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Everything posted by Chase

  1. Man, ....is it because Setsuna is a meme? I like her personality, but .....Takumi joins in literally the next chapter. And WELL beforehand in Revelation. ....he's also a meme but he is also the better bow unit.... (I like Setsuna too.)
  2. You know, I wouldn't mind stealing the gloves personally. If you're paying lab fees as a part of your billing statement that semester, are you really stealing them? I'm not trying to actually ADVOCATE theft, but: Take when your billing statement has taken from you. If you have a technology fee for example, use your printer points and the campus computers. It saves you from HAVING to buy a printer or hassle someone who has one. Especially if your printer points don't roll over to the next semester. Supplies that are given out for free at a university, probably aren't actually free. Check the stuff you pay for on your statement, and it will make you feel a lot better about using things that belong to the school. Here's a story that may help some of you out. My university has three different types of currency. Meal Swipes - "Swipes" are essentially admission to the campus' resident dining hall. They are doled out on a weekly basis and don't roll over. If you eat in the cafeteria, you probably are using a system like this. Try to save these when you can, because you can run out before the weekend and not eating on the weekend can suck. Dining Dollars - Dining Dollars are used at "on-campus" food establishments. For example, there is a Starbucks and a Chick-Fil-A on campus, as well as a sub-sandwich joint in the student union building. These three locations are spots that use your Dining Dollars. Dining Dollars can only be used at places on campus and are often tied to your meal plan along with swipes. The less swipes you have (as a dormitory resident), the more dining dollars you might get to compensate. These are very easy to spend, and they may not be re-loadable because you've already purchased them through your meal plan. (worth checking out) This is a good currency to "treat yourself" after a successful battle with an exam. "CruCash" - (my school mascot is the Crusader) - CampusBucks or...something, can be used at VARIOUS locations. They can be used in a pinch at on-campus locations that range from dining to the campus bookstore, and local off-campus locations that range from restaurants, to salons and spas, to gas stations, to the movie theater. This currency is given out each time the semester begins based on something like which living situation you have (dorms, apartment styled, etc.) - and they DO roll over! TRY TO SEE if you have CampusBucks. Sometimes, for those of us that aren't stipending our campus living with a job, the campus can feel a little claustrophobic and you will need to get away. If you're not a freshmen and had no idea they existed, you might....accidentally realize, that you have around 750 bucks in CruCash lying around and decide you're going to watch at least one movie every month, buy some swag from the bookstore, and actually eat a steak every once in a while. Some of you may have more than I do!
  3. I had a feeling Mael was a Breaking Benjamin fan. Never called him on it, but I probably should have just to see how he would have reacted. For those of you out there that like the poetry known as rap, I present to you Nate Feuerstein, known simply as 'NF'. '10 Feet Down' is a personal song of reflection. In it, Nate describes his life post-fame, and ponders about how easy it is to forget about the reasons why we strive for things simply out of the pace in which we strive. If being pensive is your pick-me-up, this one might help. If you find shouting a form of catharsis, Anberlin's "Feel Good Drag" is an aptly titled song despite leaning toward "Alternative" instead of "Screamo." The premise here is pretty simple. The singer's ex-girlfriend asks for a one-night-stand, and the singer is #OverIt. Anberlin is just a good band in general to look up when things aren't so hot. If *shouts in Alternative* isn't enough, I guess we can kick it up a notch.. if you're hurt so much it makes you angry, I'm one of those people that thinks fighting fire with fire is a good thing. Enter rap rock band Hollywood Undead, with "We Are". The song has been described as an anthem of "misled youth" and emblematic of collective resistance - using the band's hometown of Los Angeles as a backdrop. For me, this song was a sort of in-body, out-of-body experience and the "misled youth" bit kind of makes sense with my view of people. There's something comforting in knowing other people are hurting too, even if that's a depressing kind of treatment. Be mindful, there is some minor language here. Let's stick with HU though, because sometimes, you just need something...."silly". These guys kind of remind me of Eminem with songs that are just absurd lyrics-wise, and sometimes what you need is a good laugh. There is DEFINITELY language in this one - and if taken with a modicum of serious attention it's a rap song that objectifies women and is guilty of self-aggrandizement. Also, the advice Charlie Scene gives as to how cool he is isn't good advice. The bottom line is that it is probably meant to sound funny. The instrumentals are catchy, the flow is there, and my first time listening to it was a hilarious experience. From the band's testimony on seemingly every track on this album, they just kinda wanted to make some money and make it big. Not everything needs a story. Finally, let's go for some hope. Despite this band having a considerably more liberal political lean and significant political activity than I, Rise Against's "Prayer of the Refugee" is not only a classic 'Guitar Hero' track, but one that seemingly provides hope. The story goes, that a refugee or immigrant from some generic country is trying to find and foster success in America, where the government and the nation's people discriminate and try to undermine them. The singer's tone seems defiant, and the lyrics provide some respite to the downtrodden soul. This one has been one of my long-time favorites. Like....that song that plays when someone checks your MySpace page long-time...and I didn't have a MySpace.
