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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. That feeling when you get a verbal warning and feel terrible about it because you didn't know it was a bad thing to do
  2. I got a warning... I didn't realise it was an issue. I made a mistake and I kinda feel bad about it. Juu?
  3. I spent a lot at the beginning but now almost never however I have given people the odd amount every now and again.
  4. BANNED for not having a tongue in your ears
  5. Is there a way to do that? I've seen people having things that I've never seen in the sprite shop so... TRHS?
  6. I believe you can find whiscash from a barboach which you can fish for in chrysolia forests hidden cave It's behind a tree
  7. Y'know I've never used Azumarill until I made that team and let me tell ya it's probably one of my new favourite pokemon Blanchette?
  8. I think we could pull it off right Blanchette?
  9. You'd have to go psychic unless you want a duo-mono-fairy team battle Blanchette
  10. The website automatically puts you trainer card in your signature so you don't have to do it but you do have to have something else in your signature for the trainer card to show up
  11. That would be pretty cool actually why isn't that a thing? Juu?
  12. That feeling when you're battling someone and it gets so intense that you're heart is beating fast and you're shaking afterwards
  13. Today I learned that I have a decent mono-fairy team
  14. I also wasn't prepared for a double battle which is why there were so many flaws in my strategy but I still managed to hold my own which I'm proud of. Blanchette
  15. I told you already you need to get used to the team. I also think you can learn from it and edit your team accordingly. Juu?
  16. You could also use a scrappy Pangoro
  17. Oh, you beat shing? Well you did have an advantage on him. BLANKA!!!?
  18. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see you 'round the forums
  19. I already battled you and the outcome shall be kept a secret by the way. Let's just say it was super close but mistakes were made. Blanka
  20. I would like to use my fairies against it if you don't mind. I've never fought another mono-team with it except for your ghosts
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