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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see you 'round the forums
  2. Sorry I'm late I had to go out for breakfast because there's no food in my house that I can eat. Shia?
  3. I was just informing them of how the ability capsule works on reborn because I believe in main series games it chooses them at random
  4. Juu said that shia's sleeping so biggles will stay lonely for the next however long it takes TRHS?
  5. Well in either case good luck! I have to write a 2000+ word essay on the generic conventions of horror video games which is similar to your plight I guess. TRHS?
  6. Hold on I need two more turns to rest before I can do anything again.. Goodnight Juu And good day Shia?
  7. Unfortunately you can't like I said before it cycle through them it doesn't just pick at random unfortunately so I guess we'll see.
  8. *Brave, Brave, Brave, Casts stona, Casts poisona Uses Elixer, Casts Null-Death* That's all I could think of Juu Did it help?
  9. But Juu I cast fear that's supposed to make the enemy flee from battle. Did it not work?
  10. There are ability capsules throughout reborn in fact one of them is a hidden item right outside one of the factories. You can use that to change the ability though it cycles through them which means that the next one migh not be protean and you'll have to find another ability capsule to change it again. EDIT: Ninja'd, you were too fast for me THIS time but mark my words I WILL get you next time *Steps backwards into the shadows*
  11. I'm sorry I just liked the way it sounds... AquaWaffle?
  12. I'd prefer to be called Michael and my god watch your language there are children here! *casts fear* you should be fine now Jew no need to worry! I can't handle spiders. That was kind of the point but also a coincidence. I GET IT! Good night Jew! Qwaffle
  13. Yay SHIA I like the new sprites! You did a really good job on them! Qwaffle?
  14. This Blanka https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanka not that other one Shia?
  15. Since no one calls me by my name I feel like butchering other people's. Blanka?
  16. Wait! Blanka If you know you can tell me right?
  17. Chrysolia I believe. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V As qwaffle mentioned you need to use the mystery egg event to get the togepi though it is a very low chance, but then again you could end up with something better you never know. The trapinch you can get from a trade, I forget what you need to trade though and finally magikarp isn't available in the current episode though there is a questline that is believed to give you magikarp however you can't complete it until at least episode 16. I hope to see you 'round the forums
  18. I've been calling you qwaffle for a while now, You've never noticed? Anyway I feel inspired and ready to shape my future to work in game design, but since it's halloween break I'm taking a breather. Qwaffle?
  19. Can I just point out that just recolouring these sprites takes forever so I don't know how Shia can do all of that work, so well, so quickly. TRHS?
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