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About Leafy

  • Birthday June 26

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  1. My two favorites are: 1. "Birth Control?" for Reuniclus 2. "Princess" for Aggron (F)
  2. IIRC there were/will be Hoopa events in other regions, so everyone can get him eventually.Guess I'll have to hop into a McDonald's and get Hoopa while I'm on break.
  3. Yeah, that's like what Insurgence (or some other fan game) has, right? I just hope there aren't Friend Safari exclusive Pokemon. That'll make it hard for some of us to complete the Pokedex.
  4. I love PU/NU. I love using unique Pokemon in battles.
  5. Name: Geyser Type: Water Category: Special PP: 15 Power: 90 Accuracy: 100% Description: Sends a pressurized stream of water at the opponent. Deals damage. Learned by: Lots of water type pokemon. Basically a non HM water thunderbolt/flamethrower/ice beam etc.
  6. Trapinch in White 2. Guess what the only shiny I found in Omega Ruby was...xD
  7. Oddish or Duosion. Oddish is my favorite Pokemon, but I love the whole Solosis line.
  8. Did you end up with a Prankster Meowstic? Ether way, grats on getting to the Beryl Ward.
  9. Same, although I'm not sure how Friend Safaris would work, at least right now.
  10. You've probably know this, but at least one of those tms is available in episode 15.
  11. Only if I caught multiple copies of the same Pokemon that I'm choosing between.
  12. You could always check out the trading thread! I wouldn't mind breeding you a Drifloon egg and trading it to you so you can finish your Pokedex. Since Reborn city is getting redone, I expect more Pokemon will come back to the city. Maybe some rare normal types and grass types like Eevee (already in the game I know) and the missing grass starters. I could see Oshawott as well. Maybe the one Cain found has a family that will come back once the water is clean.
  13. Oh that looks amazing, thank you! I updated my signature right away.
  14. Got my game working again! If you could add Aggron, Vaporeon, and Clefable to my previous request, that would be absolute amazing. If you can/whenever you get around to it. Thanks! <3
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