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About SilverJakler

  • Birthday 02/08/1996

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  1. Happy Birthday πŸ˜„, i hope that you will have a fun day πŸ˜‰πŸ°

  2. Holy crap, Togedemaru just slapped that PULSEΒ Muk.

  3. Looking to do a run of Reborn as Cynthia. Can someone edit my save file to have the team I'd need for it?

    1. Nebulazure


      I don't know how to edit your file, sorry. If you want, you can even make it so your in-game character is Cynthia. All you need is to replace some sprites.Β 

    2. Candy


      ^ the only issue (which for me is a deal breaker but dunno about others) is that Cynthia's sprites are gen 4 sprites and hence larger than all other sprites in Reborn (they're gen 3).

      I can't edit saves either but if no one volunteers to do it, I can breed you the Pokémon you need 😊

    3. SilverJakler


      Oh, I'm just using the light skin female sprite. It looks almost exactly like a younger version of her, so. Also I can't ask you to do that, it'd be a lot harder to do for the team I have in mind (hidden abilities, availability etc). But, thank you though. I appreciate it!

  4. Sorry for the double post, but what could make for a good Electric type where I'm at? I believe I can get a Tynamo and a Helioptile. Should I go for one of them? And which one if so?
  5. Planning on playing as Cynthia. Here's the team I'd like for it (all level 5, perfect IVs) -Spiritomb (Female) Adamant Infiltrator Pursuit, Curse, Shadow Sneak, Confuse Ray -Budew (Female) Timid Technician Tackle, Growth, Absorb, Hidden Power (Fire) -Togepi (Male) Timid Serene Grace Pound, Charm, Fairy Wind, Metronome -Lucario (Male) Jolly Justified Quick Attack, Foresight, Karate Chop, Bullet Punch -Feebas (Female) Bold Adaptability Tackle, Splash, Water Gun, Icy Wind -Gible (Female) Naive Rough Skin Tackle, Sand Attack, Dragon Rage, Mud Shot For Budew, just get its IVs to where they need to be to have HP Fire. Thank you! GameCynthia.rxdata
  6. Yeah, I got a Staryu out of the Mystery Egg, but I've already got Marshtomp. I'd rather not double up on types if I can help it. As for the current episode, where would that end? Don't worry about spoilers in this part of the game, I've done everything up to I think Charlotte before.
  7. Not really going for a big strategy, just want a nice balanced team of mons I like. My first time playing through I had a Meowstic F and she fell off really hard in the later part of the game, so was wondering when I should bench her. As for Charjabug I'd love to have an Electivire at some point to be my Electric type, as it's my all time favorite Pokemon. But iirc, you can't get one till MUCH later. Also my last playthrough I think I had an Escavalier. Was pretty fun, so might add one to this team. As for Inkay, I think that might be a good replacement for Meowstic. Unfortunatley a lot of my favorites are still down the road. Been toying with the idea of adding a Dusknoir to the mix at some point. I'm open to any more suggestions!
  8. Awesome, thanks! Any potential new team members I should know about? How long should I keep some of these guys?
  9. Just beat Fern and about to head over to Cain to get the key for the Wastelands. My team so far is: Marshtomp (Lv 34) - Protect, Water Pledge, Rock Slide and Mud Bomb Charjabug (Lv 33) - Spark, Acrobatics, X-Scissor, Crunch Meowstic F (Lv 35) - Shadow Ball, Fake Out, Extrasenory Charge Beam Roselia (Lv 34) - Giga Drain, Toxic Spikes, Nature Power, Stun Spore Growlithe (Lv 34) - Flamethrower, Reversal, Bite, Morning Sun Ursaring (Lv 34) - Slash, Lick, Feint Attack, Rock Smash Also, is the Move Relearner available at the point I'm at?
  10. When did the relationship mechanic start? Ep 17?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverJakler


      Alright, cool. Thanks!

    3. Swampellow


      Iirc it was 16, but don’t quote me on that. The earliest it could have been is 15.

    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch
  11. Who do I go to to have my save file edited?

    1. Sayia


      What you need? And which game?Β 

    2. SilverJakler


      I just want to edit a Dratini starter I have in a file. No way I'm getting anywhere with just Wrap lol. In Reborn.

    3. Sayia


      Umm.. I would rather prefer to not do that, sorry.

  12. Is it still not possible to change IVs?

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