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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. To a certain extent, but not when I'm alone playing video games. Ninja'd I'd rather kiss them as I don't like the thought of using a gun on someone a knife on the other hand Have you ever punched the wall in frustration?
  2. Trust me TRHS this is normal for schools in the u.k. so it's no big deal, that's one way people show friendship believe it or not. Juu?
  3. BANNED because he said "no offence" and I take no offense by it regardless as it doesn't apply to me
  4. Yes but that doesn't matter to me as it is a mercy punch. If I punch her she won't be thinking about her dead parents or life threatening disease, either that or I've accidentally killed her by punching her in which case she DEFINITELY won't be thinking about her dead parents or disease.. or anything at all really. Does that make sense?
  5. Do we have the same friends Jude or is that just how people are?
  6. BANNED because he essentially called me a faggot
  7. Can I pick which little girl I punch in the face?
  8. Control your anger Jude! But seriously if you're in a bad mood why were they provoking you?
  9. BANNED for calling me out even though I called myself out
  10. BANNED because I figured it out rather quickly and while it doesn't offend me I suggest being careful when saying that to other people
  11. I wouldn't worry about it, I'm sure you can laugh it off.. but that kinda depends on your friends. I've had much worse, for example my friend punched me full force in the funny bone.. and let me tell ya when that happens, I mean I don't know how this actually feels but it felt as though my entire arm had set on fire and it was burning a lot but I didn't cry, I was close but not a single tear fell from my eyes. But now it's become a running joke and every now again I try to punch him in the funny bone, one day I will pay him back! ONE DAY! I swear I'm not mad :| Juu?
  12. BANNED because that means he wasn't talking about me and has siezed someone else
  13. Just so you know I had a feeling that you were going to make that point because I thought of it also that's why I asked "right?" It depends on the person but punch them in the face because I know what a hug feels like so why not try something new? What is your favourite element that isn't in the periodic table? EDIT: I HATE!!
  14. BANNED because I object to your overruling of my OBJECTION!
  15. Honestly I have to deal with that crap on a daily basis, it's just how people are, but I have a little too much tolerance for that sort of thing so I just brush it off but I know how you feel. Was it a proper punch in the stomach or what Juu?
  16. I'm fairly sure that there aren't any starters available in the wild just through limited events. I think the only available event starters are Tepig, chikorita, squirtle, totodile, piplup, fennekin and chespin. This is just off the top of my head and they are all limited events I believe.
  17. But blancheeeeete where are your headphones?! Too bad shia you didn't get me this time with you and your meddling dog and whatnot. Juu?
  18. ...? rapi.... what? uhhhh... Suicune?
  19. BANNED because OBJECTION!
  20. I've played through it multiple times including genocide and I regret doing it so I deleted everything and am starting fresh as soon as I find the time Noobly
  21. BANNED because I'm glad you agree
  22. BANNED because it was clearly different if you read the context clues
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