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Everything posted by gutten_tag
well, for defensively, bulky Gar is really better with SRock and Bulldoze, but in the offensive side- Exca is better (i mean AT THE MOMENT, of course not when Gar can access to Sword Dance or Earthquake). Always use Mold Breaker, not Sand Rush (unless you build a Sand team with Tyranitar and Hippowdon). Mold Breaker surpass EVERYTHING, like Leviate/ Disguise (i hate Mimykyu)/ Fluffy... and people maybe forget that Exca can Toxic or set up SRock in front of those Magic Bounce pkms with Mold Breaker. In E18, combo Sword Dance + Iron Head + EQ is way better than anything an offensive Gar can dream of. And you still have a free 4th slot move to chose . And 1 more reason- you can get Excadrill very early in game :v :v
let a pokemon with Compound Eye ability first, it will increase the chance you meet a pokemon holding item in the wild. then switch to a pokemon with Frisk ability to find out it actually has the item or not. if you dont want to catch that pkm (maybe due to full boxes), switch to a pokemon with Thieft or Covet to steal the item. Thats is how i farm Heart Scales from Ludvisc, and i think it works for all other cases too
yeah i have same questions too. but i can understand Blaze Kick over Flare Blitz bcs he wants Bla to sweep with bulk up + speed boost, and not taking too much damage from STAB FB. Competitively Bla's job can be done with 2 or more kills, but in-game, BK can do the jobs. You dont really need coverage moves in-game like competitively. Nasty Plot is 100% better than Calm Mind. But the most important thing is Earthquake Garchomp :v :v :v i cant use Garchomp yet just bcz the best Ground move he can get is Stmoping Trantrum. Excadrill can do so much better than Gar at the moment (Mold Breaker for those leviate pkms, Sword Dance leant by level up, Iron Head for Fairy and of course- Earthquake). With Fairy, Outrage Garchomp is not a good option, and Dragon Claw is too weak, so he really need EQ to shine. btw, i think the team really need to change a few Nature- like Modest Greninja or Adamant Garchomp. The main reason Garchomp is a top tier threat due to rising above other 100 base Speed tier. The same as Greninja. For example, how can this Garchomp deal with Jolly Salamence for the maybe next upcoming battle? But if the player feels that these pkms is already outspeed everything he needs- then ok. Just my opinion.
@Gengar768 can i have one too? really appreciate if u still have a spare one.
@Dartu-san thanks, i already do some search about goodra moveset. With physical side it has Outrage/ PowerWhip/ Aqua Tail/ Iron tail (we dont have TM earthquake yet). And about special moves: Dragon Pulse/ Flamethrower/ Sludge Wave/ Thunderbolt/ Muddy water. Well, i dont have any choice item (band or spec)- i heard that now we can get it after magma/ aqua quest but i dont know what i missed. so if trading between save files is legal, then it is awesome. but i dont know how :((, anyone can help me please?
Hi everyone . I'm glad to be back (well, maybe you wont remember me, but Its already 2 years since the last time i play RB. For me those 2 years is pretty dam' long with my new family's member, and now i have some personal space and time to get back to episode 17 (my over 600 hours play save file up to epi 15, is still...well... usable). And the moment i get back to play RB, it made me feel excited and fun like never before. First- i want to say a huge thank for everyone helping develop the game and keep this community strong than ever. Secondly- about the game, after i play 50 hours more in episode 17 (well, i havent finished this epi yet), and JUST resolve GUM room to get goomy, i back up my save file (to make sure to get the best IV goomy before continue). Result: i get those 2 goomies from 2 different save files (well, after like 500 reset). I cant decide to keep playing from what file, cuz i dont have much experience playing goodra (Physical or special nuker). Any thought will be very helpful please . Or else, can i have both by trading between my 2 save files? is that legal?
that was A LOT OF WORKS etesian!! great job!!
hi everyone !!! too long since the last time i was here
hope i didn't miss any new episode
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Isn't missing a new episode a good thing, to some degree?
Anyway, it's great to have you back.
