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7 Fledgling

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  1. First discovered this game back in ~2013, hard to believe the final version is coming out tomorrow.
  2. >>>>>>tencent It's trash.
  3. I noticed that the "mysterious secret" bar still has two segments that aren't green despite it being at 100%. Would there be any reason for this?
  4. Just wondering, how is the Reborn team going to go about taking care of all the bugs?
  5. Good to know. Also I noticed you didn't give Nim her own theme either. Does she still use the vanilla rival theme?
  6. Which trainer does "Battle- Spirit" belong to?
  7. No updates in over a week. What's going on?
  8. If the postgame is gonna take as long as people say it will, why doesn't Ame just release E19 as a standalone to tide people over for the postgame episode?
  9. V11 has been out for a while now. When will these themes be added?
  10. Sounds to me like we won't have to wait that long for E19 after all.
  11. It's been over a month since the last update and I'm starting to feel a bit concerned.
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