  4. Not. My best thread title...Yikes... After booting up Conquest again over the weekend, I was reminded a bunch of why I happen to have a predisposition toward my family that lives in perpetual nighttime. This also caused me to think "is there anything that Hoshido does BETTER than Nohr, or has that Nohr doesn't have?" What do you guys think? I have one to start. 'You of The Light' is the far superior Sibling boss theme over 'You of The Dark' For as potentially "bland" the Hoshidan royals may be perceived as, they ARE categorically badass antagonists who KNOW you made the wrong decision and WILL let you know about it. Ryoma, much like his son Shiro despite being a bit more disciplined and much more reserved and refined, has a penchant for recklessness, which makes him fit 'You of The Light' in a unique way. Swordmasters and frenetic, soaring tunes just work. Hinoka OWNS this track in every encounter you have with her. It's particularly great in Notre Sagesse when you choose to encounter her with Camilla - causing the two to share special catty dialogue (essentially, Corrin picked me and not you, Deal with it.) Takumi is the least "fitting" of 'You-Light', but it isn't far-fetched either as the oriental background does match the devil's advocate dislike of you he has had the entire time. Sakura's second encounter with Conquest!Corrin's army is HER first usage of this track, making for a strong finish. Here, Sakura actually is a decent mini-boss, actually can deal damage, and is overcoming her fears to defend her nation. Even from her sibling. It's great. 'You of The Dark' attempts to keep pace with it's Hoshidan counterpart, and can also be described as "frenetic" - but for the following reasons, it's not a strong representation of the Nohrian royal family. Xander's usage of this song may work in Cyrkensia, but your chances of defeating him are likely not very high as the objective is to escape (meaning, you're probably losing a unit here and who cares about the damn boss music when "Everlasting Nightmare" or whatever it's called should be playing instead.) In his second appearance, this tune just doesn't fit the mood. Xander has just killed his/your baby sister, and he's essentially fighting you because he believes he doesn't have a choice. A funeral dirge is more appropriate here. I've heard an argument for Camilla's appearance in Cheve being acceptable. Big Sister, who despite resigning herself to killing you as punishment for rejecting her specifically, sounds like her usual doting self and the boss music can be seen as imposing. However, with music, it's the last thing that your ears experience. Slightly deranged Camilla may be the best bet for 'You-Dark' - and I would contend the song is too 'happy' for her considering she's losing her mind in the most literal sense during the events of Birthright. This doesn't fit Leo at all. Next. Elise, despite having the courage to take on the Hoshidan army already, joins your party in spirit instead of engaging with you on the battlefield, meaning the song never applies to her. This is sad, because Elise might be the best wielder of the tune! 'You-Light' is a beautiful "heroic" tune. When you listen to it, it's got this really neat effect of making you feel conflicted because it's not playing for YOU, the so called protagonist of the game. It's playing for the family that is defending its homeland from unwanted conquerors and perhaps trying to beat some sense into their sibling, who has no idea what they are doing. 'You-Dark'....doesn't seem to know what it wants to sound like. On the one hand, there are instances of "oh shit" - such as Camilla (Cheve) or getting caught by Xander in Cyrkensia because you suck at Fire Emblem or are very brave - where the tune does hold to being a boss-fight score. On the other, the tune is much too frenetic to match any of the personalities and their situations well at all. Both Takumi and Leo seem like afterthoughts when it comes to these tracks, but Takumi's ever-present resolve gives him a leg up on Leo, who is trying to mask his displeasure with having to fight a sibling with fake confidence. Nohr would probably prefer their royals have a more "serious" sounding tune - and I'm in the camp that believes it would have been okay to make the Nohrians "sound" like sinister villains. The track's indecisiveness over if it should sound "happy" because they are your family members or "scary" because they are the antagonists is just jarring, and the instrumentation makes it sound more "hokey" than it should.
  5. I like the rotating map when it has the indication of what North is on the edge of the emblem. I am pretty good at directions, so I prefer seeing my indicator going up the map.