1, destiny knot works perfectly. 2, gen VI breeding mechanic is awe-some (even without TM moves) 3, the "perfect IVs" is just for competitive ONLY. You don't need perfect 5 or 6 IVs to "rampage" through Reborn. So you shouldn't worry about EVs spread at all, 92 or 156 EVs speed both are fine (the only reason to compare these two is the existence of Jellycent in OU environment, but this is IN-GAME, not competitive). You will see that both of these EVs spread will work exactly the same (especially you use Aqua Drum combo, and/or you want to winged-up this little blue killing machine by Speed boost)
actually i don't think this is how it works. Sylveon can ONLY learn hyper voice through Eevee, not itself. An example: Sylveon can learn Heal Bell right? but if you don't teach Eevee through move tutor in 7th strees and evolve it to Sylveon and go back, there is noway your Sylveon can learn Heal Bell (i checked it). Hyper Voice is the same. And actually i think without competitive environment, Moonblast is enough for Sylveon, and the moveset: Wish/ Heal Bell/ Moon Blast/ Baton Pass or Calm Mind is bulky enough (especially you got a Calm nature one)
1000000% good. Very good Typing, and crit x2.25 damage from Hydro Pump or Dragon Pulse will take out every-single-dragon or fairy (bar max sp.def Sylveon) dare to come out after one Focus energy. So the "must have moveset" for Kingdra will be: 1,Focus energy (actually in epi 13 only 50% crit because Ame didn't know that Focus Energy got buff to 2 level crit in gen VI)/ 2, Dragon Pulse (stab) 3, Hydro Pump or Surf (i think Surf is enough, and 100% hit is something better) 4, and only one moveslot left for Ice Beam or Signal Beam for some specific situation (actually i can say that Signal Beam is useless, because Hydro Pump hit will be more power than super eff. from Signal beam except for poor thing Malamar). Or you can choose Rain dance here too if you want to play Swift Swim + Rain Dance + Hydro Pump buff (but i think Sniper + Scope Lens still got more power). Or Agility too (but 2 turns setting up is too much) EDIT: and i see someone use Dragon dance moveset??? really??? the only reason to use Dragon Dance is IF ONLY you can get Outrage and Waterfall for him. Please don't use Dragon Dance in a moveset with Surf or Dragon Pulse or...Brine (@@)
well, i don't think i got any problem and will NOT comment on this topic IF you start with: "another useable pokemon" or "just not cuteness thing in Reborn". But you compare it to THE Gyarados. You start it first. And even if you don't like, when you start a public- topic and compare 2 different pokemons, you MUST accept that not all people agree with you and they can say whatever they think. In this case you are alone. No-one ever agree that Clefable is as power as Gyarados (even you said it right here). So maybe that "3 words" will be more suit you than me bro
Heavy Slam and ... Iron head??? I say no. Heavy Slam will be more power than Iron Head in like 99% times (especially with Heavy Metal) Brick Break? still no. Heavy Metal will be more power than a super effective Brick Break except for only ONE exception: Snorlax. (even Tyranitar got 4x with fighting, Heavy Slam still more power when compare 300 to 360 power) Just my idea.
