends on what kind of qualities you look for in a warhawk. Lt. Surge is probably the bravest, most experienced with war character in the games, so Kanto has experience going for them....they also have Bill and Celio.... Don't think Johto is in the running...sorry Gen 2. With Hoenn it depends on the Pokemon being used. Sinnoh is a safe bet. I'm going with Unova myself. Kalos seems to be a little bit too....peaceful. It's not that they know about war though, but it didn't end well for them.
^ Dunno if Tempest is still awake. Sorry, friend. Little Bo Peep has lost her ______? Hopefully the correct answer turns up.
Nope..... C'mon, Staraptor, be a Brave Bird....for me....Please?