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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Unfortunately no u-u Fun against AI though
  2. Oh no, believe me I know it's not good but it's all about style points my dude
  3. I've seen a few in ranked before the WC started but not since, could just be none in group D I dunno?
  4. I am 90% sure it's age of discovery Also I took a long hiatus from way back at the beginning so I haven't had much of an opportunity to clean out boxes the only reason I came back full throttle was because Sonic bird came back for a bit and I didn't wanna miss it I don't really care if he's good I just want the deck because he's rad more than anything else plus the deck should stay fairly consistent with gateway as a field spell, now all we need is terraforming >->
  5. Unfortunately creativity isn't rewarded even here u-u I know the feeling of not being able to climb the ladder, I just want those 400 gems it's like 8 card packs, I don't even know what I'll spend it on, probably neo-impact for those magician's circles after that I'll aim for black luster soldier support because hot damn is that summoning animation a duelists wet dream I need to summon it legitimately
  6. I need windstorm of etequa but ugh, leveling, I just want to get to gold for like a second, I want those gems ;~;
  7. That's an older build of the deck, I do have more outs and stuff now including my own mirror wall which I feel dirty using. As for burn decks ahahahhhahahahhahahahahhahhah kill me I've fought 4 in 2 days, could goddamn swear it was the same person and lost every single one >->
  8. Try mystic shine ball, it's not cheap at all I swear >-> Did you happen to watch the replay I posted it was a prime example of my deck exploding
  9. Uh heheh funny enough I popped their harpie lady 1 with order to charge and that's what won me the game >->
  10. I dunno, maybe a trading fee, use up gold to trade depending on the difference in the rarity of cards, something like that Also Harpie's hunting ground isn't as powerful as it seems, sure it gets over a lot of backrow and can boost your attack and all that but the effect is mandatory if you're going harpies which to be honest you should but you can't gain advantage off of destroying your own cards like you can with hysteric sign >-> I literally fought someone earlier who was using harpies and they were forced to pop their own cards because I had nothing to pop and it severely screwed them over. Also I want to make a harpie deck now >-> goddamnit
  11. Age of discovery?? you know what this game needs, a trading feature, like seriously what were they thinking making an app for a trading card game not have a trading feature
  12. I.. got super lucky with pulls today, I got magician's circle, 2 legion jesters, and.. quite a few ultras o-o including mirror wall I hate myself Oh also I forgot to mention but I eventually got that goddamn bird. I really want sage's stone though and Dark magician girl's, it really sucks that a decent DM deck without putting in 7,000,000 keys for tea just to have a chance
  13. It's also neat because there are a lot of cards I didn't know existed and I'm just like "Whhhhhhhat is this? o-o" Also literally you can search trickstars so easy it's not even funny, terraform lightstage, lightstage searches candina, candina searches GODDAMN EVERYTHING including reincarnation which are the only trickstars I've touched at the moment because I'm the scum of the earth who plays a banishment deck that thrives off of everything involved in that, using candina gives me a use for an extra deck, I can go into rank 4's so easily with her, shame about norden though..
  14. Trickstar's though! I've splashed them into one of my decks and it became so much better it's ridiculous, I love that archetype, it gives me a lot more options to work with. When are we getting them? ;~;
  15. Got one for ya~ Also just out of curiosity what rank are you sitting on, I've been struggling desperately to get past silver rank 5 - _ -
  16. Oh, no, I know how to save them just not how to upload them, I have a few I wan show off :3
  17. How did you post that replay by the way?
  18. Negating is too powerful in any format, I mean it can be inherently bricky due to its activation requirements but the Blue-Eyes deck is ridiculously consistent to the point of it not even being an issue
  19. Oh hey we're both in group D Also I fixed my furry bait deck and it's super fun to play with I just need a goddamn sonic bird and two more venus, I need to see if 3 is too bricky because I'm not gonna lie it sets me up quite nicely. I use it to summon mystic shine ball, use white elephant's gift and that quick spell that you use to tribute a normal monster and pop a face-up card on your opponent's field. Fortunately Venus is Super so it shouldn't be that hard to get, i actually much prefer this deck over my blue-eyes one now, the duels I won were super satisfying and fun
  20. Here's my current build although I just got Burst stream of destruction and removed spirit ryu so I need to replace that with something, not sure what though at the moment if only I had a sonic bird to switch it with
  21. There is also one more reason I like using paladin is because if I use fullfilment of the contract which is essentially a Premature burial for ritual monsters I can summon him activate his effect again and get 2 blue-eyes out. also for the record I play ultimate because why not it's fun, I also run goddess with the third eye, dai grepher, spirit ryu and ryu senshi at one because it gives me more options and is also fun
  22. Believe me I'm aware of how powerful the cards are This is more or less my reasoning as for Kaibaman I think I have two or 3 of him currently in my deck but I run paladin as well because of blue summoner, tribute him search a blue-eyes summon the blue-eyes next turn off Kaibaman kinda deal As for Yugi, I feel like he's not been gettin enough love just in general kinda annoys me because he's by far my favourite character from the anime so I just wanna see him shine u-u Besides while the characters may look similar and have similar morals but they are by far different people so I still think he should be playable, they even put him in duel links for crying out loud so I don't see why not, maybe a ceremonial duel event or something *shrugs*
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