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Everything posted by LeafAlcor

  1. Hey guys, now that I am up to date been trying to do some iv breeding for better mons, unfortunately I can only get one ditto in game and its ivs are kinda bad, would anyone be able to trade a ditto so i can start iv breeding?
  2. I'd recommend a bulky grass type for taking care of Terra even if only as a temporary pivot over Emboar such as Amoonguss because it has reasonable bulk can STAB giga drain and switch out after ko's for recovery (regenerator ability) or status cripple with impunity or Cradily, as it could easily deal with Quagsire due to 4x stab as well as storm drain, and tank a reasonable number of Hippowdon's attacks making it a suitable temporary replacement to Emboar, also welcome to the forums
  3. Weather is manipulable by changing the date/time on your pc (tbh how i got my numel in my mono run i was too lazy to wait) and by checking the weather forecast on any nearby tv however beyond that week its random so if theres a point in that week that has the needed weather change it to that day, if not move it further along until it works out
  4. Long overdue - Camerupt for ground type (been looking forward to this one ) Ranking: S Ability: Solid Rock Item: Any recovery item really (or air balloon) Moves: Lava Plume/Eruption, Yawn, Earth Power/Earthquake, Amnesia Why: Camerupt has an above average physical and special attack of 100 and 105 respectively, although either attacking type is reasonably viable for camerupt due to all its viable fire STAB moves being special i prefer this set, Camerupt is an amazing support for any and all ground monotypes as it is the only ground type that is also a fire type (with the exception of primal-groudon which will obviously never be available) making it the unrivaled best grass counter for ground types, additionally its available level up moves are excellent, being able to manipulate sleep status on any opponent with yawn while also building special bulk with amnesia, after one amnesia even a special water type attack would be hard pressed to KO Camerupt, it also gains further bulk through the ability Solid Rock which removes one quarter of all super effective damages to it, dulling the edge on all the most dangerous moves to it, Camerupt also gains the use of Lava Plume or Eruption both powerful moves and field breakers to boot (namely grassy and forest fields) Eruption favors a higher power but lava plumes power doesnt decrease with hp and has a high chance to burn the opponent/s (30%) giving it further bulk against the enemy, it also gains valuable STAB in the form of Earthquake and Earth Power, EQ is among the most common ground moves having 100 bp and being able to target everyone at once, while Earth Power favors special attackers and has the added benefit of ignoring the debuff of Aya's wasteland field. Overall Camerupt is the only available fire type to a ground mono, has extremely useful STAB moves and can circumvent or destroy many field effects that are dangerous to ground types making it a must-have for any ground monotype and therefore well worthy of S rank despite a low speed and 4x weakness to water.
  5. just a suggestion but why not increase the character/word cap on OP threads that become pinned, since they are already being prioritized as important or commonly used threads anyway it seems a tad silly to have limits like those imposed on them and if they are pinned they are likely being monitored already, in this particular case especially since this threads OP will have most of its content under spoiler tags (im aware this is something probably only Ame can do but it might be worth mentioning to her )
  6. Ability: Overcoat Rank: C- (Ground Type) Item: N/A Moves: Struggle Bug, Rock Blast, Bug Bite, Attract/Captivate/Hidden Power Why: Wormadam-Sandy has a good defence stat of 105 making it a reasonably bulky physically as well as having a good typing for a ground monotype (Bug/Ground), which combined with its ability overcoat makes it a menace to the usually dangerous grass types by taking only neutral damage from their STAB attacks and being immune to the common powder based moves on opposing bug and grass types (bye bye spore spammers); it has bug bite STAB to strike back against grass types and rock blast to slow down the physically frail ice threats (like Serra) and a semi decent doubles assistance move in the form of Struggle Bug (thanks Shelly) as well as attract and captivate to cripple opponents offence. However despite these helpful little niches Wormadam has quite a few noticeable shortcomings that set it back to only low C rank or even high D rank those being, low stats: having a sub par health stat of 65, Wormadam needs very high defences to make up for this which it got in physical defence but its special defence is only an average 85 coupled with its pitiful speed of 35 one or two hits from a decent special attacker in later game will make short work of it (as well as having rather poor offensive capabilities of 79 attack and 59 sp attack), additionally despite having one or two decent moves majority of Wormadam's viable movepool come from TM's (which are sadly limited in Reborn) or are exclusive to its trash cloak form. Overall Wormadam is a decent bug type option for ground monotypes in early game that can help support in double battles and counter difficult grass type pokemon trainers such as Florinia's gym and Ferns earlier battles, but's usage becomes more of a rare rotation as an occasional counter to pesky grass types due to its lack of speed, offence, special bulk and limited movepool.
  7. Torterra for A/S rank Ability: Shell Armor Type: Ground Moves: Wood Hammer, Earthquake, Crunch, Curse/Leech Seed Item: bright powder, sash, anything that raises power of any of its attacking moves Reason: Torterra has a good typing to assist in a ground mono-type run having 95/105/85 is fairly decent defensive stats especially on defence, its ability Shell Armor is excellent giving it complete immunity to critical hits making it much easier to avoid RNG hax especially with breaking through stat bonuses which you can gain in defence with curse while simultaneously increasing your attack further, Torterra has an above average attack of 109 once again can be further increased by curse making its powerful STAB Wood Hammer and Earthquake even more formidable. Leech Seed is also a viable option if setting up will not work allowing it to recover hp or help allies even after fainting, Crunch is a bit of a filler move but it has decent power can lower opponents defence and is learned naturally by leveling like the rest of its set. Despite Torterra being a bulky strong STAB monster for ground it has a couple of minor short comings which makes it potentially only A rank, one of which is its typing which while good for countering water leaves it easily open to most ice type attacks if outsped which is sadly common due to its second shortcoming a low speed stat, Torterras last and largest problem is a lack of rock type attacks which it would usually get through Stone Edge or Rock Slide but are not available TM's at this time which would otherwise allow it to counter its personal weakness of flying types, and the mono-types general weakness to ice. Overall Torterra is a strong bulky Pokemon if a little slow and disadvantaged to ice, deserving a high A rank or low S rank in my opinion.
  8. excellent thread idea im starting a ground mono run on the side now (despite it being almost 1am insomnia for the win) and ill contribute some suggestions when i get settled in
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