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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Do you ever look at you latest visitors and think... Why did they come here? What did I do?

  2. I'm back and I missed ame?! Damn I can't wait to rub it in mde's face Jude?
  3. Yes, how does it feel I was wearing my halloween costume for 16 days it might take a while for you to get used to me again. Mde?
  4. Yeah I noticed that, it surprised me to say the least but now it's MY TURN! Aqua Waffle?
  5. I think it's better than okay! Besides it would be weird if you changed all of a sudden again Right TRHS?
  6. Ow, my knuckle! Blancheeeete why did you throoow?
  7. Zzzzzzzzz........ HEH! What?! OH right "candy?" you mean sweets right? I'm not sure if there are any sweets left because I can't have it but maybe Blanchette could help me find some for you?
  8. I know what a mickey mouse is but not a micky mouse. I'm still covered in salt from the E incident Shiri?
  9. Oh my god this picture feels so much better, Good bye Halloween and good riddance!

    1. Juniper


      Looks weird c:

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      It feels good though -.-

    3. Honchy


      It's good for your soul.

  10. THERE'S NO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 You guessed wrong my friend Now I shall guess Juu again
  11. Who are you callin' a nerd punk! Oh.. not me... Well then I apologize Juu?
  12. Well you're right about one thing.... I am Juu Shirinui?
  13. Ha ha! You also guessed wrong! umm where's wendel? I guess TRHS
  14. Good guessing TRHS considering I haven't been posting for a while. Honchy?
  15. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see you 'round the forums
  16. Don't litter Honchy there's enough stuff in the wasteland without you adding to it
  17. Michael V●ᴥ●V Do what Juu says or sidney< over here will steal yours Capiche Honchy?
  18. I have no idea what you're talking about? Juu?
  19. I'm alive! How many times have I died since joining this forum? Shia?
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