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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. You hit me where it hurts sky... right... in the wood Shia
  2. Sky! Those are MY woodwinds!... WAIT all these things that appear when you snap your fingers!! YOU STOLE!!!
  3. TAKE THAT! Juu.... you're forgetting one important detail *Slams hands on desk* THERE ARE SCREENSHOTS OF THESE EVENTS! Shia read the last two pages to find out what happened previously on ACE ATTORNEY
  4. OBJECTION! Sorry I always wanted to do that... HOLD IT! Shia, did you in fact consent to what Juu was doing to you?
  6. BANNED because that's b-a-n-a-n-a-s
  7. BANNED because you can ban for literally anything here but no one ever actually gets banned
  8. Juu you're only cute when you don't nyan 'k also when you're not all murdery
  9. BANNED because I like that one so don't change it for too long okay~
  10. Nyan's are adorable but not from you Juu, it gets creepy when you do it. Woofs are better in my opinion, reminds me of my puppy. Juu?
  11. BANNED because you ninja'd me and I was replying to Juu
  12. BANNED because all this talk of ninja's has had me ninja'd a thousand times in the space of 5 minutes
  13. BANNE- Oh, wait um what nyans you mean juu's Blanchette?
  14. BANNED for lack of detail
  15. BANNED because I know right, blanchette? V●ᴥ●V
  16. You think it's bad for you I shouldn't have mentioned the word straight. BANNED because this isn't a chat it's a BANNED thread
  17. But Shia's a witch not a maid, I know the clothes are similar looking but still Blanchette
  18. BANNED because what has this turned into?!
  19. I've never been to a maid cafe so could you at least kill the maid later? Juu?
  20. BANNED because once again that's irrelevant
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