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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. That feeling when you are the only person with a 3ds in your friend circle
  2. Thanks I made it for playing fangames because a lot of the character choices didn't look good to me and I really liked decibels design so I just recoloured the sprites and that's what I came up with. TRHS?
  3. http://imgur.com/rz4zSsJ Take a looksie Blanc?
  4. I've already done that with decibel, do you want to see it? TRHS?
  5. Whoa, movin' to fast there TRHS. I need something simple to get into the swing of things. Juu?
  6. I already have one but it's falling apart, guess it'll have to do in the meantime. Now that that's sorted, what should I make? Juu?
  7. I know it's possible to use a trackpad but you have to admit it would be much easier to use a mouse. And TRHS good thinking.... why didn't I think of that?
  8. Coal? what is this pre-teen 2000's and I just need some simple things but I plan on buying a computer just so I can work on it to become better because a laptop trackpad isn't a very good "pencil" Juu?
  9. Do you have any ide of how much chicken that has fallen from my sandwiches today? DO YOU!?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Yeah I know but I actually don't get I want to laugh too you gaiz

    3. Shamitako


      You'd be chicken for not eating it

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Ohhhh, okay I got confused because "chickening" didn't make sense to me

  10. Well anything from pencil and paper to a computer Juu
  11. I'm being serious, I've always wanted to become a better artist and when I see people's work it makes me want to become better, but unfortunately I can't at least right now. I don't have any equipment. And the sprite you just showed me gives me the urge to try and create something. Juu
  12. It's so good that it inspires me to become a better artist. Juu?
  13. Oh, there up I want to see them! And Juu I like your art so shut up and stop insulting the art I like! Shia?
  14. No someone else did I was actually just about to do it we've gotta wait until tomorrow. Juu?
  15. I can respect that. I'm not the decorator in my house so I can't relate but I can understand what you mean by that. TRHS?
  16. I believe bug is weak to fighting maybe that's where it came from or maybe you associated it with all those grass/poison types that are everywhere
  17. I could give you 1000 if you want it but I'm just shy of 2000 and either way I still need some for myself for when I want to become ace so I'll just gamble my way to 6000 with whatever I have left. If you want it it's yours just thought I'd offer. I don't see the point of decorating at all really. Unless it's the inside of your house in which case go for it, it's a nice change of scenery and is it's own little sub-form of art in my opinion TRHS?
  18. MY EYE WON'T STOP!!! I guess that's fine too even though it's still a bit early, I never understood why people are so eager to put up decorations Also TRHS you didn't answer my question about your rupees. TRHS?
  19. ...IT'S NOT EVEN HALLOWS WEEN YET!!!!!!!! Wow TRHS you are sure efficient *Eye involuntarily twitches*
  20. That's all I ask a we prepare for the following holidays and eventually next year we will be EVEN SPOOPIER!! RIGHT SHIA!!?
  21. No! We can't it's almost hallows ween! We'll be letting them all down! How could you say that TRHS?!
  22. I suggest you watch this video it's fun to watch and educational!... But only if you want to learn how to play the game not very educational for anything else. Also TRHS how many rupees do you need to become Ace, I could make a contribution TRHS?
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