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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Yes you are correc- wait why'd you change it? ... :| Blanchette?
  2. My god listen to this it's too good!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zimvader42


      Well...I would normally agree with you on that...but since I love instrumentals and I have a thing for repeating songs over and over....I can't say I got tired after listening to the whole 14 minute long video. Twice. xD

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Eh, we're jsut different folks. For me it depends on the song. I'm actually a person who like instrumentals more than vocal songs. ((because an instrumental is about anything your mind decides it's about lol.)) Most of those songs tend to be that long but have rising and falling points etc... and are much more varied. Therefore I hate extended versions of VGM becuase they get boring to listen too imo.

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      I like the song and I couldn't stop smiling and had to force myself to stop listening so I could actually play the game. Also You don't need to listen to the whole thing. The actual track is only 56 seconds long

  3. C'mOooOOn please help? My brain can't handle it! When's the last time you've seen something cool and adorable at the same time? Juu?
  4. Please help me figure it out people it's driving me crazy! d-uuuuh TRHS?
  5. You know the person who made this thread, gyaradoskiller what is his profile picture of it looks oddly familiar and it's driving me crazy. uhhh Juu?
  6. Yeah, but what time is it mde? For me it's around 8:35 am
  7. BANNED because he uploads on his own channel and I literally just watched his latest video but still miss him even though I like danny probably more.
  8. BANNED because I've never seen it so I don't have an opinion
  9. 2 can't believe it's true. The answer is no jericho
  10. I think sky's asleep shia that's why I said I missed him, thought I missed you too but I don't know what time it is for other people I'm just guessin' here. What do you mean by renovations Shia?
  11. Today I learned it's hard to express things through text such as sarcasm and various forms of jokes
  12. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ I hope to see you 'round the forums
  13. I slept for a significant amount of time (13-14 hours) and now I have a splitting headache.. please help

    1. TimTim


      Take a stroll outside for a few min see if it gets any better~

    2. TimTim


      or you can just continue your eternal sleep XD

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Wait..... yeah it's gone... Also it's fairly dark outside so taking a stroll might not be the best idea plus it's freezing and all I have to wear are shorts

  14. I woke up 3 hours earlier than anticapated... and I have a splitting headache but 13-14 hours later I'M BACK PEOPLE! Aw I missed juu... and sky.. and shia.. TRHS?
  15. I'm going to sleep now... It's 4 in the afternoon and I plan on sleeping until 8 am tomorrow morning so good afternoon, good evening, good night and good morning everyone But especially you JUU!!!
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