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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. MILLIONS ARE DEAD!! What would give you that idea Juu? All I was saying was you're funny. Juu?
  2. More so the train but now that you mention it yes that as well. Breezy?
  3. Granted but you're frozen EDIT: Ninja'd Granted but it crashes the website and now everyone is after you. I wish for a wish with no negative repercussions for me or anyone I care even a little about.
  4. Yes. What is your favourite symbol for a currency fictional, dead or otherwise
  5. 10... that is all. What is your favourite instrument?
  6. The question is "What advice would YOU give to someone" if they asked you for it.
  7. What's your favourite instrument?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Well, for the record my favourite is the electric triangle

    3. Cyaloom
    4. KingRyan


      i really like the flute, but it has to have the right notes to it.

  8. http://www.tubechop.com/watch/7046343, reminded me of you Juu.
  9. I had already figured this out but I can't say I've ever actually done it at least not on my reborn game. I haven't seen anyone else mention it on any other thread though.
  10. NOW it's me, I went to sleep and was woken up to a phone call no one usually phones me and I had to sort out a complicated situation. I'm just gonna stay awake for now though. I could out-box you any day. I was thinking white as well just as a test run. Also I feel like growing my hair a bit more so I can use it for the art of cos-play because it might be fun. Although I've never done it before and if I want to start I have a few things to do first. Juu?
  11. YES IT IS I AM- Oh wait I haven't changed my name yet... AmeFist?
  12. yes.................................................? Shia?
  13. I kinda feel like doing something crazy with my hair just for fun, like dye it my favourite shade of blue... Kyan you guess what it is? Noobly?
  14. Gaiz... I'm tired as hell but as usual I must be tech support for my family meaning I'll have to sleep later Shing?
  15. We were informed of a future renovation to the wasteland in which only certain people are invited? But I'm not sure how it works as this is pretty much all shia said. Also Juu punched me in the foot, I got angry, demanded an apology, then I got sad, Juu felt sad, Juu apologized, we hugged and Juu hugged me for an uncomfortably long time which little does he know is the perfect amount of time for me. It was pretty dramatic... Sky? Did this help?
  16. BANNED because the legends of the legends started at gamefreak
  17. It's always me what are you talking about? mde?
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