  6. Chase

    A Proposition.

    I mean - you can believe it to be obvious but the onus of affirming what is implicit is not wielded by the speaker. Text isn't a great medium to convey sarcasm, and your response read like it was directed at the OP regardless of whom you actually meant to address. Glad we seem to be on the same page though.
  7. Chase

    A Proposition.

    That's the thing though, Wolfox. Every post had the advice they needed somewhere in it. It's the extra haughtiness and frankly unrequired defense that Reborn gets in these posts that have a tendency to prevent the advice from being taken due to ensuing shame and continued frustration. Reborn can be a very irritating game by design and by accident - even if the solution is there on the player's end and what suggestion there is from the newer folks seems not totally thought out. Just because we as a community take our lumps and "git gud" doesn't mean that's something that will be easy or quick for everyone. The forums used to be more keen to help others who were struggling. Not belittling them for being upset at their struggle. There's no reason to be a "forum warrior". If we're all playing the game - we're all on the same side. It won't hurt Ame and the development team's feelings if their work is criticized. The game isn't finished. It's the time to be critical.
  8. Chase

    A Proposition.

    Ah, the classic thread where a new face voices some displeasure and the community be like "RAWWWWR" in a unanimous landslide of making the poster look bad. Can we be better than this? They were not asking for a Gastly or Earthquake. All this person wanted was to not get hammered by a move that can really not be fun depending on the moves you have available. --- OP, as brash as everyone else was, they are right. Use a non attacking move over and over with a Psychic or Ghost type until the Pokemon runs out of PP. Yeah - it's cheese and possibly not the way you want to win your Pokemon battles - but the game is designed to make you think. If it works, then it doesn't matter if it looks ugly right? Not every Pokemon will carry SP, so its not the best hill to die on.
  9. Ark, CMON man. You're the passive aggressive note guy? I guess perfection is lofty. I would try to encourage you all to talk directly with your roommate. Not because notes don't work - but being too passive aggressive makes a living relationship with a roomie tense if your notes get misinterpreted. Do support post its though. You're still cool, Music man. --- ALWAYS FAN. Even in apartments. You never know if you can't touch your AC because of some STUPID. RULE. RRRRRGBH- --- Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, whatever. At the risk of being distracting - this is the best way to circumvent your roomie taking the TV outlet or being caught in crappy weather. The binge watch on the weekends isn't always a great idea - but it's a great way to share a great film with your study group or roommate.
  10. This thread is nothing but a hot-take. It also should be known that I do like the first time we set foot in Arcadia Bay and that there are some great things DontNod and Deck Nine have accomplished with these games. The best gameplay mechanic is the photo/graffiti hunt mechanic. Especially in Max's Nightmare. The different angles and MacGuyvering that it takes to get all of the pictures and tags really accentuate Arcadia Bay's set-pieces and motivates the player to explore and examine everything. Since the days of the examine _____ option existing in RuneScape, laughing at captions the game developers give at games has been some unexpectedly good fun - and I've always been a fan of adventuring in seemingly open worlds. Before the Storm's 'Backtalk' mechanic isn't time-travel, but it's much more fun even if there are some situations where guys like the mill bouncer and Skip Matthews have no reason to be taking sass from Chloe. Time-travel causes me to cringe (especially later in the first game) - but I -do- appreciate the ability for Max to use this power for her own gain and gather intelligence that may or may not matter. More dialogue that is meaningless but something I asked for? Awesome. Max's Journal and Chloe's letters to Max are great exposition dumps that are not "in your face" and are just accessible when you want them. Present but not invasive? It's like the guys at DontNod actually have played video games before! Plus, if you're into the whole teenage slice-of-life stuff, this tab is a goldmine for that. Minor issues. Pokémon Reborn might somehow be more accommodating to male characters - and that's something Reborn has some notoriety for lacking. Cain (who would fit right into these games) at least isn't given a negative undertone. Two examples of this are the obvious 'friendzoned' guys in this series. Warren and Eliot. Both gentleman show obvious interest to the female leads, but only one has a chance to be shipped and -both- have various degrees of "obsession". Warren can be spotted peeping through Max's window from around the corner of the girl's dormitory, while Eliot (who has no chance at all because we already know Chloe's not on the market) snaps at Chloe and makes an angry appeal for being "better for you than Rachel is". Then you have guys like Nathan who has psychosis, David who's vilified by his stepdaughter that we're supposed to like/we are playing as, Frank the perpetually grouchy drug dealer, William who's actually a good guy but very dead, and Mr. Jefferson, who is the big bad of the first game. Dead, Evil, 'zoned with issues, or irrelevant to the story. Such is the fate of a guy in Arcadia Bay. In contrast - the progressive same-sex options (Chloe in the first game, and Rachel Amber in the second) are presented