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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Yes.... Yes.... I can't think of anything else to say... Juu?
  2. ...I just woke up.... it's 6 in the afternoon... I have school tomorrow...RIP TRHS?
  3. YES! Once again I grace you people with my presence! What's with all the different people mde?
  4. Well, I don't see a problem with it... Anyway we all know sky has a crush on me so it's fine I'll just risk the universe to find out. Right Breezus?
  5. Sky ain't here he's too embarrassed to admit his feelings juu
  6. Today I learned people like things that I make
  7. For yesterday: I like tangarines For today: I normally spend most of my time here as o late just talking to people, or I would be playing video games and/or watching anime or youtube videos
  8. *Casts Temper* *Casts Haste* *Casts Saber* *Casts Protera* I think that's enough but I haven't got much mana left TRHS
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