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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. You're too young But GT isn't canon and kinda sucks I like the one where he's drawing in a book it's like Me:"What are you drawin' there?" Totodile:"That's gonna be me when I grow up" Me:ded Conkeldurr bothers me Lugruf?
  2. Tempest she's shown up twice since noobly's campaign don't be so pessimistic >:| ame?
  3. Yay, okay have fun if you can I guess Someone else.... Pedro?
  4. Am I like, 50% of this thread or what? XD Anstane?
  5. The same to be honest I'm kind of excited for tomorrow though, no one probably cares but I made a deck in yugioh pro online and I love it so much and I wanted to make it a reality and use it at my locals, but as I've stated before cards are expensive, I literally have 5 cards to complete the deck, 3 copies of drowning mirror force which is like a £10-£13 card so that's £30-£39 for a playset which is 3 copies and the card I oh so love to show how ridiculously expensive it is 2 copies of pot of desires which is like the main card of the deck, for a SINGLE copy I would have to pay a MINIMUM of £60 and that's if I'm lucky, however my friend has 2 copies and has agreed to lend me them this week so I can finally use this deck and see how it stacks up competitively, I just had to replace the 3 drowning mirror force with a random assortment of cards that would work well with the deck, and I'm also preparing a side deck which I've never done before so wish me luck No sickness is going to get in my way! Lugruf?
  6. Hopefully tonight I need to go out tomorrow and feeling sick doesn't help Here's to a goodnight's sleep Anstane?
  7. Yeah, I'm on it and it's kinda quiet at the moment which sucks but when it gets goin' it gets goin' Anstane?
  8. By the way you two should come on the discord server it's easier to talk about stuff K_H?
  9. Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyy K_H would you like a cup of biscuits? I read it and it's an improvement, still a little worried that we're kinda screwed though Anstane?
  10. Yeah, remember the old days when we did that thing with the stuff? It was wonderful, we all laughed, ate hot chocolate and drank biscuits We were the khewl krew, now look at us we're the lukewarm crew WE LOST A K AND A H Anstane back me up here
  11. The same could be said for the cleffa tho I don't have one myself but that's because I'm a scrub who can't keep up with the current meta
  12. I got sick and it's a weird one, I feel weak, my skin is super sensitive to pain and I'm extremely cold, but no sneezing, runny nose, sore stomach and I can only hope it stays that way, although I don't have much of an appetite either, does anyone know what this is?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lugruf


      I agree with Viri. Get well soon Micky!

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I always worry that when I go to see a doctor I'll get better before the appointment, I'll just live with it for now unless it gets serious but so far it seems to be the worst it could be save additional symptoms

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      I'm kinda hungry anyway so let's see what I can do. Thanks for the help and concern :3

  13. I still have an episode with it in it too but going back is kind of cheating I'd say and super risky Oh and our magikarp was also mugged right from under our nose to be sold to ame
  14. Spine look at the album I posted it's feel good and you like anything with scales right, that don't have to have wings?
  15. NO! I SHOULD BE ASLEEP RIGHT NOW! But like I said I had trouble, my brother had the tv on in the room and was talking to some people online until like half an hour ago so I couldn't sleep Cobalt?
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