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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlahNetworkBro

  1. Yooooo Makin hack, hmu

  2. Died and straightened my hair and i feel like i look like a black Cain......

    1. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      Ghosts can straighten their hair? I didn't know that... (P.S. The word you're looking for is dyed* but this sounds funnier in context.)

    2. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Laughing so hard. Ghosts can look fab too. Now you just have to assume character ;)

    3. BlahNetworkBro
  3. thx for all ur trainers guys
  4. yeah ill just ask fav pkmn and movesets and throw you in somewhere
  5. Im not Quite sure what you mean by that.
  6. The region is based of detriot and im thinkin the real world itlll be a wierd destroyed detroit similar to the future in EOS.
  7. :Plans:All legends are captured in the real world by an evil corporation probs google but idk/ the corporation is synthesizing the pokemon to create an alternate reality of which everyone in the world has been stuck into. in this reality all pokemon exiit in everyday areas. deoxy and the eon duo have escaped google with their protector genesect and are keeping people in the reality from reproducing because deoxys is the “god” of DNA and latios and latias are like human heatr thing readers whatever. journey through the Gosei region (based on Detroit) running into team “INfinity”(google) run by several youtubers one of being special assassin agnt Brizzy Voices. led by some evil youtube figure ik yet maybe shizzy six. youll be aided by professer Wittz, the chapion Haydunn and you neighbors Shofu Archer and Betdown. escape the reality to return to the destroyed world(Side Effect of draining legendaries pwer cuz they like control the world) and venture through a space like void to find deoxys and the others and bring them back to defeat Google and restore the world! Leaders: HardyTekYoYo Anthony Padiaa The Dex young Dunc DUnc Me lol ikd rest or elite four I will only put youtubers in the game if i have contacted thm for conesent and team information, anyone that wants to be a trainer can. Anyone hav ny ideas to polish up the story?
  8. i dont understand sprite customization on this site.......

  9. So, i wanna make a Pokemon game. i have alot of great ideas and know how i want the story to play out and look i also sorta know what the region will look like and im pretty decent at spite art, but i dont know how to code or hack Pokemon games and im only one person. Anyone willing to work on a Pokemon game with me or anyone that just wants more details on the plot and idea of the game, contact me! Id like the game to be called Pokemon Youtube, havent figured out all the details but you get sucked into the internet into a new land full of Pokemon and youtubers, youtuber charcters leaders, even the professer. a few charcters a had planned were: Jwittz as the Professer, Haydunn as the Champion, Shofu Beatdown and Archer as your neighbor rivals, brizzy voices as a recurring villain, and ill put myself in the game some where :3. Honestly i havent taken much time to think up a rally GOOD plot i have some shit ideas but once i know there are people willing to help i plan on getting to serious business with the story line.
  10. So, can someone tell me how to find Zorua,Pichu and an Everstone.
  11. Most rage inducing nuzlockes, GO!

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Inb4 no dupes clause.

    2. Regalia


      No pokemon centers or pokemarts. Can only heal with found items.

    3. HolyKnight


      Regalia, that´s the most evil thing i ever read. More evil than Ame herself.

  12. I agree dobby, personally I think it's a lot prettier when they have dramatic art reveals and the emotes in chat with sprites. It feels more pokemon too.
  13. So jumping back on YT soon wanna do a pkmn series what games you recommend?

    1. Rosesong


      Why not Reborn?

  14. Fuck yeah. Explorers of sky has one of the best story lines I games I've ever played it has feels and funnies it's just a great story. The after game in explorers of sky is amazing too, there's so much you can do once you've completed the main story. Explorers of sky is one of my favorite games if your going to get a dungeon get that one because time and space are just that but less, I haven't played the old ones and they fucked up the new ones with the limited character choices and it just feels wired in 3d. Keep in my that my opinion and I wrote this without reading the other comments cuz I got excited when I saw Mystery Dungeon. Answering the actual question posed I think we should have one but they should focus more on what they did in sky, the story and elements. And they should focus less on graphics personally it being sprites then seeing these beautiful sprite drawings was great I don't think 3D was needed at all. Hopefully they go back to there roots and make a new one that's good, cuz it would print fucking money....,. I really like explorers of sky if you can't tell.........
  15. I'm a few days away from re airing my YouTube channel :)

  16. So a long while a ago I started a post called most forgotten Pokemon in Jubilife network (seamless self promotion.) that's died a bit since it was posted ages ago but point of this post is also Pokemon we might not always have on a team, not cuz we forget them but because there assholes. This post is for discussion on the rarest hardest to catch all 30 safari balls wasted Pokemon in the game. so let the people speak!
  17. Partied yesterday, more today. They are need parties don't be concerned.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity


      So, pizza and DnD? Or games, games and then some more games?

    3. Yash


      i wanna play DnD.. :,(

    4. BlahNetworkBro


      Lotta skull Girls and smash

  18. Party was fun, stayed over and built a showdown uu team... Lost every time. Also played brawl and Mario party :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simon


      Good ole Brawl, sounds awesome.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Never got to play any smash bros with a bunch of friends on a couch, looks like great fun lol.

    4. BlahNetworkBro


      Brawl is so much fun at parties, it gets intense with two people that don't know how to ply and everyone is screaming at them.

  19. Going to a party, going to a party :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      Ew, repetition

    3. Bluewolf


      Some advice: everybody will love you if you can twerk better than all the girls.

    4. Shamitako


      Have, fun? *Retreats to her corner*

  20. So earlier today I was tweeting TheJwittz about Pokemon shining diamond and sparkling pearl(not real games). Later I updated my status on reborn talking about how there needs to be a game where you start in Kanto going through all regions having your Pokemon stored each time. Months ago I was talking to some people about I want to make (someone help me). I realized there's a lot of Pokemon games out there but there's not enough. What games do you think need to be made by Nintendo game freak? Personally I've already told you about what I call Pokemon life. I also think they should make another explorers game in sprite style and with a lot of content and character like Pokemon sky but with all the new gens.
  21. Will pokemon stop with all the remakes and just make what I like to call Pokemon Life where you start in Kanto then go through the generations getting new starters and pkmn like ash in the show..... Just plz game freak.....plz

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Can we just ask for a new console game that isn't a stadium?

    3. Tempest


      Make it for console. I will never leave my basement.

    4. BlahNetworkBro


      WiiU pokemon life lets do it!

  22. Pokemon shining diamond and sparkling pearl.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Slicster


      Pokemon Light Platinum... wait.

    3. Bluewolf


      Pokemon Brilliant Opal and Obscure Onyx

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Pokemon Ugly Black and Godly White.

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