well, even Calm Mind is IN the game, so without Scolipede you need another moveslot for healing (because not have defense boost and too slow to OHKO first). So you got only 2 more slots left, but basically with your strategy, it will be Moonblast and Stored Power. Well, i think it can work well. But i don't think there will be lots of gym leaders can be swept with this idea... Without the boost from physical defense, with the mediocre stats (only 95/ 73/ 90 defense stats), almost any Attacker can 2HKO Clefable (especially with field effect boost). And Clefable is just bulky enough to avoid OHKO, but 2HKO will not be a problem at all. So....good luck :/
Metal Burst + Sturdy and max HP invest for gimmic battles (like Garchomp and Arceus), but just let it stay in PC till the day comes. Rock Head: Head Smash + Iron Head + Earthquake (for Fire and Stell type coverage) + Autotomize (well, if you want to abuse Iron head 30% flinch and don't want to take lots of hits without priority moves). Max Atk and Speed. After one Autotomize, spam Head Smash like there is no tomorrow. That's the best idea for Aggron now (well, if you don't use Autotomize, so Heavy Slam is way better than Iron Head) Earthquake and Head Smash can be breed with a male Tyrantrum form episode 12 (gen V mechanic)
so....basically no healing move? well, maybe you think Cosmic power and defense boost from Scolipede is enough. But i use Clefable alone, no baton passer, so it is screwed most of the times with gym leaders. But hey, if we got a BPer, anyone can be good, not only Clefable. And maybe you can say this will be more exactly: "Scolipede and Clefable ARE better than Gyarados alone". Yeah, i think the Destroyer can accept this -___-
LOL, what exactly is "every gym leaders" you mention?? I mean, Charlotte?? LOL, zero percent. Even Samson you got very little chance. Not- fully- invested EVs and nature to Defense Clefable will got OHKO by Hariyama with Heavy Slam. And not- fully-invested EVs and nature to Sp.Atk Clefable cannot OHKO Hariyama with base 144 HP. And Mach Punch Conkeldurr of Samson can take more than 50% HP of max HP Clefable. Trust me, i know that Samson's field effected give him a lot of advantages, but after the fight with Samson, i throw my Clefable to PC for good. And what gym leaders you can use Clefable?? Clefable or any set-up sweeper got screwed with double battle. No-way Clefable can help you against Shade or Serra or Charlotte or Noel (Cincino will f*ck your Clefable up) even Randomus (Trick Room f*ck up Speed Boost), and Luna will laugh at Stored Power (and your moveset doesn't have Moonblast to deal with Dark type). So if you think it can Sweep "every gym leaders with a few turns of setting up", I have to think that maybe it's just theory. Or just some normal AI trainers on the road. But NOT GYM LEADERS.
i really want to know the moveset you use with your clefable (don't count Flamethrower after ep 13). I just care about gym leaders' battles. I guess: Moonblast/ Moonlight/ Stored Power/ (and don't know exactly, maybe Cosmic Power??). With this, and a winged- man Scolipede, and you can sweep with "more powerful than Gyarados". The only reason i can explain that is....you've never used Gyarados at all As i said before, as an example with combo like this, Sword Dance + Speed Boost Ninjask + ANY PHYSICAL SWEEPER can be much better than Clefable. Blaziken/ Infernape/ Conkeldurr/ Mienshao/ Metagross/.... anyone (and i'm talking about Reborn game, not competitive, i know how dangerous Clefable is in OU) And my Espeon can OHKO most enemies with Stored Power after get enough boost, so basically the HP or defense stats is worthless (with the same base 120 attack Stored Power, Espeon's attack is more than double power than Clefable)
