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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. BANNED because de-fusion?
  2. It means you're an over achiever sky congratulations!
  3. Wait... my microphone isn't working... hey! This crowd is made of cardboard!? My.. my life is a lie... TRHS?
  4. And I'm back in the spotlight to inform you of our next guess! Please welcome to the stage... JUUZOU!!!
  5. V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V I hope to see 'round the forums
  6. Okay back to our regularly scheduled program "Predict the next person to post!!!" Our next guess is.... BLANCHETTE!!! *Applause*
  7. I forgive you Juu V●ᴥ●V. That's all I wanted *offers hug*
  8. Juu, I thought... we were friends... you know I'd never hurt you so.. why are you doing this to me?
  9. I also go back to sleep, either that or go downstairs and see what's up
  10. Are there rules for guessing or can I just list off a few names and see where the dice rolls? Sky?
  11. I just realised something... what if Ame shows up when you don't guess her and someone else guessed someone else... V●ᴥ●V Noobly?
  12. I believe you would've spawned on the ship meaning you would need to talk to Melia on Terajuma shore and she'll tell you what to do next.
  13. BANNED because I couldn't... DIFFUSE the situation V●ᴥ●V
  14. BANNED because that's not what I did at all
  15. I managed to escape death today. There was a potential bomb threat at my school today so I got outta there.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tacos


      Throwback to 8th grade where someone didn't want to go into school so he anonymously threatened the school with a bomb for two weeks in a row.

    3. Blanchette


      I can't help but feel that sounds exciting, but as long as you're ok :)

  16. In other news the belfast school de la salle college has sent all of their students home due to a bomb scare. One of these students known as michael lavery is very confused and he had this to say." 's a bamb! ". Back to you mde
  17. Sunday's almost over... school tomorrow... Still keeping spirits high though

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The5ilverback


      I'm always like that then the morning comes and I'm like ugh school can I just go back to bed thank the heavens I never have to go to school again lol

    3. Blanchette


      im not in sch as well but mons are still bad T_T

    4. The5ilverback


      I think most people hate mondays me included though I really have no idea why I just hate it.

  18. Pikachu why not Magnezone? It's a bit difficult to get but it might be worth looking into
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