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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. *sigh* Ju- ... Juulia?!?! *ahem* What was it this time?
  2. BANNED for horrible taste in music
  3. If you are what you eat then doesn't that make cannibals the only normal people?
  4. BANNED for my previous statement
  5. Do you ever play a game with someone for so long that your hands won't move out of the shape of the controller? no? Just me? ...I regret asking

  6. You ruined it! It could've went on forever!! mde?
  7. 'night sky! you better not miss tomorrow or I'll cry! Juu?
  8. Sky did you ignore my raise! Why would you do that?! Sky.. Why? Skwhy?
  9. I'm.. sorry sky there's nothing I c- wait *Casts Slowga* there I made the traffic slower! You're welcome sky!
  10. We were informed of a future renovation to the wasteland in which only certain people are invited? But I'm not sure how it works as this is pretty much all shia said. Also Juu punched me in the foot, I got angry, demanded an apology, then I got sad, Juu felt sad, Juu apologized, we hugged and Juu hugged me for an uncomfortably long time which little does he know is the perfect amount of time for me. It was pretty dramatic... This is an earlier post that you probably didn't read also Juu's hosting a party at snowpoint and we're all invited! Sky? I'm your Navi
  11. What's it from!! I must know!! Juu?????????????????
  12. I will only accept that if you post a source! TRHS
  13. Oh, that's what it was? Okay I get it now though I can't do the same because the song stuck in my head is from a video game and has no lyrics TRHS
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