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Everything posted by BlueMoonIceCream

  1. It's possible I may have a problem

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TRHStatement


      Don't look at it as a problem, look at it as an essential attribute

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      The game told me I had a problem doe.. It's head was through the roof and under ground.. I just couldn't.. stop..

  2. You could call people clods. It basically means a lump of dirt and is commonly used to refer to someone who is unintelligent. Also the hard C sound at the beginning gives it more of an impact.
  3. If you liked this level, you should watch danny and arin play all of ross's bullshit levels. For the record ross the one who made THAT level is a self-proclaimed sadist, he likes to see his friends suffer and boy did they while playing his levels. Juu?
  4. If it comes to it mde... I have to do it... balme sky for not telling me though, it's technically not my fault
  5. I know it! and I feel it too so don't worry juuzou we'll get the information out of him even if it destroys the universe!
  6. When is the appropriate time to change my avatar for the hallows ween

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Juniper


      Boxing day.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      See juuzou boxing is better it even has its own day

    4. mde2001
  7. It was so obvious how did you not notice juu?
  8. 9 and I feel fi- I should think of something else... um.. 9
  9. Sky.... real talk..... do you have a crush on me?
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