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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. BANNED because only I can be me
  2. Yeah, but when I'm here it's never a bad day! Right Shia?
  3. BANNED because I figured it out why can't you?
  4. It's mean to be a train conductor. Maybe I should change the colour of the hat? Um, Shia?
  5. I haven't heard anything from biggles so that could be good or bad... probably bad.. and thanks I made it myself mostly. How 'bout you Blanchette heard any stories in the wasteland?
  6. I'm feelin' a little spoopy today shia How are you?
  7. It's officially the 16th meaning it's time to get 3spoopy5u up in here!

    1. AeroWraith



  8. So.. no more jungles? Well, there goes that theory
  9. Also you can get a free growlithe! #ArcanineBestPokémon
  10. Juu seems to be offline it is pretty late. The worst injury I've had is an ankle sprain but it was admittedly my own fault, it was on an overnight school field trip.
  11. I can't ride a bike... Cycling sounds fun, except for all the people that I feel like would be staring at me if I were to do it... Blanchette?
  12. I believe the last 3 are in the beryl ward. One is in the jungle one is in the library and one is in one of the building right before you reach the pulse machine.
  13. I would't get rid of Braixen considering later it can easily replace those two pokemon and you could probably find a better ground type than Camerupt, like Krookodile. Also Haxorus is a pretty powerful pokemon so I'd recommend keeping it.
  14. If that's pronounced how I think it is then we have another problem Juu...
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