as the seemingly "unrivaled" match for the protagonists. Chloe gets a pass, because her hooking up with Rachel is 100% "canon" - but in retrospect it clearly looks like DontNod is being ham-fisted with the message of loving whomever, or is comprised of a bunch of male developers who really just wanted to see two chicks kiss each other in their games. This is a shame not because I'm a conservative male and the game isn't supposed to appeal to me, but I generally thought it was wrong to kiss Chloe because I thought saving her for Rachel was the best way to go. Either of those counts as an annoyance. Major Issue. In the first game, Max travels through various timelines to save her friend Chloe from death over, and over, and over, and over...and...well yeah. There seems to be a point of this being worth the effort. Max also uses her time travel powers to better the town of Arcadia Bay, and there's so many things Max is able to do in order to go from some hipster chick that's easy to insult to a real 'Everyday Hero' (which is the point of her taking a selfie and submitting it for the contest. By the time she actually gets around to submitting it - she's literally been a heroine the whole time. It's not arrogance if it's TRUE my dudes!) The whole game does a great job of making the people at Blackwell and in town matter too. This leads, at first glance, to a very powerful choice of sacrificing your best friend or your home filled with people that also matter....however. Neither of these choices comes without a price...and I'm not just talking about Chloe Price... (heh!) Bae > Bay If you choose to sacrifice the fishing town of Arcadia Bay, Oregon - you are basically allowing all or most of the people you helped and befriended to die. It's not so much that these people or even the quantity of humanity involved is more important than Chloe. It's that this choice invalidates things like saving Kate Marsh from herself, or Victoria Chase from Mr. Jefferson, or Warren, or Chloe's own mother who is literally stranded at the Two Whales, or Frank if you were able to befriend him, from importance, and ultimate wastes your time! Bay > Bae If you choose to sacrifice Chloe, you don't only lose your best friend, all the times you spent saving her from Nathan's gun, Mr. Jefferson's gun, the gun that she just fired herself, and a fucking train end up completely meaningless, and again, your time is wasted. Before the Storm only play this one if you're a fan of the characters. Spoiler: Rachel Amber finds her way to being drugged by Nathan Prescott so he can take disturbing photos of her in the Dark Room underneath his family barn. He sucks at it, and Rachel dies of overdose. It doesn't matter if you tell Rachel her father is an asshole or if you don't. (unless you know how to get the secret ending...)
  11. I think there are a lot of questions that we as Americans need to answer about ourselves to determine which leader fits the role of the presidency best. 1. Is the role of the presidency supposed to be most important to the people of the United States or should they focus on being an emissary for the entire planet? Part of the reason President Trump was successful in 2016 is that Americans are undecided on what role America should play in the world. Democrats tend to believe that America should be a part of a global community that strives to protect the entire planet from various threats, where Republicans do so only at the extent of enriching the value of American goods, services, and lives. It also likely that Trump took this a step further and played to the idea that America should be somewhat isolationist when it comes to priorities, adopting liberal policies regarding trade and applying it to a nationalistic "America First" canvas. It's a little blasé to assume Americans that only vote for American interests are shallow minded. The presidency is only a national position, despite having global impact. Therefore, it's reasonable to consider all options. It's also true that America is merely a location on Earth, and that it has neighbors, some of which value and depend on America greatly. 2. Is there a group of people that Americans should form their policy for - or should Americans put value on everyone in the tent? This one comes down to budgeting concerns - and it's kinda funny how this mindset applies to the political parties in America at the moment. Democrats take a very capitalist approach when it comes to Education, willing to invest and spend much in order for America to make it back later (despite recently turning their back on capitalism as an economic system among younger voters and liberal activists). Republicans would rather spend on security measures, such as bolstering national defense or improving border security, despite having a very "frugal" intent when it comes to spending in general. It's very likely the appropriate president -here- would be willing to spend equally on Security -and- Education while also trying to budget responsibly, but no candidate has come out with that intention because it strays for both parties' norms. 3. What is considered a "successful" tenure as President? The answer to this question is easily the most important when trying to have an idea of what the ideal presidential candidate is. If Trump's term officially ended today, he would be seen as a successful president when it comes to the nation's economy and job growth, while a failure when it comes to relations with leaders of other countries. His service is enough to embolden Republicans and energize Democrats. It's hard to tell just how good or bad Trump did. If you let the media decide for you - then Trump is clearly a poor president. However, the media isn't the only one with a valid opinion.
