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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Okay, so for once I made a profit on ALL of the randomly generated rupees

  2. BANNED because Arcanine is best pokeymanz!
  3. I meant video game I should've specified. I didn't like childhood either to be honest, I feel like I was clueless half the time and I always felt like an idiot or I was doing something wrong and I don't even know why. A lot of those kinds of feelings are still present though I at least have the sense now to say that I know it's not true. There's a lot more to this but I'd rather not dive into it at least not here. I liked telltales the walking dead. Why am I still awake it's 1:35am?
  4. Hallows ween break starts after friday! Yay a week off!

  5. Juu might be unconscious right now considering it's 1:15 am Actually I should also sleep goodnight! Mde?
  6. Ohhh I'm so sorry, are you okay, I didn't mean to bring it up... Juu?
  7. Thanks I mostly made it myself. I'm pretty proud of it that's why I'll probably never change it at least not for too long Blanchette?
  8. Ross 'o donovan What is your favourite childhood game that is extremely obscure?
  9. Well, my fringe is long enough to cover my whole face which is pretty long I guess but I still don't think it's enough. Blanchette?
  10. Do you have to bleach longer for a lighter colour? Blanchette?
  11. Really? putting bleach in your hair, that doesn't sound painful at all V●ᴥ●V I guessed Juu because I saw him creepin' on the thread looks like I was wrong so.. TRHS?
  12. Does Off count as a horror game because a lot of that game is terrifying?
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