LOL, NO. I got like 1..., no, 10 000 reasons that Clefable is NOT what you think it is. And stop comparing it to the mighty Gyarados. Trust me, i got a Clefabel just like you said, but it's NOT that great. Here we go: 1, In the previous version, gyarados can get very early, and after the hard-time 'till lv 20, he can perform the one-man-show to almost every battles (even with gym leaders). And training him is very easy, especially rain is up like for-ever in reborn. Clefable comes pretty late (in Agate circus, but even in Reborn city you need max happiness), but you have to do A LOT OF HARD TIME TRAINING it (low power, frail, and like no-attaking moves at all) 2, Stats. Gigantic base attack and decent 81 speed, AND dragon dance + moxie combo. But clefable? all mediocre. If you want to sweep with clefable, with iron defense boost and speed boost ONLY, that's ridiculous. And don't tell me about +6 defense and +6 speed, because only stupid AI (and never be with gym leader) will let you use Iron defense 3 times in a row to abuse that. With the frail of Scolipede, ONE iron defense will be in most cases. So 3 speed boost (with protect of course) and one iron defense, you got 120 base power of Stored Power. So if you want to sweep, you NEED Cosmic Power or the best is Calm Mind for your Clefable. But gyarados can got +6 atk very simple, just make sure your opponent got...enough pokemons to knee down this al-mighty dragon (and stop comment that it does not have Dragon type- I KNOW IT) 3, Scolipede is good with ALL POKEMONS, NOT ONLY CLEFABLE. And what if i told you that i use Sword dance + Speed Boost Ninjask to Gyarados to compare with Iron defense + Speed boost Scolipede to Clefable? 4, Moveset. Like i said, Clefable need Calm Mind or Cosmic power, and one move to heal (for me is Wish, but you can use Moonlight as you want, but like i said-again- rain is up like all weeks, so Moonlight is a bad choice). So you got only 2 more slot. Stored Power is obvious. The last slot can be Charge Beam or Flamethrower like you said. But seriously, you can ONLY get FlameTh AT THE END OF EPI 13. So don't tell me that FT is good. ANd you need to pick from these: Calm Mind/ Cosmic Power/ Moonblast/ FlameThr. Ridiculous. Four-moveslot-syndrome. ANd my Gyarados got Aqua Tail/ Ice Fang, DD and SUBSTITUTE. SO don't tell me about status like burn or Par/ or i just need one Lum Berry for every battle. Simple. 5, If you want to use this strategy, i got a MUCH MORE POWER CANDIDATE for this. Name Espeon. I got an Eevee team with baton pass Acid Armor, Agility, Calm Mind to Espeon, and it works flawless. Compare Espeon to Clefable: Much more power (130 base sp.atk)/ Much more speed (110)/ STAB stored power (x1.5)/ Magic Bounce (so don't talk about status). Is that enough? Espeon is way-better than Clefable (just in-game only,don't teach me about competitive) P/s: i like the name Tinkerballer, but seriously, this guy-no-little fairy is NOT that great. Trust me, she'll stay forever in my Rarelyused Box
why not Ice Wind???? IMO, this thing is very slow. so i don't like the idea giving ti 252 EVs speed and use him as a quick striker. but in the opposite, Ice Wind is very good especially in double battle. and barrier is somewhat more useful with double battle, let your other pokwmon chance to set up or survive more hits
well, i think mostly your teamates are fine, but seriously, all atker should have 252 atk/spatk EVs but NOT always 252 speed EVs. Metagross even with 252 EVs speed will not let it move first in gym battles (trust me, i throw my first metagross to a "useless box" and breed a new one because of that reason). Especially when you got Bullet Punch to revenge killing and Hammer Arm will lower your speed, invest EVs to speed is USELESS (of course it can still kill something- i mean, all semi-legends can do that, but basically a waste). Use last 252 EVs to bulk (HP for leftover item or at least 160 EVs to sp.def for Assaul Vest in the future are best ways to pick). And Diggersby is the same. 252 EVs speed for that thing is- damn- big waste. I got 200 HP- 252 ATK and 58 DEF and it's really good. One of the most important move for him is missing- it's Quick Attack. Trust me, when max speed cannot let it go first when dealing with some fast pokemon (base 90 speed and above, example- Charlotte's Typhlosion), and Hammer Arm (again) will lower your speed, Quick Attack is the key. Remember how Aqua Jet exists on EVERY AZUMARILL in OU? Quick Attack is basically the same. When you got Sword dance once, QA can kill almost every-not-tanking pkms around. (and if you ask me, Return can be breeded through male Lopunny).