  12. I think there's a big problem with taking Garon out of Anankos' pocket. That problem simply would be that he would be dead and Xander would already be king of Nohr - and as much as his continuity between the three routes isn't that great, Xander doesn't seem like he would want to commit atrocities to the extent Garon would against Hoshido, even if peace talks take quite a while to happen. I.e. - the game writes Anankos' control of Ganon as a puppetmaster controlling a long-dead puppet. Garon is so old that he shouldn't even be alive. --- I think this is how Fates' story gets improved. We still run with the three routes. We still make Anankos the final big bad. We still make Garon the primary antagonist in both routes. We still leave Azura lost in her thoughts all alone. We change Anakos' involvement in the conflict, the families' ability to perceive something beyond the enemy being the cause, and Corrin's demeanor. --- Birthright. This story needs the least amount of altering. Birthright is a classic Fire Emblem experience complete with predictable story, understandable Lord on a quest with justice in mind, deserving big bad (as Garon is still indeed a huge contributor to the conflict), and late game drama. Elise's death and Xander's reaction to killing his sister just outright works. However, A little bit of "Conquest" Corrin seeps through the cracks here. Here [he] spends time moving his troops slowly. Instead of Ryoma and Takumi going missing we have Saizo trying to save Kagero on Ryoma's orders, with both ninja aware of the royal brothers' whereabouts. With the help of Corrin and [his] army, Saizo succeeds in saving his fellow retainer and both of them let Corrin know of the their brothers' wellbeing and plans. 'Betrayal' (or possessed Takumi) still finds the group in Mokoshu - but near the end of the fight, startling the two ninja and bringing on Nohrian "invisible" soldiers with him. Instead of stressing out about Ryoma, the group has to liberate a Hoshidan port town from Nohrian occupation, and boards the ship to Cyrkensia, only to be ambushed by "invisible soldiers". Instead of assuming these soldiers are Nohrian, Corrin and Hinoka notice that these troops seem to carry Hoshidan aerial troops alongside Nohrian ones. Takumi still believes it to be a Nohrian attack (having been sung out of mind control for the time being), but the rest of the Hoshidans grow concerned. Meanwhile, Azura begins growing nervous, fully aware of the origin of this second army - but doesn't contribute to the discussion because of the curse. The group runs into King Garon at Cyrkensia as normal and has to escape the theater with the Nohrian royal family in hot pursuit, getting caught up to by Camilla at Cheve. Camilla engages the Hoshidans with Hans while in a different part of the city Leo's forces scatter the Chevois Resistance fighters. Corrin defeats Camilla as normal, and nearly convinces her to join the army after levying [his] accusation against King Garon. Leo interrupts only for Ryoma to ambush him with a re-energized resistance group and Scarlet. Corrin, Silas, Scarlet, and the rest of the Hoshidan royal family bring up the invisible soldiers again, and decide - together - that Nohr isn't responsible for all of the damage. By the time the party gets to Elise in Windmire, she talks about how the invisible troops, even wearing Nohrian regalia, have been giving Xander, Leo, and the Nohrian forces trouble as well, giving Corrin hope for a peaceful resolution against the true enemies. Ultimately, Xander's undying loyalty to Nohr and his father prevail instead of reason, and Garon is even less hospitable to the idea - acknowledging the statue of Anankos in his throne room before the final battles at Castle Krakenburg. The war ends with Hoshido victorious, Nohr being led by King Leo after Camilla abdicates the throne, and the groundwork set for whatever the heck the Invisible Kingdom is. The path ends with Leo, Camilla, and the Nohrian forces encountering Vallite troops on the Hoshidan plains following Ryoma's coronation, indicating that Valla is planning to go on a stronger offensive having last it's pawn in the world in Garon. --- Conquest. Here, Corrin sides with [her] family as it's the only thing she really knows. Garon originally does indeed question [her] return to Nohr and originally tries to get her killed with Iago's advising, but [she] not only prevails with the help of her friends, [she] also begins to become defiant toward Iago and embraces the coldness of a Nohrian general throughout the early part of the campaign. Essentially - siding with Nohr is Anakin Skywalker's descent into becoming Darth Vader for Corrin. [She] becomes entangled in the chaos that is the Nohrian royal court - and makes her journey a quest to prove [she's] as Nohrian as Xander is. There -still- is inner turmoil, and away from the King's ears [she] still calls for no troops to be slain if it can be helped, but [she] defends [her] actions with the guise of it being quicker to defeat an army and move on to the next objective. While Garon doesn't