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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. Okay, dude, real quick I just got where you got Juupetta from
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exalted


      shame the bloody game has its rom already leaked

    3. Jmanultrax1


      which someone on youtube has already beaten and posted

    4. Vinny


      I don't need it

      I don't need it

      Definitely don't need it...

  2. Are you calling me vanilla!! How dare you associate me with such a plain flavour Dragons>Metal but what about Dragons+Metal?! Spine?
  3. Anyone play Xenoverse 2? I need help :|

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kurotsune


      I have the pc version.

      This should help ->

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Interesting, he got to Janemba with 8 minutes, I'll try it out

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Okay, wow it worked and I was NOT even close to finishing the mission, I didn't even know Mira was at the end

  4. It took nearly 12 HOURS for the silence to be broken what?! Noobly?
  5. It's almost that wonderful time of year where you can comfortably snuggle under a blanket without setting aflame and drinking hot cocoa with marshmallows is the healthy option Anstane?
  6. I also have a hatred for exams, I've already ranted about them before though Quizzes are fun because there's no pressure y'know COBALT WHERE YOU BEEN MY DUDE?!
  7. Exactly, the pain would be minimised, but it shouldn't be painful should it? Learning should be a fun experience in fact I love learning new things but when you turn it into a merciless competition then it causes a lot of pain for people, there's too much pressure to succeed and no room for failure it's no wonder a lot of people quit out Spine?
  8. Oh, god no I always did my homework except for the times that I didn't so I mean there you go I don't like the idea of homework it's a horrible idea to force someone to do work in their off time, I want to relax when I get home not have crippling anxiety about doing homework that half the time you don't even know what you're suppose to do because they didn't explain it and you're just hoping to god that the majority of the class didn't do it so the teacher shouts at everyone instead of just you Spine?
  9. Bit late but why not? Rose keep the chain goin' even though it's technically against the rules but eh
  10. I only napped because I couldn't sleep last night, between my brother having the tv on in my room and the interview the next day it took me, no joke 7 hours to get to sleep Spine?
  11. Speaking of sleep I was napping and was awoken from a pretty sweet dream Lugruf?
  12. I put it in a spoiler for your well-being can't say I didn't warn ya Anstane?
  13. Literature? Like, Of mice and men, Shakespeare? Spine?
  14. Well I personally don't care for this kind of discussion so I'll stay out of it but I don't mind if you work away K_H
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