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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. I will definitely not be playing because it's too much effort honestly, and Ironically my favourite character in reborn is the PC, mostly decibel though Lugruf?
  2. Kissanime seems to be dead at the moment so try here this is like my back up site I guess Also I literally threw the light and dark empowered warrior pendulum monsters into a silent swordsman deck using the new support
  3. If Luna wins again there probably won't be a round 3 Anstane?
  4. Is it possible I like doggo's TOO much??

    1. doombotmecha
    2. Felicity
    3. dead account

      dead account

      Nope. Impossible. Doggos are precious and deserve any and all love they get.

  5. Lucca like seriously every time I see your avatar I get entranced for a split second
  6. Congratulations, hopefully it turns out well for you, we actually don't have anything like that here or at least my school didn't we all just sorta.. stopped showing up? I don't know, anyway have fun~ Lucca~
  7. Fine, you can have Lucca back but I'm not happy about it Juu
  8. Nao isn't on the thread at the moment What were saying pedro I didn't wuite here you over your koichi memes Lucca?
  9. No one needs you pedro but I imagine a lot of people want you Juu?
  10. I am in fact MoonMoon, MoonMoon confirmed Juu?
  11. To be fair you missed nothing at all Right Juu?
  12. Says, the dragon, typical dragons doing their dragon things Spine?
  13. K_H why are you still awake? Why am I still awake? I'm going to sleep Goodnight all Pedro
  14. I got distracted I should be asleep =-= I blame my need to predict

    1. pbood2


      what are you trying to predict? Go to sleep :P

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      It got lit, I couldn't just leave


  15. You will regret asking me to answer you questions Juu?
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