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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Chase

  1. Sorry to disappoint. I saw this was a sort of game. I. Like. Games. Hmm....Just for fun, I will go with Bibarel.
  2. I'd love to participate, but you might want to see about getting that server back up. It seems to have fallen from grace!
  3. There's certainly no denying that Anna has some form of sixth sense, but I don't think it would attribute Nomos and Nostra the ability the speak. To further prove your point, Anna is the Psychic Gym Leader (in the League). Regardless of it being a psychiatric matter or that of of the sixth sense, Shade probably doesn't have to change for Anna to find him appealing.
  4. Created a super secret Batman themed team on PO. The Reborn Server gets really weird after hours.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It is weird pretty much anytime I say that from experience lol.

    2. Ukyn1993


      whos batman?

  5. You want me to pick....just ONE?... Uh.......................Anytime I had to battle Taka's Chatot I was vastly frustrated. Specifically when it was teamed up with ZEL's Eeveelution trio.
  6. That's an interesting thought! There's one person who knows about Shade (in the context of the game, under the circumstances of your theory) as the player character sees him. Shelly. Shelly poses a question to Anna about what kind of entity Shadow is in a genuinely concerned manner. The thing about Anna though, is that we already know, due to the implications of Schizophrenia, that she sees people differently (such as the player characters, comprised of dark colors in their spriting, being "glowy" or that Shelly has various strings, indicating that she has various people caring for her.) Perhaps an entity like Shade WOULD seem like a generally appealing character to her. You also bring up Luna. Luna has a certain affinity for "darkness" that is unrivaled by anyone else in the game, and seeing as Shade is an entity shrouded in darkness to the player character, it's also quite possible that Shade doesn't have to "shapeshift" or "morph" for her either, because Luna typically sees no issue in darkness. I don't mean to say that it's -impossible- for Shade to morph or change alias, but he didn't have to for certain to appear before the player and Shelly, and judging from the details of Anna and Luna, he wouldn't "have" to morph for them to get whatever he was trying to say.
  7. Right, ask Vinny and Tempest random questions even if I don't have a question. I'll take your word for it. (thanks for the Welcome, Bibarel!)
  8. Thank you for the tune. I liked it so much I had to write down the name of the song/band into my "songs I need to download" list. It was great, Arkhidon! Thanks, Bohemian!
  9. Aaayy, it's got Swagger, TM87~... I dunno, I think Technician Kricketune could be vary valuable against Radomus and Luna. It all, of course, depends on how you play the game. Some people go with the Common Candy - "I LIKE MAH TEAM AS IS" route. In which case, I probably wouldn't be totin' around Kricketune, but because I don't want to use Common Candies, I'm always looking for Pokemon to make a team specifically made to get me past the next challenge. Kricketune has great situatiional use, and Technician allows for it to get great damage RIGHT AWAY, even on some of the better Pokemon. (of course, it's not very defensive and probably wouldn't get a second chance to attack, but that's what my team building strategy is all about.)
  10. - Thank you! Definitely will hit them up sometime with my questions. They do seem to know what they are talking about! - Yeah. It's currently Dead Week at my university, I know ALLLLL about that Sleep and Study business. Thank you. - Hah! Yeah, it certainly does feel like hell sometimes......*Stupid...Chatot....Grr....* - Whoop! Totodile! - Steven Stone: The guy that doesn't let on he's a Pokemon Champion, until you actually run into him at the Pokemon League. - OOoh, I'm sorry I didn't say anything profound enough for a song to come to your mind anyway! I love those! - Aqua Tail is what's up. - I'm actually using Monferno in my playthrough of Reborn because my friend -Made- me, and because I have yet to play anything from Gen 4. *other than HeartGold...which I will need to edit that above post for*......I like that it gets Mach Punch so early. It's a good Poke. Yep. The last two Generations have had some pretty great Pokemon to just let nostalgia blow them off.
  11. Wow. It's like Facebook for...not facebook....Yeah...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doj


      Nah facebook's better

    3. Chase


      Haha!I would agree, I think Reborn's cool like that. The way I found out though, I was looking for Gossip Gardevoir's profile, and instead the search term became my first "status". Eh, learning experience.

    4. Sheep


      Yeah, that happens more than you'd expect.

