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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Yes it's me, I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and guess Juu?
  2. I didn't forget about you I just forgot you were here, there's no need to shout at me I'm just used to seeing you late at night not early in the morning TRHS?
  3. I kinda forgot mde was here, how did that happen? Shing?
  4. BANNED because that could mean one of two things
  5. Nope I hate you and your ninja ways How's 'bout TRHS?
  6. BANNED because we can't bring up ninja's again it's too dangerous!!!
  7. Fuck you mate, Mick's here. I got up fairly early today so I can join in in the fun for much longer. Shing-a-ling?
  8. BANNED for calling him out where's the fun in that?
  9. I think there might be something wrong with me.. why am I tired ALL the time, I feel bad for doing it but I have to. Luuca?
  10. Juu can you forgive me if I got to sleep again? I'm really not feelin' up to it right now sorry Juu?
  11. Life is too short not to sleep so goodnight

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      i disagree life is too short to take naps

      SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!!!!!!!!

    3. Juniper


      You misread, he said life is too short NOT to sleep x.x

      Which doesn't makes sense

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Sleeping i one of my favoutite things to do so life is too short to not do the things you love. It doubles as a life lesson

  12. That feeling when you can't tell if people are actually your friends or whether they just put up with you
  13. Today I learned mono teams are fun to use but they're obviously not easy to make
  14. The one day I stay online for this week and no one's in the arcade.

    1. Shing


      I know the feel lol.

    2. zimvader42
  15. BANNED because I just pulled a trigger *BANG*
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