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BlueMoonIceCream last won the day on September 1 2016

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9 Fledgling

About BlueMoonIceCream

  • Birthday 04/05/1998

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    Video games, children's trading card games, free things, animal memes, you ;3

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  1. I don't think I'd be able to own a dog, I mean I could take care of one but I wouldn't be able discipline it, they're too adorable

    1. Juniper


      Peeing on the floor,

      "aww so cute"

      Chewing all your things,

      "Aww, so cute"

      Barking all night long,

      "aww, so cute!"

      Running away,

      "Wait!, Come BACK, I LOVE YOUU!"

    2. Sunbean


      You don't have to discipline a dog negatively, just praise it when it does something right. I never got mad at my dog for peeing on the floor or chewing on chairs as a puppy but gave her a treat when she did it outside and gave her chew toys if I caught her on furniture. And honestly, disciplining a dog doesn't take much work if you're patient with them and give lots of praise. :)

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      It's so much easier when it's someone else's dog and you can just enjoy how adorable it is and talk to it even though... it can't...understand...you.... eh, not that it matters I couldn't stop if I tried

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