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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. r8 my set up Buster Blader EX Deck Knight of the Red Lotus Turbo
  2. Yeah, felt like visiting :3 K_H You're as inconsistent as ever
  3. These must take a long time to do o-o Never tried doing a mono before, I always liked using certain pokemon way too much to >-> It's a decent wee read though, I will live it through you u-u I also didn't know you made the posts this long. As for using vitamins I guess you'd have to huh, things aren't getting easier that's for sure, at least you have a solid set up for the most part
  4. *Runs too fast on a wooden floor and can't stop before crashing into a wall* Ow.. *Gets up and runs over to Amber stopping just in front of them excitedly* Hey :3
  5. Do you ever feel, like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, ready to start again? Anstane?
  6. I never really thought to pick it up because I struggle enough as it is with 20 card decks never mind 17 XD
  7. a wind passes and along with it a note that reads "Hongaarse"
  8. I actually play with my friends every week, I ordered the rest of a new deck and I can't wait to show it off, it's Hieratic, Saffira Queen of the Dragons, Horus the black flame dragon and it is rad it's another one of my proudest decks although that psychic emperor one is just too good, my friend picked a random card on ygopro for me to make a deck around and that was the one
  9. Dude, I'm literally talking about now, I have recently made a deck based on Psychic emperor and it can kick ass, sure it's not great but I've figured out how to do some amazing stuff with it for example, soul charge with no cost is broken af, turn 1 crystal wing, ultimaya, leviar, hyper psychic blaster, psychic emperor is a pretty formidable field along with ghost ogre in hand, if you really put your mind to it you can set up some amazing boards with the worst decks possible, I beat zoodiacs with digital bugs in a match >-> Granted it was AI but it was still digital bugs I mean come on, they'd even be bad back in the day. Also mixing blue-eyes support with buster balder making the deck actually decent to the point of if I were to open first with my two card combo, of which the pieces are searchable, I would probably have them scoop. Deck building isn't dead you just have to actually care about trying
  10. The joy for me in yugioh comes with deck building, I like innovating decks that are otherwise unplayable into something that can stand up to the meta, my proudest achievment is making buster blader into a viable deck, I developed a 2 card combo that would set me up optimally I like being creative and making something new, playing the same old deck would bore me to tears no joke, i like mastering many decks and i don't just mean master playing them, I want to master building them
  11. How did they ruin it, in your opinion? Personally I've still been having fun like, I was off and on for a while but now I'm elbow deep, can't stop now
  12. That's probably racist but we all know competitively playing a TCG is more expensive than any drug u-u Although I do have a lot of fun going back to different periods in yugioh, recently went back to one of the DS games, spirit caller, made a dark paladin deck that was lit af and figured out a very specific combo to getting 3 out turn 1 that I have yet to pull off legitimately :| As for all this archetype stuff I kinda like it, gives the deck a playstyle but at the same time it simplifies things immensely but it is what it is, I'm just glad certain cards are getting support like gandora, Dark magician, Buster blader, Silent swordsman etc. They're at least super fun to play
  13. Well then all I need is jar of greed :3 This should help farming tea, still need sage's stone >->
  14. Funny enough I could probably make his deck no problem, just gotta get Jar of Greed and Master of Oz
  15. Just got a second Vanguard for this deck, it's gonna happen >:3 I really need to think of a build though, there are so many ways to make it
  16. I can't wait u-u ALSO I hate this but I've been forced to play weevil for the 1.5x experience event because I need DNA surgery for a buster blader deck, I play Buster Blue-eyes IRL so I need to make a duel links version and honestly playing DNA surgery is the only way I can think of to keep consistency instead of just hard countering dragons >-> I have 2 of his fusion and i also pulled a Dark paladin but ironically.. only 1 buster blader
  17. Considering the main form of removal at the moment is order to charge and Silent swordsman and horus are anti-spell cards they'd be safe, relinquished would be a decent out though. Also this game is far from fast paced o-o as for keeping them alive literally do what you've been doing, mirror wall sphere kuriboh and enemy controller it's as simple as that. Horus would by far be the most played though with kaiba I'd imagine, also Level up is a thing which basically makes you lose enough advantage to make it fair I'd say. I hope if Yugi ever does become a playable character you can get silent swordsman and magician as rewards it'd be pretty sweet not gonna lie and the only way to make them competitively viable
  18. That was actually pretty good, you read that guy like a book o-o EDIT: Okay so I was looking at KOG deck profiles and I noticed something while I was scrolling through Did I... start something or..? EDITEDIT: You know what I would love to be in this game, LVL monsters, I loved silent swordsman, slient magician and horus the black flame dragon
  19. I made it to gold 1 thank. god. I took a day to cool down and came back stronger than ever, won 5 duels out of 6, I would've won that last one but I was a fucking idiot and misplayed >-> Also that- I need to reach platinum, that is too good, I can pick anything?!
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