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  1. Hey I have a problem can anybody help me get through the team meteor hideout in tanzan mountain because I unlocked the first gate but the warp panel keeps sending me back to the bottom or the beginning in the episode 11 update can someone help me get through it please any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. ok so I just beat shade and i'm facing meteor now so i'm guessing I have to wait a bit longer for magnezone thanks for the help i'll archive the page for future reference thanks fro the help and I also have another question I had beat the scrafty team and the scraggy mother do I go back to catch the scrafty because I can't seem to find it where I fought the scrafty family
  3. i'm newer than new to the site and I love what you've done with reborn so far is there by any chance any of you know where to find the key to open up the back room of the power plant any help would be appreciated and if it's the wrong topic to post this in sorry in advance
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