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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Oh, god no disposable? Why would you say that? Edit: ninja'd by my guess Mr.M
  2. Well all the chairs are on fire like you asked and the balloons have been stapled to the floor as is proper wasteland fashion and all the chairs are stacked up on one another... So we're all set! Juu?
  3. I was talking to family and got held up, Also game grumps played chulip briefly back in the days of old when jon was still not so grump. Why are mine scrambled? Shia how did you know that's my favourite?
  4. *Snaps finger* Wendelin! I have Stapled the balloons to the floor now what? And all the chairs are on fire as requested. Juu?
  5. I got really cold for a second Juu... REALLY cold but I'm fine now. Shia you didn't answer me I'm on the chairs... all of them, I stacked them up is this helping?
  6. ...As in What... I meant souls geez... CHAIRS, I'm on it Shia!
  7. BALLOONS!! I actually already set up a party today so I have the experience... is it the same as a 4 year olds birthday party... Juu?
  8. Shia congratumilations! I'll try okay Honchkr- Mr.M is michael he's popped in every now and then Mde2001 is Michael and he's got a fair amount of stuff done on the forum and is making his own fangame I'm Michael and someone else should tell you what I do nothing Juuzou is.... Juu he's a hittable yet loveable character that I just can't predict, also likes banettes even though they suck Shia is le beouf and they are the leader of the wasteland so don't step out of line And Blanchette is fairly new but also not really and she likes cute things like fairy pokemon and stuffed bunnies Shia did I do good?
  9. I can't! Too many people stole my name! I'm all confused now. Juu you do it! please?
  10. Shia you're back! It's because you missed me right...? I'm michael! But so is mde... I'm assuming me? Wendel I feel the pain you feel just as well because I also re-watched RWBY very recently
  11. I wonder that as well... I wouldn't hit you Juu again Mr. M
  12. You shouldn't hit people blanka it's not nice... but yeah I can see where you're coming from Juu?

    1. Blanchette


      time for tv to rerun nightmare before christmas~

    2. BlueMoonIceCream
  14. mygodyou'reright.. But you also sleep with a blansheet!
  15. Yay another RWBY fan! Did you watch the first episode of volume 3 yet? Do you want me to? Wendel?
  16. Bunnies are fine, I like 'em but... jumpscares... Hello wendel, you got me. Edit: Dang it you ninja kids and your rock music! Blansheet?
  17. Yes FNAF is too spoopy for me, it resonates with some of my deepest fears plus jumpscares are cheap. Blansheet?
  18. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see you 'round the forums... again
  19. In the thread, fair warning you can only escape right now before you're in too deep. Edit: TRHS with the ninja foul play Juu
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