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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. It snowed last year or.. this year I guess in like march or something, in fact I don't think I've seen a snow-less year so far Lugruf?
  2. Did that happen? I don't remember I have never lucid dreamed the concept is lost on me Spine
  3. For the record my initials are M.L. so congrats XD Spine?
  4. Okay first of all hi, sorry for all the wrong guesses I went out yesterday without access to the internet an passed out when I got home for a significant 13 hours, how that happened I will never know but eh and second of all I know you said stop talking about it but this kind of thing's happened to me before as well but rather than it be during sleep it was when I was on the verge of sleeping like a weird limbo type deal, and I freaked the fuck out I couldn't move and I didn't even know if I'd ever be able to again, also I swear to god i could see someone staring at me through the window but I couldn't turn my head when I looked no one was there. In fact ironically I once had a nightmare where I had sleep paralysis that also freaked me the fuck out and woke me up to find that I had it except it didn't last as long as the first time so either I wasn't actually dreaming or it's just a weird coincidence. All of this really sucks because you know how much I like sleeping hence the 13 hour sleep I had last night. Juu?
  5. Yeah VIRI dropped the ball on that one inb4 I forgot something important too Spine?
  6. End of an era This is a must know I like a lot of it, especially the jojo poses No spoilers though some people would like to keep some element of surprise TRHS?
  7. Tired and barely hanging in there What about you Viri?
  8. I should have slept 5 hours ago~~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ironbound


      There's no such thing as too much coffee

    3. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      Until your heart explodes

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Update: 9 hours ago

  9. It's nearly 2am so I don't expect to see him until tomorrow if ever again Lucca?
  10. Everyone's coming back today and it's a little confusing There's you, Juu and cronos
  12. That wasn't an answer to my question :c Dragon?
  13. Either or really Why are cards so expensive Lugruf?
  14. Glaceon's are cute and fluffy, and "Nyanstane" that's why we need you here Juu
  15. Haven't seen you here in a while either Cronos?
  16. I have some serious anxiety right now and I'm not sure how to resolve it or at leas calm down a bit

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tartar


      Read this: https://www.amazon.com/How-Stop-Worrying-Start-Living/dp/0671733354

      Go find it in a library or just find it online. Go read a few chapters and you'll feel better, probably.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Been a while since I've read anything, I'll try it out

    4. KingRyan
  17. Yeah, I was looking up banette for... reasons >-> and learned its japanese name Also Juu I heard you were too busy to hang about so I wish you luck if I never see you again
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