approve of the lack of death in [her] method, he can't help but recognize results and Corrin gains influence among the Nohrian ranks. Azura is placed into Nohrian care as before, but frightened of Corrin and participates in warfare only to keep her life and the chance she can turn fate positively alive with her knowledge of the situation. During chapter 11 at the palace in Mazcab Ryoma -and- Corrin's forces are ambushed by invisible soldiers. The soldiers are partially blamed for causing the Nohrians escape to be a possibility. The Nohrian royal family begins to consider these forces as non-Hoshidan in nature and it's at this point Azura reveals to Corrin Garon's state - after Corrin tails Azura to Valla. The Hoshidan throne is still kept a secret though, as Azura is unable to convince Corrin that Garon is truly lost. Instead of Corrin having to kill Hoshidans with complete awareness that [she] is fighting the wrong enemy, [she] does so out of ignorance, with Azura having to simply hope Nohr can capture Castle Shirasagi and Garon sits on the throne there before his family - in order to reveal the truth. Corrin's bravery and domination in the Hoshidan campaign causes Hans and Iago to become rogue agents more so than they already are - bringing Camilla's "court drama" to Corrin as usual at the end of the campaign. However, Iago and Hans become too concerned with how they are going to turn on Corrin to realize that Corrin is sparing Hinoka and Sakura. Goo Garon is revealed to everyone - including Corrin - after Iago and Hans die. Corrin quickly assumes leadership against Garon having seen him before in disbelief thanks to Azura. Azura quickly agrees to fight, but the royal family has to be convinced through Garon's assumption that all of his children are involved in rebellion. Betrayal Takumi shows up as normal. The path ends with Queen Hinoka and Sakura encountering Vallite forces with their detail, indicating that Valla is again going to go on the offensive.
  13. Alright, for a short game that I wish didn't stick with me as much as it does, I have to ask the all important question. How would you rank the girls in "Doki Doki Literature Club?" .....I going to type this as fast as possible and then take a long shower and rethink some of my life decisions. Make sure you play the game before venturing further into this one. It's better to not know what the actual hell is going on with this title. Don't start getting mad...it's free on Steam and for download on its own. Google it. 4. The Girl Next Door 3. She's Not Cute 2. Just- 1. Knife Wife
  14. Nope. Not when Game Freak and Nintendo and the Pokémon Company essentially gave enough of a tip off to insinuate the game was going to be much like the Emeralds and Platinums of the past in comparison to something like Black and White 2. Alternate story elements were listed as just that, not a whole new tale. In terms of it being an alternative telling of the events in Sun and Moon with more features - making the games the definitive titles of Generation 7? It doesn't matter if the game put you off by it's similarities. The games were exactly what they were supposed to be. You hit the nail on the head, Wolfox. Sun and Moon were good entries into the series that didn't need a whole lot to be made "better" in terms of playability. That means that the story didn't need to be changed much (and still Game Freak obliged). --- I -do- think however, that you can dislike a game from the vantage point you took going in. I feel like players that had gone through Alola before -reasonably- had a right to feel "cheated". The Ultra titles didn't change the graphics much at all, the story was very much similar, and the rest of the additions felt like it could have been downloadable content in a day and age where people don't have to buy the same game over and over and over again as Pokémon has made its fortune from. It really looked like the original Sun and Moon could be patched or given the Ultra content with DLC purchases that cost less at a later date. I didn't feel cheated, because I already know about buying two versions of the same game, and I was aware of the direction Game Freak was going with the Ultra games. That doesn't mean it feels particularly great to not get as much out of playing through the story as you got from playing the previous game. --- That being said - the Ultra games did enough of the small changes to keep me looking for them. For example, Prof. Kukui was the master of misdirection from the moment he suddenly owned a Cutiefly to his fake-out at the Pokémon League. On top of that, the extra Pokémon roster, Tutors throughout the game thanks to Mantine Surf, and being able to collect Legendary Pokémon from all generations on one generation's game through the Ultra Wormholes was good enough to maximize playtime when the story felt repetitive. For the player JUST getting to Alola, the Ultra games were probably as good as we thought Sun and Moon were - if not making a better impression. The question really just is - would you pay full price for Ultra Sun after playing Sun?
