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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. That feeling when you spend over an hour writing a PM
  2. I spent over an hour writing a pm... why can't I put this kind of work into course work? mde?
  3. I'M AWAKE!! Aww I missed the party... damn you sleep Edit: I forgot to predict uhhh, let me think... okay! I know it's unlikely but ShadowStar!?
  4. I'm back from school~ Time to pass out! After I refresh the page a bunch of times to see what's new

  5. Wait! I must school! *Flies off into the distance*

    1. Blanchette


      Have fun, micky~

      *waves into the distance*

    2. TimTim


      see ya later, micky

  6. Because Honchy did it and we're in the wasteland rangers together so I thought it was something we should do. Right Honchy?
  7. Tell us Jan! It's saki's isn't it?
  8. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see you 'round the forums
  9. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see you 'round the forums
  10. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see you 'round the forums
  11. This is actually a lot better than I thought it would be which is saying something because I thought it was going to be pretty good in the fist place, the text really throws it together. Thank you very much!
  12. Wow that was pretty smooth, don't think I didn't notice that. TRHS?
  13. ...Do you even have to ask?....Okay fine, I watch Game Grumps, PressHeartToContinue, Anything from Roosterteeth, Ray from achievement hunter's channel B1GnBr0wN, Cryaotic, Polaris, DidYouKnowGaming, Game Theory, JonTron, Egoraptor, Commander Holly and Markiplier. These are all the game related channels I watch, some other non-gaming related channels are TeamFourStar, TomSka, Nigahiga, DouchebagChocolate and Rocher Hotel. Was that enough? My favourite though is pewdiepie Game Grumps
  14. I was just joshin' ya don't worry. I honestly don't care much for halloween either, I slept through most of it
  15. OH SO YOU LIKE CHRISTMAS BUT NOT HALLOWEEN?! Besides isn't christmas in july for you upside-down people?
  16. Yeah that's why my showdown name is bluemoonicecream Juu?
  17. I'm normally a safe bet though because I refresh the page every 10 seconds Blanka?
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