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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. I like magic dream entity but it's a shame it's not me. Blanchette?
  2. BANNED for being in the same timezone as ME
  3. BANNED because I was referring to the terrible excuse for an emoticon
  4. It wasn't, she was apparently only claiming to be the gym leader of that town when she suddenly showed up. Or at least that's what I remember
  5. BANNED for having that abomination in your trainer card
  6. I'm not I decided against it. Sorry zim I had my headphones on
  7. If you think about it it's not my fault at all. But then again what do I know?

    1. zimvader42


      Was this intended as a status of its own or as a reply to juu?

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      It's a reply to Juu

  8. It's me and I was playing yugioh forbidden memories for the first time ever and let e tell you it's very confusing but I played duelists of the roses so I got used to them pretty quickly but there's this weird star sign mechanic that I don't understand yet. Zim?
  9. BANNED for your confusing avatar
  10. Because at first it's adorable then it disgusts me Shia?
  11. Ha ha you wish! Please read this in a way that doesn't make me sound mean. Anyway TRHS I wasn't really thinking about having to keep it private I just thought I would share my recent trials of life which happened to be a very long pm. ShadowStar?
  12. BANNED for leaving this wonderfully dangerous wasteland in the first place
  13. Today I learned that I spend way too much time on this website but also don't care
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