  15. First of all - you aren't going to help yourself out with on the logic side of things if you maintain irrational thought. An example is your contention that love won't find you again. Feeling that way is one thing - and certainly holding out hope can be taxing to the heart. However - to think that way is not very logical because it's already happened to you before. In other words - you had already told yourself it wouldn't happen and then it did. The evidence points to the possibility remaining. That's not a promise or an assurance - but it's reality. You could very well be wrong again. --- Something that works for me is to not repress how I feel about the person I was in a relationship with. Instead of letting the lack of reciprocation burden my heart, I found solace in that my feelings are still warm for them. When the person is mentioned and my ears perk up and the inevitable memories resurface I indulge in having the opportunity to know someone that would leave an impression on me in the way they had. I've wanted to forget. I've found that personally an unhealthy way to manage pain. My memory is better than I'd like it to be. That means for me - owning my past and reconciling it with myself is the better way to peace. That may not be your situation. In which case, there's more folks here with opinions.
  16. Nah - I wasn't offended in the slightest. I did have to smirk that we have something as profound as a similar learning style preference in common despite how often we seem to diverge in opinion. It also - to the topic at hand - was a fun bit of self reflection. I wonder how much things like learning styles actually reflect gender differences or how that applies to the patriarchal history of humanity. Are men "hands on" because they've had opportunities to for so long in comparison to others? I'm starting to see the appeal of Gender Studies from a inquiry standpoint. I wouldn't be surprised either in any case.
  17. I will acknowledge this. As a male, I prefer to learn by ear - as you do. I also didn't come to this site as myself, so I'm the last person to claim purity to any gender whatsoever. Im not shaken up by this revelation though. The way I've always understood how my brain works is that it's my brain and not a part of a group. Maybe that isn't how it works - and I'm not saying it can't be empirically given a gender based on studies, but it hasn't caused much "severe" dysphoria outside of the time period I've given above - which I'm not sure counts. I don't think this is the place to examine that further. --- I do know that I biologically appear male and that I'm okay with it. I don't worry too much if men think I'm not one of them and i definitely liken male aesthetic as my own I also know that I've been intrigued by "what it means to be female" in the past. I wouldn't say that I skew toward male in every category either. I don't think though - that -I- qualify as a transgender person. History aside, my musings throughout my life have been "what ifs" instead of "why is it"s. Unless of course you think my other intent with the question was to mock people here - in which case, I apologize for having given folks the impression that I don't respect you for who you are. I would have considered learning about me academic as well though.
  18. I'm actually taking an Ethics and Social Issues course this spring - and the professor left open a blank for any possible social issue not already listed for potential discourse later in the term. I offered up "Transgenderism" in that topic - because I make up words just to try and direct thought. This matters to me because it's a Christian Ethics course and ultimately should be what scholars are saying ministers and the like should do with and how to address said issue. It may also talk about biblical interpretation of things like transition therapy and what someone contemplating transition (or if you are a stickler - trying to come to grips with existing transgender reality consciously.) If the professor decides it's a good topic - I'll relay what I learn here - because I'm always game to learn about this. --- So - I find it interesting that people just in this thread are not a concensus when it comes to the biological and psychological factors involved. Those if you in the merely psychological camp - why is it that you believe transgenderism doesn't involve anatomy or chemical buildup? The biological camp has done a good job of asserting a premise in brain activity - but I could go for some elaboration. I'm a slow science learner. Also - for fun - Is it possible to be biologically transgender subconsciously (I.e. You don't identify as trans but your brain shows patterns that don't match up with your outward assumed gender)?
  19. Lysol wipes. Alright - many universities will MAKE you clean your room (if not - I envy you a bit.) - and thus, you are going to need cleaning supplies. Lysols work on just about every non bathroom surface in your dorm and are easily disposable. --- Magic Erasers ...and every bathroom surface left over is handled aptly with a magic eraser. --- A surge protector. If you are like me, there are lots of things you need to plug in all at once. Alarm clocks, phone, laptop, handheld gaming system, fan, printer..... and often not enough outlets on your side of the dorm room. Surge protectors not only protect your appliances - but give you more outlets. --- A water purifying container to store drinking water in. Sometimes dormies are forced to wake up im the middle of the night. This makes drinking out of the tap or brushing your teeth safer. --- PRINTER PAPER Most tech fees on your bill will give you School wide "printer points" so that you can use the school printers and ink. Not every printer on campus comes with free paper though - and you may be prone to having to print something after hours where the one free paper printer on campus isn't accessible. Printer paper allows every other printer to be viable. It also helps you avoid stealing paper from other students. Who can get peeved by that.
