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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see you 'round the forums
  2. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V Where's you spoopy avatar for hallow's ween? I hope to see you 'round the forums
  3. *coughs up blood and flails to the ground* ...This might be it for me... Just don't let my name die okay? Tell people about me so I'm not forgotten... H..hon..chy?
  4. *backs away slowly* I think I'll sit this one out... Shia?
  5. Ever since my lungs were damaged and blood started coming out of my nose... i'm sure I'll be fine mde
  6. I can't move 3 of my toes is that normal? mde?
  7. You can't get rid of me that easily! I was just hugged too hard is all Shia?
  8. I do but... sleep... would you hold me up if I fell asleep? Shia?
  9. >_> um.... I have things to do... but I can stay for a while~ mde?
  10. Your missing mde micky, trhs and shia! wait... Shia?
  11. Honestly I do like halloween, it's a way to enjoy dressing up as something spoopy with your friends and enjoying all the pretty lights and decoration. Even though I like the thought of halloween it's not something I typically care about all that much it hardly affects like it used to in fact my avatar is the most I've dressed up in years. But halloween has a cycle, when you're young you're into it and you go trick or treating but when you're a teenager you stop because it's "stupid" or you're "too old" but from what I've seen when you get older again yous start to get into it again and have fun with it until once again you get old and stop caring. Point is I like it but I wouldn't do much about it.
  12. I agree but I feel better now funny enough. -hugs shia back- Group hug mde?
  13. No it is Irish comrade mde you didn't make fun of me now I feel bad Russian American comrade?
  14. There is no mickey here your mouse is in another castle. Just do it?
  15. I'll only feel good about it if you made fun of me.. so bring it on I can take it mde?
  16. ...yes... let me know of these jokes bother you mde that's how shadows work right? Juu?
  17. I like blanket, I want her to happen soon. mde, I see you there watchin' from the shadows... your upside-down shadows
  18. I don't know how you could misinterpret that to be honest. Mde?
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