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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. A pokemon with flash fire is a good lead and even better if it has heat wave it could destroy her team because the AI is less likely to go for your pokemon if they resist fire. The flash fire boost plus the field will combust with heat wave or her typhlosions eruption and her ninetails's drought powers it up to no end. ARCANINE oh, right mde?
  2. yep, and thanks I'll get on it before the day is done! Red thunder?
  3. Well... I DIDn't I don't even think I can do it on a homicide run.. Unfortunately I have to re-do everything because I saved after losing to papyrus which means I can't beat him without killing him. All because I didn't flirt with him..
  4. What if I told you I killed toriel... shing? I mean red thunder
  5. The earliest time you can reach 7th street is after you receive your eighth gym badge. The story will progress with you going to 7th street later it's not a side thing, and you have to make it through tanzan cave and route 1 before you fight the eighth gym leader. Also You can't obtain beldum until you have at least 10 gym badges, so either way you're going to have to wait.
  6. A thank god I'm running out of n's... Oh wait nido lines damnit! Alomomola
  7. YES1! you are correct but also not but whatever point is I'm in the spotlight now and it's too bright.. TURN IT DOWN A BIT I'M JUST AWAKE!!1! Ahem, Sgt. Noobly?
  8. BANNED because my internet was fine it was the webpage that had a heart attack, I made sure by opening another tab and trying youtube
  9. It's actually universal destruction and he does have to tell us or he'll be punished by ame! Don't you know where we are!
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