  20. Hey - I like the fresh take! Most people that claim Radomus' relationship to the twins is paternal do so almost to justify a past decision to side with him or do so because the community belief is that Anna is one of the two characters who you should always agree with. I like to theorize and leave all potential avenues of thought open. Often - Radomus feels like a non starter because many people are all in on Mr. Vanhanen being Anna's father. I'm not saying the plot points don't fit - knowing he was arrested and imprisoned actually makes the theory seem more believable. He's just a guy we don't "know" an awful lot about to be so sure of.
  21. Alright guys - so I had this idea sitting here in my on-campus apartment to use this thread as a "quality-approved" symposium of items you should want for when you decide to move out and reside on campus for studies. There are a lot of things -I- like, but if I buy the same things all the time, I'll never know the things that are actually great that I am missing out on. I figured since many of you guys are also around my age, you guys have some products you swear by as well. The only rule is to be specific with the item's name. An example would be identifying "Tide Pods" instead of "laundry detergent" as a soap to wash your clothes with. Anyway, here's some things that I think are good. I'm using the approach of the classic "microfridge" set up you get in a dormitory. It's a miniature ice-box (often without a freezer) with a microwave set up above it, that you still have to share with your roommate. --- 1. Fruity Pebbles and (any) Milk. Fruity Pebbles is a fantastic sugar cereal. It kind of tastes like Trix (that's the fruit-shaped cereal with the Rabbit on the box) but has the texture and size of Rice Krispies, which I find to be a more filling cereal texture, similar to Muesli or Post's Honey Bunches of Oats. For those of you that are more open to chocolate over fruit, there's Cocoa Pebbles. This works out really nicely with the microfridge setup because milk is often packaged in various sizes, and certain sizes -can- fit your fridge while leaving you more space for more things and not taking up space your roommate might want. For maximum efficiency, eat your cereal out of a disposable Solo cup with a disposable spoon. The trash is usually always easier to take out and you are unlikely to have a dishwasher in your dormitory. --- 2. Canned Soda With microfridges, odds are you are probably always going to eating with a meal plan (which is a GOOD thing to purchase. The cafeteria at college is usually all you can eat, and the food is significantly better than your crappy high school fare.) This means most of your items in your fridge should be liquids OTHER than water. However, Sodas (and bottles of water, if you don't agree with me) are nice to have in cans that come in boxes or are held together with plastic links. They aren't too big, and can only be stuck in the fridge long enough to get cold before you drink it in clear the space. These liquids are not imperative to keep in the fridge all the time, like milk is. Juices and the like are also like this. Only put as much as you are willing to drink fairly soon in, and keep the rest of your beverages elsewhere, like in the closet, in a drawer, or under your bed. Your roommate will again, appreciate it, and you will be economical, and refreshed if you need something to drink outside of the cafeteria.
  22. I guess the fair category for me then is that there are characters that I -really- want to like, but I may need to see the story end before I can get over their negatives. 1. Titania has a pleasing aesthetic, attitude, and Ace Pokemon. However, her story - for me - is seemingly wrought by her own choice. She'll probably need to try to genuinely fix the situation to improve her comfort one way or the other before my opinion improves. Titania isn't hiding or unlikeable in principle. It's more of a personal situation. 2. Radomus is almost Tania's antithesis. An aloof man who seems fairly detached from everyone even if there may be implicit relations to them. He kind of reminds me of 'The Last Jedi's DJ, a hacker who is in prison and played by Benecio del Toro. "DJ" isn't a name. It stands for "Don't Join". In order to determine if I like either DJ or Radomus, the stories they are in need to be resolved. What side of history do they fall on? For now - Anna and Noel may be the only good things to come from him. And that's if he's actually their dad. Isn't the only thing we know that Anna's father gave her the pendent? Where does Sirius say he knows her dad? The theory has always seemed to be some degree wishful thinking.
  23. Fraud huh? Yeah - I don't trust the guy. However, this could lead credence to both his actually being in Team Meteor -and- being related to the twins. The questions are this: does he know he has children? if so, does he care about them enough to stand by them against Meteor? How much is he invested in Meteor? He has no issue claiming Luna as a ward just because she merely shows up at his doorstep. Is he merely adding to the family out of benevolence or is he replacing the children he wasn't aware of/is aware of having but doesn't like? I really can only respect Radomus' reasoning and observation skills. His character is very suspect after he forces you to cough up the pendent.
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