yeah... and i got like 200 pokemons, 100 of them are....can destroy anything i want, and of course 600 hours of playing.... and yes, i need a new hobby , and now i got one )
@Etesian: actually i don't think ALL the chain breeding you post above can work really (still very happy when someone like breeding in-game). It's too long to write all down. But I can get an example: Golett (and Golurk too) CANNOT learn any move via breeding (the only pkm it can breed with is...ditto), or Mamoswine CANNOT learn Stone Edge via breeding- because Swinub CANNOT LEARN IT. (very simple, when you breed to get new moves, you have to make sure THE BABY CAN LEARN IT, NOT A FULL-EVOLVED ONE). Like Swinub can only learn Rock Slide, so you can't breed Stone Edge for it. The same with Scolipede: you can't breed Earthquake to it, because Venipede (the egg) cannot learn it. YOu should check all other things in your list if you got time
well, this is just my idea, but i think i got a "little exp" about breeding moveset in-game to work with, and here it is: 1, Blastoise: the best thing about him is a good tank. For competitive we can see Rapid Spin and Scald very often (and gen V maybe Yawn too). But this is Reborn. The best thing it can do imo is set up rain dance (very useful, esp with Rain Dish ability) and Damp Rock of course. So the moveset will be: _Rain Dance _Mirror Coat (breed with Corsola) if you can manage to survive a super eff hit from special side, you can KO your opponent with one hit _Surf (or Hydro Pump or Aqua tail depending on what side of attack you want) _ Last choice: free (if you can get Toxic from chain breed with Corsola to get both Mirror Coat and Toxic will be very nice, but other than that is whatever you want) 2, Flygon: simple. EQ/ DC/ Rock Slide/ Crunch or Superpower (and since you got superpower Malamar and Hammerarm Emboar on your team, Crunch is a better choice) 3, Roserade: it really depends on what you want this little flower do. Some movesets: First: Leaf Storm/ Sludge Bomb/ Sunny day+ Weather Ball (don't get me wrong to use both Sun and Rain on the same team- because you have to deal with a lot of situation, and trust me, Weather Ball got 150 base fire power would be great to help) OR Hidden Power + Growth/ Sleep Powder + Growth this set is simple: kill things quick and fast Second: Toxic Spike/ Sleep Powder/ Giga Drain/ Slude Bomb (like you see, this is a little more bulk/ healing and spreading status around while still keep the pressure by power). And this flower queen can do great with these moves. Of course both these movesets NEED a lot of works to do (especially chain breeding- but you say you can breed as much as possible, so....) 4, Emboar: Basically the worst of the 3 line-up Fire/ Fighting starter (just look at the beauty of Infernape and Blaziken and i don't even want to have this fat- boy on my PC boxes). idk what is his moveset, But you can use some combos: Hammer Arm and Sucker Punch: Sucker punch ignore the speed drop, so it's a good choice. Flame Charge and Superpower: like the opposite, the speed boost will make sure you will land the next Superpower hit first (but when facing some fast pkms, you still slower even at +1 speed) Head Smash is NOT A GOOD CHOICE. Why?? because this thing IS SO SLOW. Get one hit and then Head Smash--> a good way to suicide. i got nothing left for this 5, Magnezone: Oh boy, you can't breed anything to this. But he is AWESOME just by himself. First: Charge Beam/ DIscharge/ Flash cannon/ Metal sound or T-wave with ability Analytic and Quiet nature (a free Life Orb boost with no invest to speed) Second: Mirror Coat/ T-wave/ Discharge/ Flash cannon with Sturdy ability (a beautiful combo MC and Sturdy kills almost everything with a solo combat, but when you face a Dark type immune to Mirror Coat, T-wave will cripple him to the rest of the match) I myself use the first moveset. The second is only to deal with some specific situations. For the long journey or Gym battle, the fisrt moveset works perfectly, just make sure max Sp.atk EV and the rest for bulk. 6, Malamar: what can i say??? Superpower and Contrary. Anything else like Light Screen or Pschyco Cut or Night Slash.... is up to your choice. Just make sure you got superpower. And for EVs spreed should be max Sp.def, and the rest for Atk and HP. After each Superpower you got a defense boost, so you should invest max EV to sp.def (trust me, this thing is very SLOW, so you need all the bulk you can). But basically i don't like this thing. Conkeldurr in the physical side or Reuniclus in the special side is WAY BETTER. well, i'm done right now. Sorry for some bad grammar or miss-spelling. I'm typing with one eye shut.
wow, didn't know there is a real topic for Charlotte. So as i remember there are only 3 gym leaders that have own topics for strategies to defeat them: Noel (mostly Noel ), Florina (that Cradily as i remember) and now Charlotte. And for Charlotte, all i did is Flygon with Rock gem (for Rock Slide to kill both Volcarona and ninetales). Other than that: Spam Earthquake when my Staraptor wrecked every- single- thing with Brave Bird....(don't even need Drizzle Politoed or Rain Dance)