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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. I was listening to it when the spiders came in... Now they're- oh, they're in the kitchen baking something? Spider donut? Juu?
  2. *All the spiders clap along to the music* Who let those in here? Not that I mind it's just spiders kinda freak me out T-T Juu?
  3. You need to guess doe! And I have no idea, try using the search bar? Shia?
  4. Juu seems just a little bit upset... at least.. Mr.M?
  5. mountain dew's got too much sugar so I ain't havin' none TRHS
  6. I'm M I guess? Don't call the police they'll crash this ssssssssshsssshshshsssssick party Shia stop him!
  7. Oh I see we're breaking out the hard stuff *Chuggs sugar free lemonade* TRHS?
  8. This has kind of gotten "off topic" hasn't it people seem to be ignoring the one rule. That's why we shouldn't drink this much water.. it messes with your head. Juu?
  9. *slips on bannana peel into cake* It still tastes good at least. SHIA
  10. Wait! I don't know what a hangover feels like... maybe it was just the flaming chair SHIA NOT THE CAKE!!!
  11. Christmas halloween! but also I can't wait until I have more money for more things for example I can't wait until I can afford mario maker
  12. We're partying again? But I'm still hung over from all that water TRHS?
  13. *Casts full-life* There much better! Thanks Shia!
  14. Oh hey my upvotes are at 33? That's how many millions I went through to get this username

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Omega_Ra1der


      But I have a ketchup packet, the best armor in the world!

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      .. heh .. you shouldn't have done that.. *transforms in a pillar of black fire wielding a black scythe* *Brave**Brave**Brave* *Omnislash* *kills all*

    4. Juniper


      *Rolls across the backdrop like tumbleweed*

  15. *Is dead* *note in hand "I've done this schtick before but all I can say is don't fix what isn't broken. Juu?"*
  16. I don't want to get virgo all up in here so I'll just extinguish the chairs instead. TRHS You're back in time for the party!
  17. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I've played it 7 times...get rekt I hope to see you 'round the forums
  18. Shia, how could you steal my idea like that? T-T
  19. I have no idea either but you could look up amethysts tutorials on youtube, her account is amethyst lidell I believe. Shia?
  20. Shia I'd recommend mentoring or at least giving a few tips for shading and stuff like that, you clearly have it worked out. Mr.M?
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