  12. Much obliged! I'll have to look into PO.
  13. I went from absolutely hating Kricketot for ever existing, to nearly putting Kricketune as one of my top 5 favorite BUG type pokes, ALL because of Reborn. I had reactions from "It gets TECHNICIAN!" to "YES, I GOT PAST FLOBOT!!!"... Needless to say, Sanity didn't make the trip. Thank you so much for making me feel welcome!
  14. Little late in introducing myself (which is a natural thing.) Hi! My name is Hilda. I came to Pokemon Reborn after a friend showed me a playthrough of it on YouTube, and has so far been a pretty intense ride. As an avid writer, Reborn is all kinds of writing material waiting to be tapped. I have enjoyed reading the various topics on the forums and have discovered that this game has quite the following, as well as a nice community to boot. Someday I hope to take on the League challenge, but right now most of my attention is focused on the wonderful thing that is the Reborn Game.....uh....I guess I'll just spout some random junk. Trainer Name: Hilda Favorite Starter: Totodile - Technical Machines really do save this Pokemon, because it's learnset doesn't give it a just amount of STAB moves. Have loved using the 'Dile ever since Gen 2. If I could start with any Pokemon other than a starter, it would be: Skarmory, or Zubat Main Series Games played: Red, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, White, White2, Y. Favorite game: Tie between Ruby and White 2. Favorite Generation for Pokemon: Gen 5 Favorite Generation for Story, Region: Gen 3 Favorite Pokemon Music: Unova Trainer Battle Theme, Pokemon Tower Theme, the PokeRap on College Humor (with all 700 something Pokes) Battle Strategy: Mixed offensive. A little bit of Special Attack there, a little bit of Physical there.... Maybe a couple of status walls for some extra support... Favorite Pokemon Anime Episode:....I'm not too fond of the anime, but if they made a spinoff involving the Black/White 2 protagonists like the game's trailer, I'd watch. Favorite Game Protagonist: Hilda (White), Red (The art-styles for those two characters are like me irl...) Favorite Rival: Hugh "Don't make me UNLEASH MY RAGE!" Favorite Color: Red Favorite Evil Pokemon Organization: Neo-Team Plasma Favorite Organization Leader: Archie (Aqua) Favorite Champion: Steven Stone ...Can't think of anything else, unless you guys want to ask. Thanks for having me!
  15. Why would you ask me this question! So many choices on the poll. Turtwig, and Chimchar are good bets. If you pick Froakie, it wouldn't be a bad idea either.
  16. It's a bit of an ordeal depending on how far you are in the game. It actually recently was made more difficult to obtain, and after finally getting a Pokemon to like me enough and somehow taking out that blasted Klingklang with my team of level 20 somethings, I didn't get the ability that makes the 'Pix one of the most desired pokes in this game.
  17. Yep, that was the source of my hesitation. Sorta-.....kinda on topic, Vulpix is now adequately difficult to obtain. The Mechanightmare Klingklang can be taken down before battling Corey, but it's a real pain if you don't get lucky when succeeding and being rewarded with Flash Fire Vulpix instead of Drought at that point in time. Props.
  18. I would rather Ame remove things like Kricketot in favor of Gardevoir or Gyarados because Kricketot distinctively requires much less effort than either of those other 'mons. Bug type. Evolves pretty early, learns Fury Cutter (which, if spammed, can get absolutely ridiculous considering we're talking about...well.....Kricketune. On the other hand, how many people would consider bringing along Technician Kricketune to go battle Luna? It wouldn't be a -bad- idea.
  19. Technician Kricketune, is an early game lifesaver.
  20. Oi! Instead of removing Gardevior, doctor that Ralts' moveset so that it doesn't get Teleport? You already removed the Abra! (to my understanding anyway) The thing about Ralts is that - now that it has that Fairy type, the Poison pokes practically tee off on it if they can get past one Confusion. It's like a boxing match every time it out against Cain, Corey, or whatever, and those guys are prominent early game opponents. Magikarp is one of those oddball pokemon. Totally useless early on, and becomes a huge threat with love. It leads me to believe both of those Pokemon are fine where they are.
  21. The farthest I have gotten on a Reborn run is Shade's gym, but before playing Reborn, I watched what felt like hours of shofu's and nickaboo92's playthoughs on youtube to understand what I was going to be up against. After being creeped out by poor Amy getting "worked over" and some chick (who eventually became Kiki, which caused a second round of heebie-jeebies when shofu reached Apophyll.) getting her soul snatched by a (eventually Solaris') Garchomp, I realised that Shade had -some- sort of foresight. After mulling the situation at hand, there are five monitors, but only two of them have featured PAST events. And, regardless if Solaris handed you some Pokedollars for being a total badass or if his Garchomp caused Cain and Victoria to be amazed at your expense, we have to confirm that both events DID happen just as the monitor revealed. Shade's batting 1.000. Obviousness aside, the thing that is truly fun to think about is......why does any of these tragedies matter to the player character? If Shade was going for fear factor, imagine what he did to spook Fern... *All Monitors display Fern losing to the Player Character, with the last one revealing the player character entering the Reborn Hall of Fame after defeating the Champion.* Back to seriousness, is it -indeed- possible that Shade is trying to forwarn the player of events that -will- happen? or is he trying to set the player up for becoming an interloper to those events? My thoery so far - is this. The player character witnesses Corey release his Pokemon on Beryl Bridge before jumping off to his death in the Lapis Ward. The player character also witnesses Kiki's beheading (and the even more tragic end of her Medicham via molten lava.)....Perhaps, Shade is indicating that the player's presence in Reborn is somewhat related to the deaths -past AND future- on the screens? One of those who die is Lin, the leader of Team Meteor. We already know we as players are antagonist forces to Team Meteor. We end up being the reason Lin explodes after putting down their schemes for good. This theory isn't new to Pokemon if you buy into theories such as Giovanni's death by waterfall in the Tohjo Falls after beating him in the Celebi event. Amy's death is the only outlier....but judging from the player's encounter with assailant Titania (I think) in the North Adventurine Woods, perhaps the player is known as an ally to Amaria, and Titania has a disliking to the player that is so strong she would kill her fellow schoolmate. It's also been mentioned that Amaria has the sapphire key though. Man, Speculation is fun!
  22. That whole thing about Love is Pain? Just ask shofu. Recently it has taken shofu an average of TWO videos to take down one gym leader, but recently (Luna) has had this darkness field play to her advantage, without shofu even noticing what the heck was going on. If you watch the videos, YES. It -did- seem as if he was getting all kinds of hax against him, but the thing that I noticed almost instantly was that Luna's Dark Pulses and Night Slashes were packing some serious damage. shofu sounded as if he appreciated the "DARKNESSS" as a cool battle intro, but at times seemed unawares that this field was part of the issues he was facing. Also, his Reborn team is a tad underleveled....but, hey, can't blame him too much. He's gotta keep making videos! All that to say, I think Reborn -should- take the terrain effects and diverge on them. The biggest thing that this game has is difficulty and the groundworks of having to approach all aspects of a Pokemon game with a higher degree of maturity (or you wouldn't make it through the meat grinder that the game is at all). It's nice to see differences in Reborn, in my opinion.
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