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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Anstane, I thought you said you were going to sleep?
  2. After some damage control he seems to be fine now Right noobly?
  3. I was implying spine but yeah, I did forget, that's like my first one you get like three before you're exiled Yeah, don't give him a hard time about it, not like it was on purpose, it was all in good fun Pedro?
  4. Oh god that sounded way too genuine in my head Yeah, it's in your bed but it'll only appear after a nice long 6-8 hour nap
  5. Nupe 'tis I The one and only SUPERMOON Tempest?
  6. K_H and Anstane Tackled cronos in a "Playful" manner and he fell on tomatoes, I accused them of murdering tomatoes after which cronos pointed out that they ruined his expensive purple suit and then one drama session later I attempted to dissolve the situation and apply the logic of no logic and I have yet to recieve a follow up from asking everyone to apologize other than anstane pointing out it was an accident which in either case merits an apology Tempest?
  7. Do I really have to explain it from the beggining? ;~; Tempest?
  8. I'm... surprised anyone actually read that 0-0 Welcome by the way~ :3 Yeah, but, like, his suit though you just gotta say sorry :c Anstane?
  9. How can you walk out of the room, we're in the wasteland ALL IS ROOM Speaking of there are no rules in the wasteland therefore you are correct TRHS there is no protocol however there is one way to solve disputes in the wasteland and that is the rulers job, the ruler being SHIA who has not predicted in quite sometime. HOWEVER since we are in the wasteland it's safe to assume that the tomatoes were no one's fault they just kinda happened, such is the whimsy of this place In conclusion I would also like to remind you that even though there are no rules in the wasteland you must still adhere to the rules of the game first and foremost, the first rule of the game is to HAVE FUN always remember that and put this whole situation behind you and I know I kinda stirred the pot a bit but for that I apologize and I would expect the same or similar gestures to be shared around you're scaring lucca and confusing our newcomer Pedro Lucca?
  10. Can't fite me evenly? And that's not exactly the main issue, you ruined an expensive suit apparently, I couldn't tell y'know with the silhouette and all Anstane
  11. Oh, no the disappointment wasn't for you it was for the two blue fiends over there. Lucca~
  12. Then explain why there's red everywhere!! Those poor tomatoes did NOTHING!! Anstane?
  13. *Reluctantly comes back* I believe you just killed a man in cold blood and.. whatever that is, so I mean........ Anstane?
  14. *All that goes through cronos mind as he is tackled to the ground is this* Good morning party peop-.. I think I'll leave you guys alone 0-0 Anstane?
  15. The hell's a lucky? Is it me? Explain yourself Pedro! UPDATE: Lucky is someone else and I found them I'll still guess the NEW CHALLANGER APPROACHING Pedro
  16. When I read son I thought son goku not a child but okay? Lugruf?
  17. Silly spine, there's only one planet earth, it's called america Never played it, I've only heard good things though Spine?
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