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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. BANNED because of your game grumps reference
  2. you know the only good thing about fighting is the music because my god it would be intolerable otherwise. It's probably the best track in my opinion
  3. BANNED because you can't ban me
  4. BANNED which means you can't ban me, right?
  5. BANNED for lack of canadia
  6. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see you 'round the forums
  7. BANNED for not even having one
  8. BANNED because it was my reason
  9. BANNED because like Game Grumpy or..?
  10. BANNED becuase what's up Juu?
  11. BANNED for also stating the obvious
  12. I honestly don't know what that means, there's also yahoo and bing. Juu?
  13. Maybe your trainer card was already gone but it was lagging behind. Also it's been gone for a while. Juu?
  14. I was just trying to inform people, and I've seen it done before so I thought it was okay but I guess I'll be more careful. Still can't shake this feeling though... Mde?
  15. I said that you can edit your posts so you don't need to double post and you should avoid it in the future as it is against one of the community rules. Or something to that effect. I also mentioned that you can find barboach behind a tree. mde?
  16. I haven't prepared a team so I'm not sure. Besides I feel like I'm not up to the challenge Juu?
  17. How did you not know how to play the game though? I don't see Shia as a person that would get mad. And I know I'll be fine I'll just drown my sorrows in potatoes. Or I'll at least find something to distract me hopefully. Sgt. Noobly?
  18. Still it's got me feeling down, like I screwed up real bad like that one time when I wrote a stupid joke in one of shia's statuses and they removed it and sent me a pm saying it wasn't appropriate. Shia was very nice about it though but I felt bad all day because of it just like this time. Blanchette?
  19. I didn't realise it was there, that's probably better
  20. I didn't realise you could get a warning for that, just thought it would be brushed off as a rookie mistake Juu?
  21. Maybe I should do that too when I make mine. Juu?
  22. I told someone that double posting should be avoided. I thought it was okay because I saw other people do it. Juu?
  23. I hate waiting for things GOD why does time even exist!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Juniper


      If you said yes or no? x.x

      I don't know how to deal with this,

      I'm gonna explode from a bunch of stuff now.


    3. pbood2


      Preach brother!!! I hate waiting and patience is a stupid concept.

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      We should sign a petition to stop time

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